alt-right bad science Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evo psych fairy tales homophobia irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture

Arguing against someone’s ideas “is a form of slavery,” and other untrue things I’ve learned from the Mammoth Malebag

woman saying "what"
I’m equally confused

By David Futrelle

I spend a lot of my time reading through other people’s very bad opinions. And I don’t always have to go to Reddit or to find them. Trolls and weirdos often deliver their terrible opinions directly to me in the form of emails and tweets and comments they try to leave here on the blog.

So I thought I’d open up the old Malebag and share some of these nuggets of wisdom with you. First, let’s take this, well, intriguing assertion from someone who came here to defend the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin from my criticisms:

“Bashing a guy cause he doesn’t like you or think like you do is a form of slavery,” wrote someone called Ingar, “you seek to force him to agree with your view or be an enemy.”

That’s a rather, well, elastic notion of slavery. And while Ingar stands staunchly against the “slavery” of me critiquing a literal Nazi, he doesn’t seem to have much problem with actual, literal slavery, ending his comment by noting that

I’ll go back to 1850 thanks very much biggest expansion of the average persons wealth in history.

Not much of an expansion for the slaves though.

From a would-be commenter called “Send_Ford_To_The_Chopshop” I learned that all “neurotypicals” are abusers. It’s (apparently) just SCIENCE.

The very reason neurotypicals are considered “typical” is BECAUSE they’re abusive. They built civilization, which is to say they took more from nature and their fellow humans than they deserved, bullied everyone around them into following their ways and raped anybody they could get their hands on to spread their poisonous genetic material far and wide.

Not that Ford here is opposed to abuse, so long as it’s directed at the right people. “Hatred and revenge should be human rights provided they’re against those responsible for bullying,” Ford wrote.

Nah. Bullying bullies is still bullying.

Someone called TheGrimSpectreOfChesterton has a remarkably similar evo-psychy assessment of the alleged evil impulses of normal people, telling one commenter here that they

deserve to be castrated, as does anyone who talks about “progress”.

Huh. That seems a little … harsh. Mr Chesterton continues:

Rape culture isn’t some malign influence that makes otherwise decent men hurt women. It’s an expression of the vicious, acquisitive impulses that allowed your ancestors to kill their neighbors, rape their wives and daughters, steal their land and thus pass on their genes and their way of life to subsequent generations including you.

Weird, because there’s a lot of research suggesting that evolution also rewards cooperation, and not just among humans and, you know, bees.

It’s inside you, you swine. It’s inside you and no scalpel is ever going to cut it out. If we ever want to live in a world without it every generation is going to need to be subject to the same discipline. No progress, rather constant vigilance against REGRESS to the cruel hedonism of the past.

Worst pickup line EVER.

On a somewhat lighter note, here’s a guy who’s worked himself into a bit of a tizzy over a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it lesbian kiss in the latest Star Wars movie.

I was appalled by this scene as if it really represented what I want to see in Star Wars. No question that Disney pandered even with the number of women and other minorities. Stars Wars is now a PC joke. Other films will also suffer to the rainbow regime as that person put it. Movie making is about telling stories not PC issues. You can make whatever homosexual movies you want just leave that stuff out of big franchises but oh wait then you probably couldn’t profit well with them.

Wait, I thought the slogan was “get woke, go broke,” not “get woke, profit well with it.”

Most of the comments I don’t let through moderation aren’t quite this creative. There are the routine requests to “kill yourself;” the slur-laden attacks on women, LGBTQ folks, people of color and so forth; the regular reminders that I’m a fat fatty. (I’m aware of that!)

And then there’s this person, who thinks we’re the truly hateful ones:

Anyone reading or writing in here is clearly fucked up, wow. Please don’t waste your lives however little you capacity for love is in a place so filled with hate and negativity.

This was in response to my post Redditor outraged to discover that women want “hot fun sex with men they’re sexually attracted to.”

