
>Opening Statement

>I’ve been watching the Men’s Rights movement, such as it is, for some time, with a mixture of amusement, horror and disgust. It’s a movement that’s bad for everyone — for men, for women, for children, and probably even for my cat, though I haven’t yet quite worked out how. The best thing you can say about the Men’s Rights Movement is that it doesn’t, and hopefully never will, have anything near the impact on the world that feminism has had over the years. And this blog, in its own little way, hopes to help keep that way.

So in this blog I hope to take on the assorted myths promulgated by the Men’s Rights Movement, to dismantle their rickety logic and their dubious statistics. I’ll round up assorted examples of misogyny, mendacity and just plain stupidity from MRA’s online and off. And I’ll highlight some of the best anti-MRA arguments I can find.

As for the boobz in the title, I do not refer to those rounded lumps of flesh and fat on the chests of women and some men. I refer to the classic definition of boob as “a stupid or foolish person; a dolt.” Too many MRA’s, alas, fit this definition to a T.

Oh, and the Z on the end of “boobz?” Someone else already took the “manboobs” URL. So I improvised. I’m crafty.

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4 years ago


Apparently, the troll got the boot. Good riddance I guess.

He did? Usually David announces when he bans a troll.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I think people like Acid are why the word “man” might not mean anything to me. They never gave it any positive value maybe? I can choose to use any of the words and I’m more interested in how I can use them helpfully. I don’t want to help socially neglectful people.

I’ve had too much on my mind to think about it much, but I’ve been thinking “gender null” might be worth looking at. It’s confusing because I did not have a reason to think about it until now, and that’s because I there are elements of privilge to it.

Acid Kritana
4 years ago


@Acid Kritana

> And I don’t see why y’all are against a pro-trans, pro-gay, pro-woman guy who just happens to be MGTOW.

He is very obviously not pro-trans or pro-woman, he called the women here various slurs as outlined before.

And he’s actually stated that he doesn’t really like actually using the word “tranny.” He only used it this time, because he thinks you’re a transtrender.

I don’t necessarily think that, but he’s very respectful of me and has even defended me, unlike your guys’ attacks against me.

@Lainy why are you always lying? | Social Media | Facebook |► – RoboKitty (

While I don’t agree with every word he uses (such as “mangina,” for example), but it is certainly better than y’all’s attitude toward me so far. You haven’t exactly been welcoming.

> I know that he called @Naglfar a tr*nny, though he said he did it because he views her as a “transtrender.”

I don’t really care why he did it, he still did it. Not very pro trans. And that really doesn’t help his case.

He only used it because he thinks you’re a transtrender. He has actually been quite nice towards me, and some of his favorite people are trans.

> he’s actually going to sue you for spreading lies about him.

Well, good luck suing someone who uses a pseudonym on the Internet for something that is not illegal.

A slander campaign is not okay either way.

> RoboKitty, who is a gay MGTOW, is pro-trans.

He very clearly isn’t. Pro-trans people don’t call trans women slurs.

He clearly is.

> Paul Elam and A Voice For Men are actually pro-trans and pro-woman.

The creator of “Bash a Violent B*tch Month” is pro-woman? Hahahaha, good one.

He only said that in response to Jezebel literally admitting that they abuse their boyfriends, and happily so.

And he only said to abuse VIOLENT women, not all women. If you think all women are violent, then something is clearly wrong.

> Do you have proof?


Can’t wait to see it.

Already debunked it. Just gotta debunk it on my website.

Another article to debunk!

And another.

> You’re also just repeating “No” like a broken record when I provide evidence for my claims and you guys can’t provide anything!

Every time anyone gives you anything you refuse to acknowledge it, that’s on you.

Really, now? If you had actually supplied proof for any of your other claims, I would have looked at them.

But you haven’t.

> Do you have evidence for that? Proof?

You’re asking me to prove a negative. First give me evidence it was feminists.

Alright, I will. I’ll put it in my “List” comment, so that way I also have time to give a good, detailed research.

The blog has a whole tag on her, you could look at it if you were actually interested in productive discussion.

Then why not give me a link to the tag?

