misogyny none dare call it conspiracy rape jokes that's not funny! victim blaming yeah that's the ticket

Louder with Crowder suggests that NY Gov Kathy Hochul infiltrated the New York Post to threaten herself with rape

Is there nothing the right won’t call a “false flag”?

literal nazis misogyny threats transphobia

Bad News Bites: Train blame, gun threats and the inspirational … Adolf Hitler?

Hitler fighting back a sneeze

Today, three unsettling news stories that have sort of fallen through the cracks in recent days.

elliot rodger incels mass shooting misogyny threats

Incel threatens to go to the U of Michigan campus and “blow away every woman I see with an AR-15,” gets a visit from the FBI

On Saturday afternoon, the Michigan State Police became aware of a chilling message posted to a Russian “confessions” website.

alpha males alt-right beta males chad thundercock cock carousel creepy cuck cuckolding empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises precious bodily fluids stacies

Why are incels so obsessed with other men’s semen? The answer is much darker than you think

To incels, virtually every sexually active straight man is a cuck

By David Futrelle

Right-wing shitposters aren’t the only ones who like to call everyone a “cuck.” Quite a few incels are fond of the insult as well, though in their minds it’s less of an insult than a description of the typical straight man — and they mean it quite literally.

#MAGAbomber crackpottery cyberbullying empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert terrorism threats trump twitter

Accused #MAGAbomber’s Twitter account was a smorgasbord of hate and violent threats. Twitter, what gives?

Accused #MAGAbomber Cesar Sayoc: Not shy about expressing his opinions (Pic adapted from photo posted to one of his now-deleted Twitter accounts.)

By David Futrelle

I spent some time this afternoon going through one of accused #MAGAbomber Cesar Sayoc’s apparent Twitter accounts, one specifically devoted to trolling and threatening his assorted political enemies, screenshotting and archiving what I could before Twitter took it down. He was a prolific tweeter. I got through two months of it.

advocacy of violence alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies ironic nazis literal nazis milo things that aren't satire threats

Eclipsed by a chocolate powder, Milo Yiannopoulos is sending threatening messages to journalists, going full fashy

MILO dumps a load

By David Futrelle

It used to be that when you — and by “you” here I actually mean “I” — went to find pictures of Nazi-adjacent media provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos to use on your blog, all you had to do was to type his first name into Google Images and ta da! there were dozens to choose from.

empathy deficit entitled babies harassment threats

Sacramento gamer could be jailed for up to five years for violent online threats

If you find yourself doing this on a regular basis, please get help.
If you find yourself doing this on a regular basis, please get help.

A Sacramento video game enthusiast was arrested earlier this month after allegedly making violent threats against employees of game company Blizzard Entertainment, as well as fellow gamers and, in a lovely final touch, their children, Polygon reports.


Support Chanty Binx’s Legal Fund to fight her harassers

The internet's angriest men continue to rage at a woman who once told some MRAs to shut up
The internet’s angriest men continue to rage at a woman who once told some MRAs to shut up

If you’ve been wondering what you could do to support Chanty Binx, the feminist activist who has endured three years of harassment for the “crime” of yelling at a couple of Men’s Rights activists at a protest in Toronto, consider donating to her legal fund via this GoFundMe.

a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking hypocrisy Islamophobia jack barnes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism terrorism threats

MRA Jack Barnes, posing with a gun, has a threatening message for American Muslims

Jack Barnes with gun
Jack Barnes with gun

The quarterly WHTM Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click the “donate” button below. Thanks!

Earlier today, a Muslim man was reportedly shot and stabbed by three masked men outside a mosque in Houston, Texas. Yesterday, another Muslim man was beaten outside a mosque in Orlando, Florida by a man who reportedly told him that “you Muslims need to get back to your country.”

So I suppose that we should be grateful that Men’s Rights Activist Jack Barnes hasn’t, as far as I know, shot or otherwise physically harmed any Muslim Americans. So far, at least, he has confined himself to threatening them with murder on Twitter. 

alt-right andrea hardie doxing empathy deficit entitled babies FemRAs hate hate speech homophobia hypocrisy irony alert Islamophobia judgybitch literal nazis misogyny MRA racism threats

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie attacks Beyonce fans as “feral animals,” threatens murder

Andrea Hardie attempts blackface
Andrea Hardie attempts blackface. No, really. This literally is her attempt at blackface.

Not-so-nice white lady Andrea Hardie — perhaps better known on the internet as Janet Bloomfield and/or JudgyBitch — is still ostensibly the Social Media Director of the fading Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men.