I’m having a hard time seeing myself or the regular commenters on this blog as the hateful ones here.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

Bashing a guy cause he doesn’t like you or think like you do is a form of slavery,

Why do I get the feeling this fellow would like to return to the days of slavery?

It’s inside you, you swine. It’s inside you and no scalpel is ever going to cut it out. If we ever want to live in a world without it every generation is going to need to be subject to the same discipline. No progress, rather constant vigilance against REGRESS to the cruel hedonism of the past.

I can‘t tell if this is by a Petersonite or a Tankie. Could go either way.

Wait, I thought the slogan was “get woke, go broke,” not “get woke, profit well with it.”

They seem to alternate between the two claims. If a movie or game they don’t like does poorly, it’s the former, if it does well it’s that it pandered to the rainbow regime.

Side note: What is my role supposed to be in the rainbow regime? I feel like I should be doing something, but I haven’t received my orders yet.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

I’ll go back to 1850 thanks very much biggest expansion of the average persons wealth in history.

Not much of an expansion for the slaves though.

It’s not just that. It’s that this person (guy, presumably?) wants to live without modern medicine or refrigeration (making food just awful after midwinter and before spring). And while 1950 might have been a year experiencing income and/or wealth growth among median persons (not just the top 10% or 1%), even if this person is racist as fuck, they’re still going to have only 11 years before they have to fight in a war with a higher casualty rate than any US war before or since, with a simultaneous catastrophic loss of wealth.

I guess they can enjoy farming their 80 acres by hand when previous generations had to make do with only 40? And there’s no federal income tax or social security to suck away an extra 4 bushels of wheat at the end of the harvest, so that sounds like happy, wealthy fun times to me!

I’m sure they’ll be laughing all the way to their farm when they get their gangrenous limbs sawed off with no anesthetic because they avoided the horrors of Medicare For All.

Pour one out for Mr. 1850. He’s going to have been living a good life over this next decade 170 years ago, but the 21st century will truly miss him celebrate his absence.

At least we can say that he’s certainly one racist misogynist with a good idea.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ crip dyke

I have a bit of a habit of ignoring injuries until they develop into something really nasty. So there was nothing particularly unusual about me attending the doctors with a sudden large hole in my knee.

“Why do you do this; you’re lucky not to have lost a leg!”

“Oh come on Doc; it’s hardly the napoleonic wars”

“If you’re going to ignore the existence of antibiotics it might as well be.”

4 years ago

Wow that just made my day, I didn’t know we still got troll comments like this.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
4 years ago

“Bashing a guy cause he doesn’t like you or think like you do is a form of slavery,” wrote someone called Ingar, “you seek to force him to agree with your view or be an enemy.”

So basically whenever Ingar bashes someone for not thinking like him/liking him, he’s trying to enforce slavery? Oh, wait, projection….

4 years ago

@Fishy Goat
Since Ingar supports slavery as it was in the 1850s, one could interpret the two ideas together as a complement to David when he accused David of slavery. I don’t think that’s what he meant, but that’s what my mind jumped to.

4 years ago

l have a bit of a habit of ignoring injuries until they develop into something really nasty. So there was nothing particularly unusual about me attending the doctors with a sudden large hole in my knee.

This is not normal. I also have an active lifestyle, gardening, working out, running, hiking. I get a fair share of regular scraps and minor wounds. None of these take longer than a couple of weeks to heal, mostly on their own(obviously cleaning, sterilizing,etc). I attribute this to not skimping on macro nutrients and calories.

IIRC you are one of the resident vegans. The fact is to repair itself the body needs protein. Many vegans act as if this is optional. It’s not. Get your protein in,
whether it’s a cow or a tofuti-beast.

I am an active muscular adult about 160+ lbs and need 100-150 grams a day. Unless you’re a tiny person under 4 feet, anything less than 30-50 for an active individual is barely maintenance and asking for lingering healing problems.

