communism conspiracy theory coronavirus racism

Masks are a secret Maoist weapon designed to destroy Western civilization or something

I was somewhere around the first paragraph of a post called “The mask’s insidious symbolism” on the right-wing American Thinker blog when the drugs began to take hold.

aggrieved entitlement alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies fake news grandiosity immigrants irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis oppressed white men racism that's completely wrong trump vox day

Package delivery woes in Berlin portend imminent collapse of western civilization, Vox Day warns

Fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale certainly has a rich fantasy life. Beale, who seems to grow ever more flamboyantly racist by the day, has roused himself into what he thinks is righteous fury over reports in far-right media outlets claiming that DHL Express has cut off delivery services to one especially dangerous neighborhood in Berlin.

alt-right dark enlightenment irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men racism vox day whites created civilization

Vox Day: Too many black people make “the continuation of Western civilization impossible”

In case you’ve forgotten just how much of a racist numpty poopgoblin Theodore Beale — aka “Vox Day” — really is, well here’s a reminder. In a post on his Vox Popoli blog today, the fantasy author and Hugo-award-wrecker asks the question “are blacks worse than atomic bombs?” and answers it with a “yes.”

a woman is always to blame alpha males cuckolding dark enlightenment evil sexy muslims heartiste Islamophobia mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny projection PUA racism red pill

Racist pickup artist asks: Are Muslim “invaders” too sexy for Western Civilization?

The Trump-loving, “cuck”-obsessed, alt-right racist wing of the manosphere hates immigrants and loves blaming things on women. So it’s not really a surprise that they’ve found a way to combine these two hobbies of theirs, blaming the Muslim “invasion” of Europe on evil slut women. But I have to give them credit for how deftly they’ve managed…


Vox Day: #GamerGate-rs "are the only defenders of freedom and Western civilization who are causing enemy casualties."

Is there some sort of contest out there to see who can sing the praises of GamerGate in the most floridly self-important, over-the-top  and un-self-aware manner possible? If so, we seem to have a new contender: the racist, woman-hating fantasy author and actual adult human being who goes by the name Vox Day, who may…

a woman is always to blame antifeminism armageddon boner rage butts creepy disgusting women entitled babies evil fat fatties evil ugly women grandiosity homophobia imaginary oppression irony alert mansplaining marital rape men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture

UK Political Donor Demetri Marchessini: Women In Trousers Are Destroying Western Civilization

Demetri Marchessini is a retired Greek business tycoon, living in London, and has been a major donor to the right-wing, anti-immigrant UK Independence Party (UKIP). He also has some, let’s say, eccentric views about gay people, black people, women, and trousers, views so, er, eccentric that the folks in UKIP are a little embarrassed to…

a woman is always to blame antifeminism armageddon dozens of upvotes drama kings evil women grandiosity matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism reactionary bullshit the spearhead transphobia western women suck your time will come

The Apocalypse of the Other Jim: How Lorde and Lena Dunham are destroying Western Civilization, allegedly

So over on The Spearhead, the fellas are discussing pop star and self-professed feminist Lorde — no, really — and, well, I have some bad news for you all. Apparently we’re about to be taken over by Barbarian tribes. No, really — again. Blame Lorde, Lena Dunham, Lady Gaga, and of course Sex & the…

a woman is always to blame alpha asshole cock carousel antifeminism armageddon boner rage evil sexy ladies evil women grandiosity imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit red pill reddit whitepocalypse

Red Piller: Unless white women start "sh*tting out" more babies, western civilization is doomed

So one of the regulars on Reddit’s The Red Pill subreddit — the “TRP Endorsed” contributor who calls himself IllimitableMan — has worked himself into a lather about the coming Whitepocalypse. You know, the impending collapse of civilization that Mr. Man and assorted other racist asshats  fear will come about as a result of white…

4chan alt-right anti-Semitism beta males cultural marxism irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis oppressed white men racism trump

Is the hashtag #FightForWesternCivilization the worst thing on Twitter today?

Once upon a time, or so the story goes, a reporter asked Gandhi what he thought of Western civilization. “I think it would be a good idea,” Gandhi is said to have replied.

alpha males alt-right heartiste men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA sexy robot ladies trump

Will sexbots and “carnally-neutral industrial robots” unite to destroy civilization?

Will sweet sexy sexbots and “carnally-neutral industrial robots” unite to destroy civilization? Woman-hating “pickup artist” and wannabe white supremacist philosopher-king Heartiste says yes.