> I merely blame those that need it.

So, Paul Elam’s claim he only wanted to assault women who deserve it, but with women replaced with feminists.

Only ABUSIVE women.

If you honestly think abusive women = all women, then you seriously need to rethink yourself.

> And then was praised by the New York Times, many feminists, and Sweden?

I can’t speak for the NYT or Sweden,

Wow, you admit something for once!

but I don’t think many modern day feminists praise Solanas.

Take a good look around, and tell me that again.

> Time Travel may not ever be possible.

This is called missing the point.

Stop demeaning me, and I won’t be ridiculous back.

P.S. could you be a little less verbose? Or at least write 1 comment instead of 5?

Y’all were mad that I was making too long of comment, so I fixed that.

But now you don’t like it?

Make up your mind.



It’s called look it up where he called me laintard on his blog.

If you are actually getting mad at an elementary school insult, that’s pretty sad.

and he did it because I’m autistic.


I’m borderline autistic, across the whole spectrum. 50 to 60% for each part.

My sister has ADHD so bad that she actually ends up having basically seizures sometimes.

You’re not the only one out there.

And, guess what?

Plenty of MRAs are autistic.

You’re not the only one with autism or the only one on the autism scale.

I’m done kid.

Oh, you’re done?

Done being a bully and demeaning me?

if you want to be on the side of the kids who mocked my rape, go ahead.

“Kids”? There’s only one guy there. And guess what? He didn’t mock you for being raped. He doesn’t believe you, but he didn’t mock you. Big difference.

Good luck with the book.

Wow, the first nice thing you’ve said!

this is why I don’t want you to be in feminism because you would just hurt survivors.

“Survivors”? What about when I’ve been mocked, hated on, not believed, etc. by feminists?

You’re right, it’s better for everyone for me not to be a feminist.

I wouldn’t want to be cruel like you.



Just, go debate somewhere else.

Wow, sounds like someone who got tired of never providing proof or evidence for their claims, especially of their claims of women having it worse.

I’m done now.

Oh, wow, the person is done? Because of what, you ask?

I’ll tell you.

You’re tired that I caught onto your manipulation.

Of you trying to twist what I say.

Of you trying to abuse me into your beliefs.

I’m not going to let you manipulate me anymore.

You’re a narcissitic psychopath.

You like to make up things, ignore what’s being said, twist words, commit slander campaigns, and more.


You make up lies, including those about RoboKitty, “women having it worse,” harassment, etc.


You make up lies about RoboKitty, MRAs, MGTOW, and others, including MRA and pro-MRA women.

Slander campaign.

You act like your point of view or words are somehow more important and reliable than everyone else. You might also even have a spot of low self esteem, though I wouldn’t know.


You attempt to put me and others like me below you, and yourself above everyone else.


You try to beat down anyone you disagree with, and make threats that you think will silence them. You also use childish insults to undermine them, and when they point out that they don’t care about the insults, you use them pointing it out to your advantage, to try to land another blow. All to make them out to be less.


You complain whenever someone doesn’t provide a link or evidence to prove their point, but don’t try to ever provide evidence, even when it’s pointed out to you.


You ignore any evidence, points of view, or other that don’t agree with your worldview.

Willfully ignorant.

You’re cruel, aggressive, manipulative, a liar, someone who starts slander campaigns, narcissistic, someone who demeans and bullies others, a hypocrite, willfully ignorant, and more.


Oh, my god.

Get help.

You’re just to triggering.

It’s hard to take you seriously when you say this.

I’m sorry that you can’t take it if someone doesn’t kiss your ass all the time.

Why would I want that?

I’m a teenager. Not interested in getting pregnant on accident or anything.

Grow up, good luck.

Go ahead, take a look at my analysis of you above.

Maybe don’t be a dick to people and you’ll get a boyfriend someday.

Already have had a couple boyfriends. One was black, the other white, I believe.

Also, if you don’t want me to analyze you like this again, then don’t do the behavior.

Acid Kritana
4 years ago

It wasn’t automatically coming up, so I just figured out that it was probably because I need to block some words, so I did that.