And of course enough vitamins, minerals, etc.for a full grown healthy adult.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ Nobody

On that particular occasion I’d banged my knee on the ground and some bits of grit had penetrated and lodged under the skin. And unfortunately it went a bit septic. Although I hadn’t noticed because it had scabbed over and I assumed it was healing; I usually self repair pretty well. Occasionally though sometimes I do get the odd infection. I once had to attend the hospital with a human bite mark that had gone wonky. That took a bit of explaining! (Self defence training; but I think the doc was sceptical).

And yeah protein is pretty vital. I usually aim for, and hit, around 1.5 to 2g per Kg FFM. I quite like lifting so I’m your proverbial soyboy 🙂

Although sometimes I do raw vegan occasionally and then I have to make sure I get the basic 0.8g for maintenance. Good job I like beans. And I do take a multivit with iron; mainly for B12; and hemp oil for the Omegas.

Heh, a B12 discussion. I’m such a vegan cliche!

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago


You might like the latest at my blog. It’s about a new Atheist group that touts its worship of Locke and its commitment to “Enlightenment values”.

Like most things I write, it’s way too long (I’m just that way), but still. It might be the kind of thing you would like.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago

I’ll go back to 1850 thanks very much biggest expansion of the average persons wealth in history.

Yes, at least in part because of something called the Gold Rush. Somehow, I don’t know that you’d be up for the job…

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago


Self defence training; but I think the doc was sceptical

Good doc!

I remember when I cut myself while at a political protest to put my blood on a police station. It didn’t bleed nearly as much as I’d hoped, darn it, but I got out a few drops. The down side was that it required stitches because I obviously didn’t know where to cut myself to get any blood flowing (the scar is over an inch long).

My friends insisted that I go get sewn up … so I do. The doc saw no defensive wounds and evidence that there were multiple slice-marks in the same cutting area to deepen/extend it. She questioned me seriously about why I was hurting myself and asked about markers for depression. I had to explain, yes, I have lifelong depression and it’s never completely fine, but no, I’m not in a downturn now, and no, the point wasn’t to hurt myself, I just wanted to smear some blood on a police station window because the fuckers were harassing trans* people and especially (but not only) trans* youth of color during a national queer rights conference 2 blocks away from the conference center. [They hadn’t harassed me, but probably because my mobility impairment meant I hardly left the hotel.]

Now, this was Oakland, California, so the doc shook her head at me and told me that she hoped I wouldn’t ever feel the need to do that again, but that if it came up, I would do less damage if I used a sharper knife and made a single cut.

She was the best fucking doc.

4 years ago

“Bashing a guy cause he doesn’t like you or think like you do is a form of slavery,” wrote someone called Ingar, “you seek to force him to agree with your view or be an enemy.”

“Disagreeing with me is oppression!” is the cry of someone who knows they can’t adequately defend their views.

Stars Wars is now a PC joke.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there were wookiees and ewoks and giant slug people and mystical space wizards with laser swords, but no homo, and white dudes did everything that mattered, obviously. That’s just science.

4 years ago

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if Ingar went out in search of gold. He probably wouldn’t find any, but he’d leave the rest of us alone for a bit while he tried.

4 years ago

They seem to alternate between the two claims. If a movie or game they don’t like does poorly, it’s the former, if it does well it’s that it pandered to the rainbow regime.

I have no idea what Rainbow Regime, (which needs to be a thing like counter-protesters of hate groups, defenders of pride parades and/or LGBT military,) outfits would look like, but I already know they’d be AWWWESOME more so than Hugo Boss and minus the Nazism.

Star Wars is now a PC joke.

Besides the dead-ass obvious things that Lucas was always progressive-minded, (execution of said progressiveness is another thing,) the Galactic Empire were Space!Nazis getting beaten by a multiracial group of young people, the Ewoks beating the stormtroopers was inspired by the guerrilla tactics of the Vietnam War and even the prequels included Take Thats at the War on Terror such as the Nemoidians named after right-wing figures (“Nute Gunray” = Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan, “Lott Dodd” = Trent Lott and Chris Dodd,) plus Naboo is basically Planet College Activist given its (non-imperial) government that’s basically the stuff of Republican nightmares.

