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QuoteOTD: Whatever terrible crap men do, it’s all women’s fault. Their sexy fault.


The quote of the day today is a long and rambling one, so buckle up. It’s from a comment on The Spearhead, by a fellow named Snark, which was enthusiastically highlighted by the Schopenhauer-loving, Age-of-Consent-Law-hating theantifeminist on his creepy blog. The theme of the post? Whatever nasty, violent, bad shit men do is all the fault of hot young women, who control men through the power of their evil sexiness.

Before settling into his argument proper, Snark gets one little point out of the way: he’s not talking about feminists, who are, he says, generally too old, or, if young, too “neurotic and/or ugly” to control men with the promise of sexy sex. No, Snark is talking about hot young women, who control men without having to resort to feminism. Oh, feminism is evil. But pretty girls are evil squared. So let’s begin:

There is a whole different game of misandry being played here. They already hold the power – sexual power – and so have no need to engage in things like feminism. They already have everything feminism could offer them, that is, control over men.

Gynocentrism Theory teaches us that even when those individuals in powerful roles are mostly men, they are doing the bidding of women, not of men en masse; thus the lie is given to Patriarchy Theory, which suggests ridiculously that the few men in power stick up for all the ‘little guys’ out there, against the interests of women.

Gynocentrism Theory then tells us what women – either the non-feminists who sexually control men, or successful feminists – actually do with this power over men. They get men to fight each other. …

Men aren’t naturally violent or aggressive; they simply have the potential to be these things. It is the fact that women reward with sex those who prove themselves to be the most violent and aggressive which makes men act violently and aggressively.

Hmm. So by this logic, then, we can assume that Hitler was just a hapless schmo driven to genocidal fury by thoughts of Eva Braun all tarted-up in a sexy dirndl. Heck, he probably would have spent his whole life painting pictures of butterflies had it not been for all those foxy frauleins. And just imagine how much worse World War II would have been if he’d actually had two balls, instead of just the one! Let’s continue:

The price of a woman’s titillation is an innocent man getting his head smashed in as he walks home. This, just so that the perpetrator can be sexually selected. Woman’s role in the crime is concealed; she didn’t perform the act, after all; she only manipulated the man’s natural stimulus and response system to get him to perform a violent display for her sexual benefit.

Poor men are stuck between their rock-hard dicks and a hard place:

The outcome of all this is that men today are being ground between two millstones: on the one hand, non-feminist women demand that men must act aggressively and violently if they are to be sexually selected; on the other, their feminist sisters demand increasingly brutal punishments for men who act precisely in this way.

Oh, and the way those ladies dress!

[T]oday we are subject to the new phenomena [of] ambient porn, that is, the promise of sexual rewards from desirable young women at every turn. Women who decry pornography do so while dolled up to look like porn stars themselves, and don’t you dare criticise them for it. There is no escaping the pink wurlitzer: male sexuality is provoked everywhere you look, whether in images from your TV screen, or in magazines, adverts at bus stops, billboards, and more pervasively and perversely than all of this, in the flesh, walking around absolutely everywhere from your home to the local store to the place you work. …

The pink wurlitzer? Do you mean … this? Never mind. Onward:

Our sexuality is being forever provoked, taunted, prodded at. All to ensure that we react in that ‘real manly’ way that the young non-feminist women demand, so that we can promptly be caught and brutalised by white knights employed by institutions controlled and run by or for the benefit of feminist women.

How Women Rule the Universe

And what set all this in motion? The bikini? The Wonderbra? Nope:

[T]his was all quite possibly set in stone from the moment women were granted the vote.

The vote! That sexy, sexy right to vote.

Not that this argument, such as it is, deserves a rebuttal, but if men are naturally nonviolent, and women are the cause of their violence, why do gay men get into fights?

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David Futrelle
14 years ago

>What if a 40 year old meets a 14 year old that SHE is madly in love with – and wants to bear him children – and the 14 year old feels the same?Then SHE needs to get into therapy, quick, because she's got some issues. If SHE acts upon her feelings, she should go to jail.

14 years ago

>@Anon"The fourteen year old is too young to decide what she wants."Aren't there people of all ages who are too incompetent to decide what they want?@David:I'm gonna be a smart-ass now…Lets suppose that there are 5 people left on the earth: 1 14-year old boy, and 4 40-year old women.In 3 years time, all 4 women will have passed menopause – and be infertile.We should just let the human race parish in this case? Since the boy will only be 17 – and not old enough to "decide what he wants"?I guess my own perverted philosophy: These things should be decided on a case-by-case basis…How about a mentally fit 14 year old having sex with a mentally-handicapped 40 year old…Who is taking advantage of who?As I first stated:The age of consent laws have either been hijacked by people who are incredibly stupid, or they have been hijacked by radical feminists…Since I hear about the 19-year old young man having to register as a sex offender MORE OFTEN – I am assuming it is a combination of both…And, that premises makes a bad assumption:That people who are incredibly stupid and radical feminists – are not the SAME group of people…

14 years ago

>There are people who are legally mentally incompetent and in some states it is also illegal to have sex with them, as they are incapable of consent. I believe that anyone incapable of consenting to sex should be incapable of committing the crime have having sex with someone who cannot legally consent.