Here it is:


@Acid Kritana

> And I don’t see why y’all are against a pro-trans, pro-gay, pro-woman guy who just happens to be MGTOW.

He is very obviously not pro-trans or pro-woman, he called the women here various slurs as outlined before.

And he’s actually stated that he doesn’t really like actually using the word “tr*nny.” He only used it this time, because he thinks you’re a transtrender.

I don’t necessarily think that, but he’s very respectful of me and has even defended me, unlike your guys’ attacks against me.

@Lainy why are you always lying? | Social Media | Facebook |► – RoboKitty (

While I don’t agree with every word he uses (such as “m*ngina,” for example), but it is certainly better than y’all’s attitude toward me so far. You haven’t exactly been welcoming.

> I know that he called @Naglfar a tr*nny, though he said he did it because he views her as a “transtrender.”

I don’t really care why he did it, he still did it. Not very pro trans. And that really doesn’t help his case.

He only used it because he thinks you’re a transtrender. He has actually been quite nice towards me, and some of his favorite people are trans.

> he’s actually going to sue you for spreading lies about him.

Well, good luck suing someone who uses a pseudonym on the Internet for something that is not illegal.

A slander campaign is not okay either way.

> RoboKitty, who is a gay MGTOW, is pro-trans.

He very clearly isn’t. Pro-trans people don’t call trans women slurs.

He clearly is.

> Paul Elam and A Voice For Men are actually pro-trans and pro-woman.

The creator of “Bash a Violent B*tch Month” is pro-woman? Hahahaha, good one.

He only said that in response to Jezebel literally admitting that they abuse their boyfriends, and happily so.

And he only said to abuse VIOLENT women, not all women. If you think all women are violent, then something is clearly wrong with you.

> Do you have proof?


Can’t wait to see it.

Already debunked it. Just gotta debunk it on my website.

Another article to debunk!

And another.

> You’re also just repeating “No” like a broken record when I provide evidence for my claims and you guys can’t provide anything!

Every time anyone gives you anything you refuse to acknowledge it, that’s on you.

Really, now? If you had actually supplied proof for any of your other claims, I would have looked at them.

But you haven’t.

> Do you have evidence for that? Proof?

You’re asking me to prove a negative. First give me evidence it was feminists.

Alright, I will. I’ll put it in my “List” comment, so that way I also have time to give a good, detailed research.

The blog has a whole tag on her, you could look at it if you were actually interested in productive discussion.

Then why not give me a link to the tag?

> I merely blame those that need it.

So, Paul Elam’s claim he only wanted to assault women who deserve it, but with women replaced with feminists.

Only ABUSIVE women.

If you honestly think abusive women = all women, then you seriously need to rethink yourself.

> And then was praised by the New York Times, many feminists, and Sweden?

I can’t speak for the NYT or Sweden,

Wow, you admit something for once!

but I don’t think many modern day feminists praise Solanas.

Take a good look around, and tell me that again.

> Time Travel may not ever be possible.

This is called missing the point.

Stop demeaning me, and I won’t be ridiculous back.

P.S. could you be a little less verbose? Or at least write 1 comment instead of 5?

Y’all were mad that I was making too long of comment, so I fixed that.

But now you don’t like it?

Make up your mind.



It’s called look it up where he called me laintard on his blog.

If you are actually getting mad at an elementary school insult, that’s pretty sad.

and he did it because I’m autistic.


I’m borderline autistic, across the whole spectrum. 50 to 60% for each part.

My sister has ADHD so bad that she actually ends up having basically seizures sometimes.

You’re not the only one out there.

And, guess what?

Plenty of MRAs are autistic.

You’re not the only one with autism or the only one on the autism scale.

I’m done kid.

Oh, you’re done?

Done being a bully and demeaning me and everyone else you don’t like?

if you want to be on the side of the kids who mocked my rape, go ahead.

“Kids”? There’s only one guy there. And guess what? He didn’t mock you for being raped. He doesn’t believe you, but he didn’t mock you. Big difference.

Good luck with the book.

