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Woman oppressing men. |
Women reading this site may not appreciate just how many ways men are oppressed in our society. So here’s a first-hand report from the battlefront, found on the Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) forum.
Let’s set the scene: our hero is out picking up a couple of things at a Safeway, when the first oppressor of men comes into view:
I walk in and there is a woman with a basket with maybe 10lbs worth of items in her left hand and a small item in her right, she not only walks very slowly but blocks the entire fucking space and almost nails an old man in the back of the leg with the basket. I literally wanted to push her the fuck out of the way.
Our hero manages to circumvent this obstacle without resorting to violence. Then — oh no! — some gay guys come into view! Just so you know, these were REAL gay guys. No, they weren’t actually having anal sex in the store while listening to Cher, but they didn’t need to be for our hero to figure out their secret. You see, our hero has highly tuned gay-detecting abilities.
Then its the two gay guys, how do i know they are gay? Please don’t say to me the PC bullshit you cant tell a dude is gay by how they act, feminized lispy speech has never EVER let me down 100% of the time, they were gay.
That settled, we move on to their dastardly behavior:
They happen to separate and take all of the spots at self check out making me wait even though they were clearly “together” then walking out these same two are lallygagging like the woman blocking me from exiting the store, I stood there for 5 seconds and just looked at them, like the self-importance meter is just running off the charts here!
Yes, yes it is.
Oh but now we come to the kicker. Brace yourself. It’s: A TEENAGE GIRL CROSSING THE STREET!!!
If you’re not already sitting down, please do so at once, as reading about this encounter may well chill you to your very bones:
Driving back in the rain, visibility and braking power obviously reduced, I am making a left hand turn on A GREEN FUCKING ARROW, and little girl who is probably 15-16 years old is walking across the street on a DON”T FUCKING WALK sign … I slam on my brakes and FUCKING WAIL ON MY HORN at her. She gave me the “Doe in the headlights” look and just blinked at me, that’s it.
The worst part of it? Our hero is literally prohibited — by evil feminist laws and by the feminazi press — from simply running her down.
Sad part I can tell you what happens if I hit the girl, the headline would read “Man mows down helpless 15 year old girl, and is not in the least remorseful”. Also my insurance policy would have to pay a massive settlement out to her regardless because she was injured or killed even if i am found 99% not at fault a 1% at fault claim would still probably net her or her family a massive amount of money that no one deserves for this Darwinian fucking reject.
Oh, the humanity!
Brave, brave man, please continue Going Your Own Way.
>A loose cannon who thinks the world centers around him. Great. Is this one of the same men who took the chair dragging personally?
>The author of the OP does not insinuate that any of this represents "oppression of males." In fact, the title of his rant is "I think I am losing it," which I would agree with.Troll harder.
>Yeah, it was on a board devoted to men "going their own way," and his only examples were women and gay men. Gender probably played no role in his anger. Perhaps I should have quoted from the "Boo hoo why didn't anyone help rape victim?" topic on the same site. http://mgtow.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=4111
>People post random shit on random boards all the time. If you dug up one of my misanthropic rants about life from a gaming board I frequent, does that suddenly make all gamers misanthropes?Free invitation: http://www.bellinghamlan.com/forum/member.php?u=80
>Oh, I forgot to mention that in a follow-up comment that guy complains that he's "tired of heterosexual men of all colors getting the shaft." Which, again, is not a shock given that the whole MGTOW thing is based, essentially, on the notion that girls are icky. Pretty much every discussion thread there is filled with this sentiment. If you can find one that isn't, let me know.
>Valkyrie Profile and Guilty Gear? Good taste, man.
>David, do yourself a favor and Google the term "fallacy of composition".
>Do yourself a favor and read this. Specifically #2 and #3http://manboobz.blogspot.com/2010/11/top-ten-dumb-things-to-assume-about-me.html
>That doesn't change the fact that you are clearly using these cherry-picked examples in an effort to smear the movement in general.
>Whatever David chooses to highlight on this board is a drop in the bucket of what can be found on the MRM sites to make the movement look bad. The MRM had a bad reputation because of what can be found on their sites long, long before this blog started.
>Then why does David have such a hard time finding actual MRM articles that can be used to smear the movement? Oh he tries to take a few and misrepresent them, with Paul Elam being his favorite target, but for the most part he simply goes quote mining in comment sections and forums.The MRM has a bad reputation among feminists, but that is to be expected. In fact, it's a barometer for how well we are doing. Feminists used to just ignore us or laugh at us, but now the feel the need to fight us because we are getting stronger every year and now pose a real threat to their power and privilege.
>ChristineIf that was a drop in the bucket, David would have more than 2 or 3 sources.Generally, the commentary on feminist sites is much more bigoted and offensive than it is on mens rights sites. It just flys under the radar of feminists because to them, its normal and correct.
