
Amazon is promoting “racial hate crimes” with a new show featuring Nazi hunters as the heroes, professional mad guy One Angry Gamer declares

Just a group of white men enjoying a stroll

By David Futrelle

The video game reviewer who calls himself One Angry Gamer — real name Billy — gets angry about all sorts of things. Sometimes he directs his ire at what he sees as unforgivable technical flaws in games.

In a post on the upcoming Half-Life game Alyx, he attacks the game makers at Valve for not giving the titular character

fully rigged arms, but instead they’re relying on the egregious disembodied hands, meaning that there’s a clear separation between the player and being immersed in the world. Expect corrupt journalists and non-gamers in media to praise the feature even though better VR games have fully rigged player-view arms, such as After-H or Swords of Gargantuan.

Yes, that’s right: he’s attacking “corrupt” game journalists now for hypothetical opinions he thinks they might express in the future.

Sometimes– well, rather a lot of the time — One Angry Gamer’s triggers are less technical; he was one of those who lost his shit over Lady Thor, describing her gender reveal to be “the kind of news that strips the threads away from the very fabric of your soul,” a veritable “hammer to the gut.”

OAG’s latest target? An upcoming Jordan-Peele-produced series from Amazon that he thinks will foment “racist hate crimes” against white people.

Amazon Prime is promoting racial divide within Western countries with an upcoming show due to air in 2020 called Hunters. It’s about a group of Jews, blacks, and Asians hunting down and killing whites. It’s justified in the trailer when the lead character, portrayed by Al Pacino, says it’s “mitzvah”, meaning מצווה, or upholding a commanded religious order from the Abrahamic God.

I should perhaps note that the show isn’t about some multi-ethnic, multicultural gang wantonly killing every white dude they see. Its about a group of NAZI hunters tracking down LITERAL NAZIS.

OAG is aware, of course, that the villains in the series are Nazis; he just seems to think that anyone opposed to Nazis is probably opposed to white people in general.

The end of the trailer showcases the mixed-race vigilantes going after and beating up, brutalizing, and killing whites. …

Yes, Amazon Prime has a show promoting racial genocide and are attempting to mask it as some sort of revenge against Nazis shtick.

By this, er, “logic,” all of the shows and films that have ever been made featuring Nazis as villains — from Hogan’s Heroes to Schindler’s List — were all little more than calls for white genocide.

One could only imagine the uproar if the show’s premise were reversed, and a bunch of whites were gathered to secretly hunt down and kill a bunch of blacks, Jews, or middle-easterners. Social Justice Twitter would have a conniption.

Yet Amazon is proud to broadcast a show designed to stir racial enmity against whites… and for what?

We all know the answer, but expect the Left to play dumb or justify how a show like this – during the current climate where the media is constantly trying to stoke a race war – is somehow “needed”.

“We all know the answer?” If I’m hearing OAG’s dogwhistle correctly, he’s blaming the show on Teh Jews What Controls the Media. Which makes it a bit more apparent why he’s mad about a show with Nazi villains. Because he’s more or less one of them.

OAG definitely has “race war” on the brain. A few days ago, he wrote a curious post about the upcoming Netflix vampire series V Wars, which OAG thinks might be secretly trying to “red pill” viewers by depicting a black vampire cucking the human race in general and white people in particular by getting it on with a white woman. (There’s a literal one-second sequence in the trailer for the show that depicts the head vampire — who is black — making out with some hot human babe I’m not even 100% sure is white. )

It doesn’t take much to figure out that with V Wars you could very well replace “Vampire” with “Race” and you would quickly get the gist of the show. They mostly show a lot of white women being turned into vampires, thus making it look like the lead black vampire is taking the women for his own. That’s almost right on the nose to the kind of media propaganda we’ve been seeing from… well, everywhere.

I’m pretty sure most people upon viewing the trailer weren’t thinking that “the lead black vampire is taking the women for his own.” They, or at least a good portion of them, were more likely thinking “hey, hot vampires!”