Wow, the first nice thing you’ve said!

this is why I don’t want you to be in feminism because you would just hurt survivors.

“Survivors”? What about when I’ve been mocked, hated on, not believed, etc. by feminists?

You’re right, it’s better for everyone for me not to be a feminist.

I wouldn’t want to be cruel like you.



Just, go debate somewhere else.

Wow, sounds like someone who got tired of never providing proof or evidence for their claims, especially of their claims of women having it worse.

I’m done now.


You’re just to triggering.

It’s hard to take you seriously when you say this.

I’m sorry that you can’t take it if someone doesn’t kiss your ass all the time.

Why would I want that?

I’m a teenager. Not interested in getting pregnant on accident or anything.

Grow up, good luck.

Go ahead, take a look at my analysis of you above.

Maybe don’t be a dick to people and you’ll get a boyfriend someday.

Already have had a couple boyfriends. One was black, the other white, I believe.

Acid Kritana
4 years ago

Hey, it worked this time!

4 years ago

@Acid Kritana

And he’s actually stated that he doesn’t really like actually using the word “tr*nny.” He only used it this time, because he thinks you’re a transtrender.

I don’t know why you keep thinking this is an excuse, it’s just more evidence he’s a transphobe. Again, not helping your case.

If you had actually supplied proof for any of your other claims, I would have looked at them.

Sure you would have, then you’d say you debunked it and move on.

Then why not give me a link to the tag?

There’s a search bar at the top, use it.

Re: Paul Elam
Can you link me to where jezebel said anything comparable? And your justification still doesn’t work.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

All of group x has not hurt Acid, yet acid attacks all of group x. It’s pretty revolting the clearer it gets to see but it’s supposed to feel that way.

Acid Kritana
4 years ago



Also, i started puberty at 10 and my father is a big part of my life and living with us.


You grew up with a father!

See, you’re already luckier than me.

He being there had nothing to when I started puberty.

Actually, it does affect you, but please continue.

How the hell are you able to blame your mother for you starting puberty at the normal time a female bodied person stars puberty?

I suppose that I may be off with the specific date. Since y’all were assuming that I hit puberty when I started my transition, and I had stated that I started my transition when I was 14, so I assumed the average date was 14.

It could be earlier, I don’t know.

And the reason why single mothers are to blame for an earlier puberty is due to the fact that, if the biological father isn’t there, other male pheromones come along, speeding the puberty to an early start. It causes a host of effects, one of which is an earlier death.

See? It’s that simple.

most people with vagina start puberty around age 12.

Good to know. Maybe I started around 9 to 10 years. Maybe 11 to 12. Who knows? I’ve never kept track of my periods, though I probably should have. Would have been a good reference, I suppose.

you didn’t start early. your mother being a single mother didn’t make you start puberty early.

Like I’ve said, I’m probably off. It was a guestimation based off of how y’all reacted to me.



Do you want me to email David?

I would like to know exactly what I’m doing. If you are correct, I will fully accept it.



No I’m fine, I’ll just stop doing this to myself with trolls that aren’t trying to do anything but hurt people.

And this is the beginning of a rant. Let’s see what kind of rant this is, shall we?

I try to be nice, he spits it in my face with a sarcastic “okay?”

The only “nice” thing you’ve said to me so far is, “Good luck with your book.”

i try to give advice but it’s wrong because I don’t kiss his ass enough.

What advice? I doubt calling me a “dick” is “advice.”

He’s a kid. If he this is what he wants to do, he can do it.


I have a feeling that I know what kind of a “rant” this is.

I’ll just stop responding.

Hasn’t stopped you yet.

I’ve opened up these vulnerable parts, but the kid doesn’t matter.

What have I done besides ask for proof of mass harassment of women?

Seriously, prove it to me, and I’ll believe you.

I just… i can’t with them asking me to back up the “claim” that I have been raped.

I never said that I don’t believe that you haven’t been raped. In fact, I do believe you.

But you doubted me when I said I was sexually assaulted.

That’s just to much.

Is asking for proof of “female harassment” too much? Really?

Meanwhile, I’ve just been supplying proof for my claims, and some of you have been a bit willfully ignorant.