>to highlight on this board is a drop in the bucket of what can be found on the MRMTo highlight all and everything which is bad about feminism, you will need already a powerful data-server and not a little blog like this one.So far all what David is doing, is asking MRAs to give him some links to websites, or asking for some replies from MRAs to a certain subject. After receiving a reply, he is quoting some lines out of context, distorting the meaning of the entire reply. Now he is lurking in some websites, picking out from MRM blogs some outsider-comments and is claiming all MRAs are hating women and also gays.No problem David, just continue the good work, read our forums. MRAs have nothing to hide.
>You guys have your heads in the sand. MRM has a bad reputation among everyone who knows about it who isn't an MRM, including people like myself interested in men's rights. Stop defending your wing nuts and start denouncing them or the movement will stay like this forever.
>Sandy, could you be specific about who in the MRM you consider to be "wing nuts"?
>@ Sandy,You and people like you are not for men's rights. You don't care what men want and need. What you are for is women's rights that you claim will also help men. But they will not. No thank you.But just out of idle curiosity, what issue that is pro men's rights do you support? Random Brother
>"If that was a drop in the bucket, David would have more than 2 or 3 sources.""Then why does David have such a hard time finding actual MRM articles that can be used to smear the movement? Oh he tries to take a few and misrepresent them, with Paul Elam being his favorite target, but for the most part he simply goes quote mining in comment sections and forums."Of course neither of these comments is true. This stuff is everywhere. Go to virtually any of the dozens of sites in my sidebar and you will find ample evidence of misogynist posts and/or comments. I've posted 77 posts since starting this blog. I have no trouble at all finding material; the MRM is overflowing with toxic crap. As for the quotes I take from message boards — and I quote message boards less frequently than I quote actual blog posts — very few of them are challenged by other commenters on the message boards in question. You can pretend that these examples are atypical, but they're not. Heck, go look at my "worst of the men's rights movement" post. I added a bit at the end quoting a MRA source that responded to my post by suggesting that almost all of the despicable stuff I quote is just peachy with him. Again, if the dozens of sites I have in my enemies list are somehow unrepresentative of the MRM, let me know what sites you do consider representative. Let me know what MRM sites out there are free from misogyny. I can only think of a handful that aren't, and because of this they're not on my enemies list.
>"So far all what David is doing, is asking MRAs to give him some links to websites, or asking for some replies from MRAs to a certain subject. After receiving a reply, he is quoting some lines out of context, distorting the meaning of the entire reply."Uh, only a small handful of MRAs have actually given me links to MRA sites to look at, and in one case I knew about the link already. The Japanese site you mentioned had homophobic stuff on it, and I pointed this out.
>Heck, take a look at the most-recently updated sites in my "enemies list" Top one, no comments, just a press release.Second to top, the spearhead. An article suggesting that women would be happier if they didn't work outside the home. "If things are to change, we need to stop pushing girls into unnatural roles and telling them from a young age that they can and should “do anything.” "Among the comments: Herbal Essence November 16, 2010 at 12:04 Women can only win when the game is heavily rigged in their favor. And then once they reach their goals, they tend to perform at a lower level than a man. American taxpayers are paying for legislation and bureaucracies that make our economy less competitive. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 1Paradoxotaur November 16, 2010 at 12:16 “because no matter how much money, power and responsibility American women have, they asre always going to demand more from men.” They can demand all they want. It doesn’t mean they’re going to get their demands met. Just say no, or Hell NO! or “Whatever. I’m going fishing/motorcycling/whoring/out for a beer.” I suggest we men take time to focus on our own lives. A little bit. A lot. With or without women. Whatever works for you. Believe me, when other men see you living the life you want to live, and that they dream about, it can set powerful forces in motion. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0Keyster November 16, 2010 at 12:18 In stark contrast to the US, where women demand more hours, more responsibilities and greater power and control over men in the workplace… Women in the US are NOT demanding more hours or responsibility, just more power and control. Watch the coming weeks closely as Harry Reid tries to get the PFA (Paycheck Fairness Act) passed in the senate. What elected official in his/her right mind would vote AGAINST paycheck fairness for women? The feminist/marxists want the government to decide what women should get paid. And businesses can’t avoid hiring women, because the government dictates how many women you employ and promote already, they’ll move off-shore. Am I the only one who sees this as a problem? Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0(There were also some posts that weren't blatantly misogynistic, but the misogynist posts weren't challenged by anyone, and they all were upvoted.)
