
By David Futrelle
Sunday night Donald Trump Jr. retweeted a transphobic tweet from someone long familiar to readers of this blog: the racist, woman-hating YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center describes, accurately, as an “alleged cult leader who amplifies ‘scientific racism,’ eugenics and white supremacism to a massive … audience.”
Molyneux, who first caught my attention more than five years ago for his open and often quite extravagant misogyny, has now taken to advocating straight-up white nationalism, albeit in euphemistic terms. While he doesn’t spew slurs like some of his alt-right brethren, he talks endlessly about allegedly intractable racial differences in IQ.
In one recent tweet, he asserted that
the devolution of the US from an Enlightenment Republic to a semi-banana republic … has a lot to do with racialIQ demographics esp permanent low Hispanic IQ
He’s repeated his claims about “permanant low Hispanic IQ” numerous times.
He has similar feelings about sub-Saharan Africans. In one tweet he accused those he feels are “ginning up racial hatred” against whites in South Africa of potentially killing off everyone in that country because, in his imagined scenario, “the blacks will kill the whites and/or drive them off. Then the blacks will starve” because, with their “Avg IQ low 70s” they will be too stupid to survive on their own.
He has, well, interesting thoughts on white women who marry the descendants of sub-Saharan Africans:
And he has many other thoughts about the allegedly insidious effects of “racial IQ differences” on western — “white” — countries.
His now infamous take on the Iraq war is truly galaxy-brained:
And if you don’t believe him, he may just have to get out his calipers!
Molyneux is convinced that “[m]ass immigration from the third world” is causing “falling Western IQ,” along with many other social ills, and has repeatedly fellow whites about what he thinks is a vast conspiracy to “replace” western whites with brown people from poorer countries — directly echoing the rhetoric of the neo-Nazis chanting “you will not replace us” in Charlottesville.
He also frets aloud about what he sees as a terrible shortage of white babies:
He’s also indignant that people look askance at racists crowing about the alleged superiority of “white culture” — that is, white people.
But as shitty as his racism is, we shouldn’t forget that Molyneux, a self-described Men’s Rights Activist who was once a featured speaker at a convention organized by Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, is also a huge misogynist.
Indeed, he has repeatedly argued that it is women who are ultimately responsible for all the evil in the world. Sure, he acknowledges, there are men who do evil things — but the blame for their evil, he thinks, should rest at the hands (and the vaginas) of the women who bore them and most likely raised them.
He spelled this out in some detail in a ranting video several years ago — arguing that if women didn’t choose shitty men to have children with the world would be a wonderful place.
Women who choose the assholes will … fucking end this human race. … Women who choose assholes guarantee child abuse. Women who choose assholes guarantee criminality, sociopathy. Politicians, all the cold-hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married assholes.
And I don’t know how to make the world a better place without holding women accountable for choosing assholes. … Women … keep the evil of the species going by continually choosing these guys.
If being an asshole didn’t get women, there would be no assholes left. If women chose nice guys over assholes we would have a glorious and peaceful world in one generation. Women determine the personality traits of the men because women choose who to have sex with, and who to have children with, and who to expose those children to. …
Stop fucking monsters and we get a great world. Keep fucking monsters, we get catastrophes, we get war, we get nuclear weapons, we get national debt, we get incarcerations … Women worship at the feet of the devil and wonder why the world is evil.
He’s still holding women responsible for all the problems in the world — and all the evil that men do.
It goes without saying that Molyneux is not a fan of feminism:
He also seems, well, a little bit uncomfortable with the fact that women have the right to vote.
As it turns out, he’s got a lot of advice for the ladies:
I dunno, that last one seems less like a warning and more like an incentive plan. (Does Stefan even know what cats are? Has he seen their gifs?)
But the sheer absurdity of many of Molyneux’s claims shouldn’t obscure the very real hatred and bigotry underlying them.
Which raises the question: How is it that the adult son of the president, heavily involved in his father’s political and business life, is even seeing Molyneux in his Twitter feed, much less using his own Twitter account — with its 3.6 million followers, at least some of whom are not bots — to amplify his voice (and not for the first time)?
Well, that would be the question if Don Jr’s last name were anything but “Trump” and if we lived in normal political times. These days, with Trump Sr. himself retweeting QAnon conspiracy theorists, Don Jr’s retweets of the racist, misogynistic, and just plain idiotic Molyneux are just par for the course.