The main concern with a show like this is whether or not they’ll turn the main hero into a cuckold or make him join the vampires? That would be a really disappointing turn of events. …

I’m still kind of shocked that they allowed a black guy to be the main villain of a show in [current year]. I also wonder if that will cause the typical outrage fodder on that cesspit known as Twitter to “rheee” about it until it trends?

Maybe not, because people who aren’t racist don’t spend all their time obsessing over interracial human-vampire relationships?

I’m not sure if OAG is mad at the show for pushing a “cuck” agenda, or if he really thinks, as he suggests at the start of the post, that the show has been engineered by “some rogue executive at Netflix” who’s decided “to red-pill people with media that goes against the [current year] grain” by depicting a black guy as a white-lady-stealing vampire villain.

Why does it so often come back to the specter of interracial “cucking?” It’s really quite amazing how many of the issues today’s “Red Pilled”misogynists obsess over end up being about aggrieved racial and sexual entitlement and/or straight-up insecurity

H/T — r/GamerGhazi for pointing me to OAG’s vampire post

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

It’s telling that when a show is about killing Nazis, he immediately assumes it’s against him.

There’s also the typical conservative projection complex: he thinks about killing people of other races constantly, so he projects and assumes that everyone else does as well.

Definitely not Steve
Definitely not Steve
5 years ago

Come on, dude bro. The whole “angry video game reviewer” thing has been done to death. In at least a couple cases, by people who have become quite successful, and without being shit-weasels in the meantime.

I’m offended by the complete absence of creativity, along with everything else.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

What is it with gaming YouTubers and Nazism, anyway?

5 years ago

Well, GamerGate radicalized a lot of the people who went on to form the alt right. Plus, a lot of gamers were already entitled misogynists with a strong dose of toxic masculinity, so it was a population that didn’t have to be pushed a lot further to become outright Nazis.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
5 years ago

Good god that’s terrifying.

If my posts ever seem like I’m taking Leigh Alexander’s “‘Gamers’ are over” article and running a little too far with it, guys like this are a big part of that. Reminders of sites like this bring back some bad memories of when I waded into some channels in the ROM hacking community during the height of GG. I saw this one channel that had a rule not to talk about GG, but the mods would constantly share articles from the GG cesspool, people like One Angry Gamer, TechRaptor, AlphaOmegaSin, TotalBiscuit…

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Stupid racist:


Also stupid racist:


That… must be an interesting universe to live in.

5 years ago

@Crip Dyke: No, see, there’s a difference. When you have black villains, it’s because black people are inherently evil, but when you have white villains, it’s because you hate white people. Well, okay, maybe you get a pass if it’s a white guy who hurts other white guys and is taken down by a white guy, especially if they’re a bad-faith SJW (like there’s any other kind) or gay.

That was supposed to be sarcastic, but it’s probably a little too on the nose, and I feel kind of dirty for having posted it.

5 years ago

One of the perks of being a white woman married to a not white man and going to have not white babies from my white womb is the fact it pisses guys like this off. Just slightly amusing to me that they can’t move forward like the rest of us.

Nathan Hevenstone
5 years ago

Jim Sterling has already cornered the angry gamer market, and he’s actually good at it… and not a flaming shitweasel…

5 years ago

@Nathan Hevenstone

Indeed, Jim Sterling is the hero we need in watching vigilantly the bs that the AAA game industry is trying to get away with.

5 years ago

Nazi is a race apparently.

5 years ago

@ One Angry Gamer

Nazis are valid prey, I think there was a war over that, you may have heard of it. (Sarcasm.)

@ Lainy

Seconded, and relieved Kevinsson has a recent genetic heritage from two continents.

5 years ago

@Nathan Hevenstone

Jim’s got some pretty left-wing views, unlike the typical stereotype of angry gamers, though.

And thank God for him.

5 years ago

Okay, I was already super-excited to watch this, (because it’s set in the disco era, and that girl’s ‘fro is giving me life), but now I’m doubly excited to watch it, because just the idea of this show frightens the hot bejeezus out of men like that!

