>I’ve been watching the Men’s Rights movement, such as it is, for some time, with a mixture of amusement, horror and disgust. It’s a movement that’s bad for everyone — for men, for women, for children, and probably even for my cat, though I haven’t yet quite worked out how. The best thing you can say about the Men’s Rights Movement is that it doesn’t, and hopefully never will, have anything near the impact on the world that feminism has had over the years. And this blog, in its own little way, hopes to help keep that way.
So in this blog I hope to take on the assorted myths promulgated by the Men’s Rights Movement, to dismantle their rickety logic and their dubious statistics. I’ll round up assorted examples of misogyny, mendacity and just plain stupidity from MRA’s online and off. And I’ll highlight some of the best anti-MRA arguments I can find.
As for the boobz in the title, I do not refer to those rounded lumps of flesh and fat on the chests of women and some men. I refer to the classic definition of boob as “a stupid or foolish person; a dolt.” Too many MRA’s, alas, fit this definition to a T.
Oh, and the Z on the end of “boobz?” Someone else already took the “manboobs” URL. So I improvised. I’m crafty.
>As a mens rights activist, I believe that anyone that dismisses legitimate societal barriers to men's happiness is not a deep thinker, or to be taken very seriously.Cordially,Magdelynwww.fauxwhore.com
>Uh, I don't dismiss legitimate issues. I dismiss made-up issues and people who distort the facts to make political points. Keep reading the blog and you will see what I mean by this.
>The Men's Rights Movement is about reversing a series of injustices which affect men because of their gender : bias in sentencing, bias in family courts, bias in treatment by the media and government programs.That the actions or rhetoric of a number of idiots in the movement annoy you is understandable, but not the broad brush with which you tar the whole thing.Once again, you prove Gandhi right : "First, they ignore you. Then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win." The only thing on display here are you own prejudices.
>MRAs sure do love that quote. I just don't think you guys are ever going to make it to step four. I think you'll remain forever stuck between steps 2 and 3: getting laughed at, and being fought. And eventually, forgotten.
>It seems, David, you are very worried about the MRAs – yes, true, the movement is growing, getting stronger …
Your mission is failing. You can’t stop MRAs from spreading the message. Men are angry and will not stop.
This is the funniest necro I’ve ever seen.
Who’s trying to stop you! We’re laughing at you — because you’re hilarious when you’re hateful.
Men are apparently angry enough that they totally miss this post when it came out 9 years ago and leave one drop by comment on it. Yup, sounds like a rage.
Thanks for providing us some entertainment for International Women’s Day.
Will he still be angry in 2029?
The shout will rise again!
I can’t imagine a future in which I don’t laugh at MRAs.
If you want to imagine the future, imagine a feminist dunking on an MRA, forever.
“I can’t imagine a future in which I don’t laugh at MRAs.”
I like to remember:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Yes, all thoses marchs and protests are showing how angry or motivated they are !!
Or you can check reality, where the MRAs are impotent internet wartriors. The movement itself have mostly died and fusioned with fascists, which is sad, but mostly because fascists get things done rarely instead of never.
MRAS have not fused with fascists, we are just laying low for now, while other groups and other fights steal the limelight. We were the first antifeminists, and after the whole Trump thing blows over, we will be the last.
MRAS are not fascists, but the true liberals. Feminists are actually the fascists, just a different kind from Nazis.
Nono, it’s like this:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they’re out of breath, then you say something, then they start laughing again.
Reading the comment above yours actually made me run out of breath laughing.
Well, not exactly. The first antifeminists as defined by opposition to feminism specifically were anti suffrage politicians who opposed first wave feminism. The first men to oppose women having rights probably lived thousands of years ago.
So in the near future everyone will be a feminist? That sounds like a fantastic future.
This sounds reminiscent of Sargon of Akkad calling himself a classical liberal. Anyone who calls themself a “true liberal” or “classical liberal” is a conservative who doesn’t have the guts to own up to it.
Serious question: if feminists are fascists, they should fit the 14 characteristics of fascism. Please explain how feminists fit these characteristics and how your movement isn’t fascist.
Oooh, what a great reminder that this blog is turning 10 years old soon. Congratulations and happy anniversary to David! To another decade of mocking MRAs!
Here you go.
Then we laugh harder.

That reminds me of this:
Worst 10 year challenge I’ve seen so far.
And men’s rights activists continue their bold strategy of doing no activism.
Clearly their whole strategy is being bottom feeders, hoping to get by with some of the scraps the more emboldened fascists will leave them, should they get their way.