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I offer both man *and* cats in one package deal!
I guess I must be an asshole who’s destroying western civilization?
My questions about how many cats I would or could have nagged at me.
So I Googled “Stefan Molyneux” + “enforce cat laws.” This was the result:
Your search – “stefan molyneux” + “enforce cat laws” – did not match any documents.
“[T]he price of a lot of men when you are young is a lot of cats when you are old”: that’s just hot air. This guy has no power over who has a cat and how many cats that person has.
Stefan Molyneux has just unwittingly tipped his hand. A person who is willing to lie about cats is a person who will lie about anything, who will lie about everything.
There is a lot of bad science and studies funded by right wing extremists that are out to prove others including women are inferior and these are then widely regurgitated by racists. You will notice most of them make the same arguments all over the internet.
Thinks tanks like the Volker fund and the Pioneer fund are neck deep in eugenics and ‘race science’ and have resulted in ‘scientific advances’ like charles murray and the bell curve presented as science and given credelence by the mainstream. [1] These funds are also closely tied to libertarian and conservative funding like the heritage foundation, the koch brothers, the mercers, devos, coors and a whole host of right wing luminaries. Here is a just a overview of funding to the far right and you will notice the usual suspects and interlinks. [2] [3] [4]
There has been a unrelenting 250 year effort to use science and iq to somehow prove others are inferior. The enlightment thinkers articulated equality but also constructed elaborate ‘scientific’ hierachy of races that was kept alive by scientific racism and eugenics. [5] First it was brain size, then iq even though we do not understand intelligence. How then can iq tests being used by the right wing to construct supremacism narratives in the name of ‘science’.
This desperate need for supremacism as identity itself belies something greviously wrong in propserous and educated countries. What exactly is IQ measuring? Now its evo psychology and people like Pinker making sweping assertions based on studies that cannot support them floated by racists and supremacists. [6] [7]
When you look at underperforming black children in the US do you look at the historical context of slavery, endemic and systemic racism, exclusion, poverty, opportunity, demonization for centuries or look to iq tests for ‘answers’. How disingenious and unscientific is that.
And it gets worse. A lot of studies measuring sub saharan IQ and africa cannot be replicated [8] and are highly dubious with uneducated people, disabled people being tested, tests carried out under trees and choosing low subsets and rejecting higher ones with ample evidence of data massaging going on. You are exploiting and demonizing an entire race for centuries now with dubious science, what kind of ‘scientists’ do this? These are crimes against humanity in plain sight with little pushback from academia, the media and wider soceity.
Ordinary people have to work and do not have time to engage while thousands of well funded think tanks that fund and sponsor academia, studies, scientists and have thousands working for them to push these studies and messaging to an unquestioning media.
[1] https://www.mcclernan.com/search/label/evo-psycho%20bros
[2] https://north99.org/2018/02/08/dark-money-conservative-politics-shadowy-american-nonprofit-bankrolling-canadas-conservative-movement/
[3] https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/revealed-trump-linked-us-christian-fundamentalists-pour-millions-of-dark-money-into-europe-boosting-the-far-right/
[4] https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/SPN_Funding
[5] https://isreview.org/issue/110/return-scientific-racism
[6] https://evolutionnews.org/2018/02/on-the-history-of-darwinism-scientific-racism-and-hitler-is-steven-pinker-objective/
[7] https://www.mcclernan.com/2018/08/one-reason-i-have-never-called-steven.html
[8] https://jeltewichertsdotnet.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/wichertsravenafr2010rej.pdf
Doesn’t need a law. It’s evopsych, and therefore irrefutable, unbreakable and automatic, according to Moldynews.
Re: Molyneux’s 10th screenshot (the one where he responds to a CNBC tweet)-has the man really never heard of stock photos? Guess not.
@ Laserqueen
Are you – definately – ‘H’ ?
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Everything that needed to be said about Molyneux and his views has already been said here.
I’m just slightly amused that he seems to think that USA invaded Iraq out of pure love for democracy and oppressed people.
@Kevin, well spotted – Laserqueen is definatly ‘H’, there is no other explanation!
(not sure how well known the whole ‘H’ thing is beyond our shores, so just in case for non-UKnians – “Line of Duty” reference)
Talk about playing the victim.