I don’t know what I expect though, he’s a mra.

Wow, yet another generalization.

Keep up the good work, proving how “wonderful” feminism is! /s

Even if he’s just a kid it’s obvious he doesn’t care about any woman that gets hurt.

What are you talking about?

When have I said that?

Hell, I’m just going to stop before he says I deserved it for being a feminist or something.

I would never do that.

People don’t ever deserve to be raped.

I know it shouldn’t bother me anymore. this shit happened when I was 16, I’ve come along way from it.

So why are you being so dramatic about me, then?

but these type… they have no empathy naglfar. I just…. what makes a kid like this.


Why are you making me want to bang my head into a wall?


Seriously, I believe you’ve been raped!

Should I even being try to have a baby with my husband if this is the thing that we have to fight against. It feels like it’s never enough, like what if I have a baby. they grow, someone rapes them when they just a kid and then they have to deal with people from all over demanding they prove it. telling them it was their fault, discrediting them.

I don’t recall living in Ancient Rome.

I want to be a mom more then anything. My husband wants to be a dad more then anything. But the world is just so… evil.

I’m not stopping you from having kids.

the kid just making remember when i was 16, and i was telling people what happened and everyone took my rapist side. Everyone made excuses, either told me i lied or that i deserved it. Bleeding from the vagina and anus and their telling me I’m lying because one boy say that I am.

Nobody took the rapist’s side today.

And we don’t live in Ancient Rome.

We don’t live in a Muslim-dominated country that literally stones women for being raped.

After the last few replies I know that… Acids just going to side with any abusive man just because their a man and the women they’ve hurt doesn’t matter. If the man says the woman is lying then she’s lying.

Since when?

If a woman can provide proof that the man did something bad to her, I will fully take her side.

But a few words is not “proof.”

Even a claim made by the man who is suspected might be false, because, “If you plead guilty, we’ll give you a lesser sentence.”

That’s the world he lives in and I can’t do anything else about that.

The world I live in is one where I literally get told I’m a rapist for saying I’ve been sexually assaulted.

So I need to stop so I can go to work later and teach some 6 years old the basic of ballet and maybe see just a bit of goodness in the world before it gets snuffed out when their older.


Why do you want people to pity you so bad?

Seriously, if all you said was, “I’ve been raped, and life is pretty bad for me because of that,” then that would be good!

But, instead, you literally claim that I’m saying that you didn’t get raped (even though I believe you), that I apparently want online evidence of your rape (when all I asked for was evidence of MASS HARASSMENT OF WOMEN), and more.

Dude, I believe that you were raped. And if you said that it has made life harder, I would absolutely believe you, because I understand that it does destroy people to be raped.

But please don’t spread lies about me.


Apparently, the troll got the boot. Good riddance I guess.

(I didn’t see the incident, I just followed the link indicating Acid vomited some bile in a lot of post in a row)

Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m still alive.



> Apparently, the troll got the boot. Good riddance I guess.

He did? Usually David announces when he bans a troll.


Disappointed that I haven’t died?

@Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I think people like Acid are why the word “man” might not mean anything to me. They never gave it any positive value maybe? I can choose to use any of the words and I’m more interested in how I can use them helpfully. I don’t want to help socially neglectful people.

It’s not my fault that you think everything is men’s fault.

I’ve had too much on my mind to think about it much, but I’ve been thinking “gender null” might be worth looking at. It’s confusing because I did not have a reason to think about it until now, and that’s because I there are elements of privilge to it.

First off, if you want to be nonbinary or “gender null” or something, I don’t care. Go ahead!

But there is no such thing as “male privilege.”

Just a warning.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Acid doesn’t get it. I don’t feel anything. They want me to care but they only know how to attack me. And the word man doesn’t work so…

4 years ago


I told you I was done so stop replying to me. I gave you a pretty clear no now. Wank on someone else.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

And male doesn’t work either. It’s always been more “technical”, but I’ve read far too much. You can replace it with all of it’s sub-parts for all I care. That has far more meaning to me now but I had to do work for that. Society sucks at that.