14 years ago

>"Did you know that in colonial times, some women got married at 13?"Do you know in colonial times women were treated like shit and that's why they were married off at 13? However the average age was in the 20's and 13 wouldve been considered to young even then.

14 years ago

>"I believe that anyone incapable of consenting to sex should be incapable of committing the crime have having sex with someone who cannot legally consent."That raises an interesting point: why is it that a boy considered too young to consent to sex is still considered old enough to be "tried as an adult" for rape after being accused? Seems a little contradictory, until you take the feminist agenda into consideration at which point it makes perfect sense.

14 years ago

>@Anon (above coldfire).No – I did not know that women were treated like shit in colonial times. I did not know this – because that is not true.I also did not know that the sky used to be RED all the time, and that the moon did not exist in colonial times either – again, because those things are not true either…The reason women were married so young – is that life expectancies were short.Dang – you are just a tad mixed up eh?

14 years ago

>@Coldfire:It is certainly not part of the feminist agenda. It is more of a child's rights issue, and one a feel very strongly about. It is ridiculous to charge children with statutory rape. You will usually find police officers and district attorneys defending this policy, not feminists. In fact, girls are swept up in the "charge children with sex crimes" madness as well, see the many recent cases of girls being charged with child pornography for taking pictures of themselves.

Wonder Woman
14 years ago

>Why is Anonymous, "Anonymous"? If you really believe and stand behind your "words".. or perhaps you're simply a mangina…

14 years ago

>The thing is, feminism is not about equality. It is about creating legal privileges for women, while increasingly depriving men of their rights. Just to give some typical examples:Violence Against Women Act. Women are to receive special protection from the law. Add to this domestic violence laws which define things in terms of male on female violence only. Assorted campus violence against women and raype events; yet there are no similar events for men, say, how to defend against a false charge of rape. Clearly, you as a man are a second class citizen on campus.IMBRA (meant to deprive men of their right to choose a foreign mate). Womyn's commissions, which push all sorts of pro-female, anti-male policies. (For ex: in my city, special programs to "protect" women on Superbowl Sunday, repeating the lie that this is the most dangerous day for women.)Endless numbers of womyn's studies and womyn's resource centers which proliferate on campus, becoming power centers to push pro-feminist and anti-male policies. And of course, the draft.As usual, we can expect the henpecked "men" in government to do the bidding of their female masters.

14 years ago

>Anonymous October 14, 2010 4:52 PM "No – I did not know that women were treated like shit in colonial times. I did not know this – because that is not true."Being regarded as cattle and having no legal or economic recourse was the high life.
14 years ago

>I appreciate that you allow a free discussion here and even link to my blog.I just happen to have a new post on the topicVictim dupes man into raping her. How can you rape without knowing and intent?The posts about teenage sex laws are hereTeenage Sexuality witch huntI actually focus on child pornography. While one can make an argument, that 17 or 15 year old boys are victims when they have sex with a 25 year old bombshell, there really is no argument why you can have sex with a 16 year old in Europe, but go to jail if you photograph her nude or film your legal sex act. Or why we can have movies of babies hurt by nannies, of adolescents clubbed to death, but not of the same adolescent nude or masturbating. Child Porn Witch HuntI see there are many people here who find it just jucky if a 47 year old has sex with a 17 year old. So much that lots of commentators cheered the German dad that castrated the girl's boy friend Dangerous pedophile vigilantes cheer German Dad, 47, for castrating the boyfriend, 57, of his 17-year-old daughterIn spite of all the witch hunt, in spite of the fact that researchers will be condemned in case they find results that underage sex with elders is not especially detrimental, in spite of all that there are not many arguments people come up with proof how heinous and damaging consensual sex with adolescents is.To tell the truth, I think pregnant females who drink alcohol to produce a permanantly severely damaged baby with fetal alcolhol syndrome are a much bigger threat to children's welfare. And they don't face 20 year jail terms.I would be more worried about attack dogs, school or street bullies, hooligans, gang bangers attacking my teenage daughter, then her having a much older boyfriend. Fathers can disagree and prevent such affairs. I don't say they need to promote such affairs. I say they don't need threats of 20 year jail terms to support their educational efforts. Blue Lagoon: child pornCharlie Chaplin: child rapist"Der Spiegel, 1977" Child porn on coverMost british newspapers in the 70ies: child porn on page 3