Also, I’m with Dormousing__it on this one: I stop paying attention when anyone starts their message with “Ladies.”
This is one of the big reasons why I never understood the “debate” over whether or not to use Nazi scientific research that was obtained using prisoners. The morality of doing so isn’t even an issue, because all the research is worthless junk.
I mean, did people seriously believe “Sure, these Nazis carried out torturous, murderous experiments on unwilling victims to support a political ideology, but there’s NO WAY they fudged their data to get the results their superiors wanted. That would be unethical!”
Is this cats for men thing an exchange program? I can think of a few men that I will happily trade in for cats. Do we need receipts or other documentation? Are there rebates or special promo offers? I’m in!
“Women who choose the assholes will … fucking end this human race. … Women who choose assholes guarantee child abuse. Women who choose assholes guarantee criminality, sociopathy.”
Mrs. Molyneux has a lot to answer for…agreed.
“Use your power to fix it.”
“…and expect me to oppose and threaten you at every turn. Remember what happened to Anita Sarkeesian; even better, remember what happened to Jo Cox.”
I don’t see how women fucking assholes could be a problem.
I mean sure, if you don’t clean dildos, that’s gross. If you throw a condom on them so you can quick-swap them to another partner or to your partner’s vagina, that’s clean, but it contributes to our overall waste problem. But sanitation and recycling aren’t problems specific to women fucking assholes.
I just don’t get it.
And what makes you think that women aren’t desperate for the same thing as the men, you lean mixture-thinking, self-impressed, pontificating dipshit? It just happens that bodily autonomy kind of falls under the umbrella of the above as well, and abortion is well… kind of part of that. It’s indicative he doesn’t even consider that women might have the same basic goals as men.
Or was he somehow conflating “property” with “women” during this little magnum opus? I wouldn’t be surprised there.
Also, Steffie? Cats are awesome, husbands can be awesome, one can have both at the same time, and the only thing that recommends most of the sort of people that bray about being in Mensa is that they got into Mensa. It doesn’t make them good people, it doesn’t make them kind people, it doesn’t make them useful people, and it sure as fuck doesn’t make them smart.
Hmph. My IQ is 89, and yet somehow I managed to get a Bachelors and Master degree. Almost like IQ is a flawed system for measuring all types of intelligence.
Stefan Molyneux Wiki, Net Worth, Wife, Daughter And Family Life
Weirdly enough, Mr. M. has only one child.
Your positive, look-on-the-bright-side approach to life is anathema to the death cult that is the incels. Well done.
Unless it’s the Old Spice guy.
Regarding the lover:cat ratio. I had four lovers in my youth, and currently have two cats. So based on that I’d say its a 2:1 ratio. Unless my partner’s lovers factor into the equation. He’s only been with me. Rounding to whole lovers (because cutting them in pieces is gross and creepy) we average two each. So if it’s based on the average number of lovers per person per household, that would be closer to 1:1
Man, this asshole (Molyneux) really does love to give his ego a hand job by spewing out his oh so “intellectual” racist and misogynistic opinions one after another, doesn’t he?
Sadly, he does sound somewhat less deranged than Donny Junior’s old man.
@Crip Dyke: I legit laughed out loud. Thank you, I needed that.
Re: the men for cats exchange:
Does he mean a category exchange, all the men in exchange for all the cats? He says “a lot of cats when you are old”, but he doesn’t say “no men when you are old” although it’s implied. Maybe he thinks it follows logically, assuming that no man will hang around with cats. The evidence overwhelmingly suggests otherwise. Hurrah for all men who like cats!
I too have considered his theory against my experience.
As it happens, I like both men and cats, and have been lucky that way for most of my adult life, with dry and furless spells here and there, of course. But Molyneux might be on to something, because the trend over time, no doubt about it, has been fewer men and more cats at any given time. I quite like the current arrangement, but then, I liked the earlier ones….
Ahem. I actually do have a point. Maybe it’s a Pareto optimality thing, you know, guns and butter. Men and cats. Except more complicated, because people. Everyone who loves men and loves cats has an optimum balance of men and cats, and that balance may change over time. Anecdotally, from this comment section alone, I think there may be a general tendency to drift toward cats.
I just love that I earned extra cats by having lots of youthful men! That’s how it works, right, Stefan?