Oh, yeah, can a person die from apoplexy?

5 years ago

One could only imagine the uproar if the show’s premise were reversed, and a bunch of whites were gathered to secretly hunt down and kill a bunch of […] middle-easterners

So, every war movie set in modern times, basically? American Sniper, for example?

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
5 years ago

Well, I guess my partner and I will add another one to the list of reasons we’re not interested in having children: It pisses off these types.

5 years ago

Ah yes, Al Pacino, noted man of color.

occasional reader
occasional reader
5 years ago

> Ikeke35
If this is a genuine question, the answer is yes (if this was a sarcasm, i am sorry to have miss it). Ask Al Capone.

> OP
Funny how they like Rahowa only when their side is supposed to be the heros (in their lore, of course, which is far from reality).

5 years ago

I wonder how OAG feels about the Wolfenstein games? I love the opportunity to machine-gun some actual Nazis.

5 years ago


I wonder how OAG feels about the Wolfenstein games?

I checked his site, and he thinks they are “left-wing agitprop”, an attempt by SJWs to insert the LGBT agenda, destroy masculinity, and, most related to what’s going on here, claimed the following blurb in response to what a developer said about right wing extremism:

Additionally, Right-wing extremists aren’t affecting anything.

It’s the Left that controls big tech and it’s the Left that are using blacklists and censorship to deplatform those that don’t fall in line. In fact, after people began railing on Wolfenstein: Youngblood for being a vehicle for propaganda, they were promptly banned from the forums and had their threads locked.

5 years ago

@Naglfar, LOL, of course! I think Internet Law now requires me to post this:

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5 years ago

Oh man, if he hates a game for not having fully rigged arms, he’d have a blast with ol’ Jurassic Park: Trespasser. Those who have played the game know what I’m talking about, but for the uninitiated… well, I’ll let YouTuber Research Indicates tell the tale. It’s a captivating tale of ambition limited by both programming skill and deadlines, yet due to the love of dinosaurs possessed by both my brother and I, we were gifted a copy of this half-functional rushed game.

Behold… ANNE!

That’s right, your player character was literally an arm, boobs, and a hit box. The reason for this was the physics engine made programming a second arm and legs far too time consuming, so the dev team cleverly hid the rest of the body beneath prodigious boobers (and made it the health meter with gradually-filling heart tattoo):
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There are Trespasser hacks that enable a third person mode and it is nothing short of hilarious.
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I still have a soft spot for the game. The narration by Sir Richard Attenborough is worthy of several films in and of themselves and the Town level alone is worth giving the Let’s Play a watch. Clearly a lot of love was poured into a game that deserved a better fate.

Happy early Thanksgiving, American Mammotheers!

5 years ago

The usual red-faced angry white asshole dudes are VERY upset about Hunters and making a lot of weird assumptions based on its 90-second trailer; Alex Jones* spent one of his most recent episodes bloviating about how it’s all about “killing MAGA supporters”. Never mind that the show is set in 1977, when “MAGA” wasn’t a thing and Trump was just a corrupt, racist real estate developer waging his own personal Vietnam of trying not to get crabs at Studio 54.

*No, I do not listen to Alex Jones. I listen to Knowledge Fight, a podcast dedicated to debunking Jones and making explicit his agenda of white nationalism, while also being very funny. I would recommend it to anyone commenting here at WHTM.

5 years ago


That’s right, your player character was literally an arm, boobs, and a hit box

There’s some deeper message about society that we can glean from this. I’m just not sure what it is. Something about how objectifying women reduces them to a few body parts?

Happy early Thanksgiving, American Mammotheers!

Thank you. For me it isn’t even early, as my family is celebrating Thanksgiving today for scheduling reasons.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

It’s a captivating tale of ambition limited by both programming skill and deadlines, yet due to the love of dinosaurs possessed by both my brother and I, we were gifted a copy of this half-functional rushed game.

…Does it at least have a full body reconstruction of Deinocheirus?

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