Acid Kritana
4 years ago

Wow, my original comment finally got let up.


Now, I would like to say something.

I am tired of arguing with you all over this, so this is what I’m going to do.

I’m just going to stop this hear.

If you want to debate me, you can do it on my site. I don’t censor or anything, not even rude comments, so anything you say will be allowed.

But if you’re immensely rude, I will put a warning at the beginning of your comment.

Now, I am only going to respond to this site when I have something I want to say or if I just want to let you know of a new article that criticizes this site.

Good day.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

pro-woman guy who just happens to be MGTOW.

Is it because there are men (and boys) who don’t want to waste their lives being sacrificial sheep just for female comfort?

When you’re definitely pro-woman

4 years ago

@Acid Kritana

I’m just going to stop this hear.

Bye, don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

Oh, and don’t expect us on your blog. Unlike you, we don’t go troll the comments of blogs we don’t like.

4 years ago

He must think my rapists is in jail since i reported him. I find acid spew almost ironic how he ket saying he belieives me but also said they don’t beleive that no one believed me or told me it was my fault. Here the thing
He’s not in jail because the police, mh teachers and the othet students took his side. That’s not an ancient Rome thing. That was a very much 2015 thing and is still the thing and it’s why I don’t know if i have the right to have children. Fucking trolls.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

And thinking again it’s revolting to me. I misstyped.

Last edited 4 years ago by Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
4 years ago

How long do we think Mr. Kritana keeps the flounce?

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

Aaaand here comes the flounce! But can he stick it?

4 years ago


It’s Thursday so until he gets his homework done

4 years ago

It’s kind of crazy to think about how my rapist is one of these mra types now. That this kid could be getting a lot the crap form someone like him and would defend him to the end.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
4 years ago

First, a little something to put everyone upset by the troll in a better headspace:

comment image

Second, this video Kid MRA was talking about:

However, she did show us a video, when we were young. In it, was a social experiment. The man was being abused by the woman, until the man defended himself. Everyone was happy and laughing at the woman horribly abusing the man, but when he defended himself, people got sad, mad, and even started to attack him.

Wasn’t that more or less debunked as at best misleading? Due to the evidence that the filmmakers took multiple takes of those two scenarios and spliced together the reactions they wanted to make viewers think it really was all done in one take. And that the filmmakers didn’t disclose that fact until critics confronted them over it?

Or am I misremembering things again?

Last edited 4 years ago by Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
4 years ago


Wasn’t that more or less debunked as at best misleading?

It was debunked years ago. Somewhere on this blog there’s a post about it, but I can’t find it right now.

Acid Kritana
4 years ago

So I came back, just to look, and y’all are talking about my “flounce.” I don’t even know what “flounce” is.

And Brony’s just rambling on about who knows what.

Hey, @Naglfar, just look up, “Have You Ever Beat Up a Boyfriend? Because, Uh, We Have” and that sort of title will be a Jezebel article. They literally happily proclaim beating up their boyfriends.

Hey, too-long-of-a-name, y’all actually made me think about whether I am MGTOW or not. And while I’m still thinking about it, I realized that MGTOW is not misogynistic. They just want to live their own lives, for themselves. Not for anyone else.


Who said I was leaving? Just was trying to end an argument.

And @Lainy apparently thinks we live in Ancient Rome.

Hell, if you even went back to the time period in To Kill a Mockingbird, you would have been believed. #BelieveAllWomen existed back then, and it caused COUNTLESS black men to be lynched.


Don’t you dare lie and say that your rapist is an “MRA type.” We would never accept a person like that. Why do you think Roy Den Hollander was kicked out? And just for being a crazy misogynist.

And Longest-name-yet, there have been so many videos on that, and I mean all of them being social experiements, that you would have to pull up PLENTY of evidence.

If you can pull up a specific video, I’ll tell you if it was that one that I had watched when I was a little kid.

Well, I’m off to listen to metal

Acid Kritana
4 years ago

Oh, and by the way, in case you were wondering why I was trying to stop my arguing with you, I got tired of arguing with children.

Acid Kritana
4 years ago

Good day.