>@OPWow, this guy is oozing with homophobia and misogyny, not to mention some serious anger issues. I get angry too at stupid stuff, but I don't see how that translates to attacking a person's gender, sexual orientation, race, etc., it's completely irrelevant that they were gay or women… Do you think if it had been a bunch of guys like himself getting in his way he would have had the same amount of anger? It's very telling about the type of men who frequent these forums and blogs if they're upvoting such crap. I mean, you could say that's not what the majority of MRAs think, but then why aren't the comments downvoted then?
>In this case, there's no up or downvoting. But the post got a lot of sympathy. Some of those responding said relatively non-hateful things like this: We all get upset dude- sometimes it's just a bad day while other times, you realize just how bad society has gotten. Read more: http://mgtow.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=4113#ixzz15UFH1kUmBut there were also a bunch of comments blatantly attacking women, like:I hate going to Safeway and having to interact with women and their frik'n kids.Read more: http://mgtow.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=4113&page=2#ixzz15UEXew4d"While I would much rather know the truth than the BS we get subjected to every day it is still hard to even begin to comprehend just how FUBAR our society is especially when it so blatantly rewards and praises women no matter what they do – the accounts of how women have treated husbands and children in divorce courts as well as in marriage, the women who have killed, lied, cheated, stolen, abused and destroyed … with little or no punishment from society. Even worse some of them are celebrated as heroines for their despicable crimes. … Read more: http://mgtow.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=4113&page=2#ixzz15UDjADD5And the best, as in worst, one (the last sentence is a doozy):Welcome to my world. My city has one of the highest rates for automobile insurance in the US, and I think I know why. I have learned to practice extreme defensive driving because of the large number of women driving SUVs or other large vehicles while gabbing their inanities on cell phones. I rarely see a woman in an SUV who does not have a cell phone glued to her ear. They do not understand or refuse to heed the concept of right-of-way.Women also come to a halt as soon as they enter a parking lot. There can be a hundred empty spaces, but they hold up traffic because they cannot make up their minds. At other times, they will obsess over a space close to the entrance and hold up traffic ten minutes because they are unwilling to take a space that requires them to walk a few yards.I have learned to go to supermarkets early in the morning. Last time I went at a crowded hour, I tried to get around a fat, slow-moving woman who began shouting, "Excuse you! Excuse you!"I have come to the conclusion that it's not enough to avoid romantic relations with women. A man should take extra precautions to avoid even the most casual contact. Regard them as nuclear waste or a highly contagious disease.Read more: http://mgtow.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=4113#ixzz15UEthlBR
>@David Yeah, there were two responses there – to the OP and then to you about the upvoted posts. Sorry for the confusion. "I have come to the conclusion that it's not enough to avoid romantic relations with women. A man should take extra precautions to avoid even the most casual contact. Regard them as nuclear waste or a highly contagious disease." OMFG, trust me: I think I can assume I'm speaking for all women and (humankind in general): please avoid us like the "plague" and we will do our very best to do the same in avoiding you.You know what would be great? If these guys wore T-shirts that said "I'm a Misogynist" or "I'm a Rape Apologist" or "I'm an MRA" so we could easily avoid them… of course, they just really have to open there mouths to say it themselves I suppose…
>DAVID:(There were also some posts that weren't blatantly misogynistic, but the misogynist posts weren't challenged by anyone, and they all were upvoted.) —–TEC: (It's very telling about the type of men who frequent these forums and blogs if they're upvoting such crap. I mean, you could say that's not what the majority of MRAs think, but then why aren't the comments downvoted then?)——Why aren't the comments downvoted then?Well, David and Tec, you have to understand, that people have a choice and it seems not all people agree with your personal views.If you downvote and many more upvote an article, it seems the majority of readers does not agree with your opinion.Not long time ago a feminist told me, we cannot have a female US president, it's the fault of this patriarchy etc. etc….and I said, you can have a female president of the USA, but she must be elected… and it seems the majority did not elect her.Is this so difficult to understand?I am now a misogynist in her feminist pink eyes…And about these so-called 'misogynists', they are not misogynists, they only reject certain feminist-minded American women out of various reasons. The word 'misogynist' has a totally different meaning.
>"…and I said, you can have a female president of the USA, but she must be elected… and it seems the majority did not elect her."Actually, under the US Electoral College system, one could win the majority of overall votes (known as the popular vote) and still lose the election if they don't receive the majority of electoral college votes.
>This happens sometimes, also in other countries worldwide and not only in USA, when elections are related to delegates for the parliament.Population is not exactly the same in the election districts. There are differences.This has however nothing to do with the gender.It has nothing to do with MRAs, feminism etc.About presidential election, it's about USA which is especially complicated due to the election process for each state, most countries are just counting 1 person = 1 vote for a presidential election.I do not expect any change about the election system in USA soon, not a topic as far as I know. I also doubt if any change of the election process could be helpful for any American female candidate.