'bating creepy cringe empathy deficit entitled babies facepalm irony alert men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with girls ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture sexual assault SJWs

So how creepy is Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh’s prep school pal and self-described Catholic Bikini Paparazzo? Let’s go to the videos

Mark Judge: Would you buy bikini pictures from this man?

By David Futrelle

Several days ago, a strange fellow named Mark Judge made his debut as a bit player in the Brett Kavanaugh nomination tragicomedy that now grips the nation. Judge, a hard-partying pal of Kavanaugh back in his Georgetown Prep days in the early 1980s, was allegedly on the scene when his then 17-year-old buddy Brett allegedly tried to rape the then-15 year old Christine Blasey Ford.

a woman is always to blame empathy deficit men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture

Damon Wayans: Cosby’s accusers are “unrape-able … bitches” out for money

Damon Wayans:
Damon Wayans: “Some of them really is unrape-able. I look at them and go, ‘I don’t want that.'”

Comedian Damon Wayans seems to be a shoo-on for this week’s Shitty Rape Apologist Shithead of the Week award.

In an interview on Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club show on Friday, Wayans attacked Bill Cosby’s accusers — or at least the majority of them — as money-hustling “bitches” too ugly to have been really raped.

Wayans’ explanation for why 50 women have stepped forward with similar stories of drugging and sexual assault at the hands of Cosby?

men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture rape jokes twitter victim blaming

Today in Rape Culture: More #Steubenville Awfullness on Twitter

Not actually the victims in Steubenville
Not actually the victims in Steubenville

The Public Shaming blog and have been doing the world a service by documenting some of the worst rape apologist nonsense that sprouted up on Twitter in the wake of the Steubenville rape verdict. I thought I would add some more screenshots to the growing pile.

advocacy of violence hundreds of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture reddit threats victim blaming

Raw Story on The Top 5 Rape-Apologist Reactions to the Steubenville Verdicts [UPDATED]


RawStory has a piece up highlighting The top 5 rape apologist reactions to the Steubenville rape verdict. It’s well worth reading. As the author of the piece, Emily Mullen, notes:

The Steubenville guilty verdict spawned nearly as much rape apology as the original news of the case did, highlighting the point — made by feminists like Zerlina Maxwell and Jaclyn Friedman — that America has a long way to go before it gets past blaming victims and sympathizing with rapists.

I haven’t yet run across any reactions in the Manosphere to the verdicts, but I’m sure we’ll see some in the next few days. If you run across anything especially awful, in the Manosphere or outside of it, please let me know.

Men’s Rights Redditors, currently silent about the verdicts, were up in arms the other day because Reuters was identifying the accused — now the convicted — rapists, while not identifying the victim. Or, as MRAs prefer to put it, the “alleged victim.” Now, as RawStory points out, she is getting death threats.

EDITED TO ADD: More victim blaming online, as catalogued on the Public Shaming blog: First post, second post with more.

Below,  Several examples borrowed from Public Shaming. TRIGGER WARNING for rape apology.