I’m also reminded of all the fragility that came out after the end of “The Legend of Korra” ended especially on their FB page as if the franchise suddenly “became” Social Justice-oriented when the franchise was always progressive ever since 2005 when a dark-skinned woman of colored explicitly and accurately called out a guy on his sexism, freed the hero with her feminist righteous indignation and agreed to help him not only because it was the right thing to do, but for her own personal goal of becoming a master waterbending/self-improvement and this was all in the first episode, alone. Like Katara was one haircut away from being the very same “Tumblrina” those same trolls claim to hate, so if anything, LoK got back on track in the third season after the first two were sexist messes, (plus fixing the original’s “Mother Problems” with Su Yin being both alive and prominent).

This is a franchise that began with intersectional feminism and by Raava, it ended with even more intersectional feminism that epitomized its themes to a “T”.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

I’ll go back to 1850 thanks very much biggest expansion of the average persons wealth in history.

Sadly, there’s about as much chance of him actually working on a time machine as there is of MGTOWs actually going their own way.

An Autistic Giraffe
An Autistic Giraffe
4 years ago

@ Send_Ford_To_The_Chopshop

I… What the fuck are you talking about? Okay first the majority of people are neurotypical, so it’s no surprise that civilization was mostly built by neurotypical people. Besides plenty of autistic people are jerks, and you are definately one of them if you think being neurotypical automatically makes someone deserving of hatred and violence.

Seriously is he one of those incels who use self-diagnosed autism to justify their toxicity? That’s about the only way I can make sense of that statement.

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

Movie making is about telling stories not PC issues.

Does he mean there can be no stories about PC issues ? I know this is going to be outrageous, but if we include white as a color, this litteraly means that you can not make any movie. Or does he expect movie makers produce them for his eyes only ? (do not answer, it was a rethorical question)

4 years ago

“Women and other minorities”? Since when are women a minority? This sentence says everything about how he sees us.

4 years ago

“Since when are women a minority?”

Uh, since forever, because men have almost always held all the social and political power?

4 years ago

Let’s not forget that entities like Disney are not immune to criticism. They want culture to exist only for profit. Not to mention they tried trademarking the phrase “Hakuna matata” one time.

Honestly, fuck capitalism. It needs to evaporate soon.

4 years ago


I have no idea what Rainbow Regime, (which needs to be a thing like counter-protesters of hate groups, defenders of pride parades and/or LGBT military,) outfits would look like, but I already know they’d be AWWWESOME more so than Hugo Boss and minus the Nazism.

In Against A Dark Background by Iain Banks, there’s a paramilitary group of solipsists (yeah, I know) who sometimes dress in camouflage made up of “pinks, lime-greens, blood-reds, loud-violets and bright-yellows”. I’ve always thought this would be awesome for a protest group.

4 years ago

@An Autistic Giraffe

Seriously is he one of those incels who use self-diagnosed autism to justify their toxicity?

I would guess he is. Of course, as an autistic person I find the people who use it as an excuse to be very irritating. They make us all look bad and reinforce the worst preconceptions about us. Autism doesn’t make someone an asshole, but those folks are doing their best to make it look like it does.

4 years ago

@WMDKitty : women are an oppressed group, that don’t mean a minority. Slave were oppressed by spartans and weren’t a minority either. Arguably, lower income class are oppressed too, and aren’t a minority. (they also are the oppressor to a lot of other group tho)

If you want to know why, remember that to be a minority, you need to be in at least arguably lesser number than the majority.

4 years ago

Fun game: assume PC means “police constable”, be weirded out by wondering why there shouldn’t be movies about police constable issues, then be weirded out by your own misunderstanding, realise you were supposed to eat like an hour ago and go get your late lunch.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Naughty Basic Horse
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Naughty Basic Horse
4 years ago

Movie making is about telling stories not PC issues.

I disagree. I watched a movie about someone trying to get the correct drivers working under a Linux install and it was fucking gripping, man.

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