a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism crackpottery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) threats your time will come

MRA Peter Nolan: “Killing women is the only path to justice for men now.”

Peter Andrew Nolan: At war with women
Peter Andrew Nolan: At war with women

Men’s Rights Activists love to “warn” women that they may soon face a day of reckoning if they don’t shape up and start acting the way MRAs think they should. Don’t make men angry, they say; you wouldn’t like us when we’re angry!

Still, most MRAs making these “predictions” at least make a token effort to pretend to be horrified at the notion of men rising up to wreak vengeance upon uppity women. This isn’t what we want, they assure women; it’s just what will happen if you continue to “provoke” men with your bad behavior.

Other MRAs find it impossible to contain their glee; like doomsday preppers with well-stocked bunkers and enough ammo to kill every living thing within a 500 mile radius, they can’t wait for the end of the world.

Peter Andrew Nolan is one of these other MRAs. And he’s started to celebrate a little bit early.