By David Futrelle
Sometimes it’s hard to tell the neo-Nazi hate site The Daily Stormer apart from the Incels subreddit. Case in point: A recent post on the site — which has returned to the public internet after being temporarily banished to the Dark Web — from Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin offering “Further Proof That Women are Disgusting Sex Perverts Who Must be Sanctioned by the State.”
So what’s got sand in Anglin’s underpants this time? A news report about five Denver nurses who were suspended from their jobs for several weeks after it emerged that they’d opened up a body bag to look at a dead man’s junk. Anglin, who assumes all the nurses in question are female, uses the incident as a launching pad for a rant against women in general.
“All things women are involved in involve some kind of gross sexual perversion,” Anglin declares, before opening up a can of evo-psych so thoroughly rotten it seems to be tainted with botulism.
The biggest lie in the universe is that women are sexually innocent. They are biologically evolved to promote this image of themselves, specifically to hide the fact that they are twisted sex perverts, the lot of them. What’s more, men are evolved to be blind to this sexual sickness in women, because at one point in history it was beneficial for men to not have to think about just how sick these bitches actually are.
The entire existence of the human female revolves around sexual derangement.
This doesn’t even make sense as an evo-psych “just so” story. But never mind, because Anglin is ready to move on to his harsh prescription for all of womankind:
The only thing that can control this is a strong state, or legalized beatings.
In a photo caption, Anglin adds that “Women AKA filthy sluts have no business leaving the house.”
Anglin’s post is so thoroughly hateful towards women it reads almost as though it’s been copied and pasted straight from the incels subreddit.
I don’t know if Anglin is literally “involuntarily celibate” himself, but I sure hope he is; no woman, not even another neo-Nazi, deserves to be saddled with someone like him.
There are multiple varieties of Cholla, which is nicknamed ‘jumping cholla’ for it’s seeming ability to have sections of the plant jump out onto passerby, one of which is called teddybear cholla, because the dense spines make it look kind of fuzzy.
They can’t possibly think they have moral high ground here after suggesting using “donated” vaginas post-mortem to solve the “incel issue.”
Deviated preeverts finding out about preeversion and starting a mutiny of preeverts. Sounds like fun!
The moment when the “edgy” alt right sounds like your evangelist grandpa.
Now I’m all confused. I thought their big complaint was they couldn’t find enough sex-crazed (or at least undiscriminating) women.
You know, as I look around I see people long past their sexual peak caring for each other, and people who barely rate a 3 together and apparently happy. Are they on some alien planet, or am I?
I just want to make clear that as a “disgusting sex pervert,” sometimes WITH Jews (I’m marrying one), it really does take a lot of work (sexual perversion, not Jews), and I’m offended by the idea that all women would qualify.
Also, given that fascists like to kill sexual degenerates, how are they planning to get those Aryan children they need for the continuation of the white nationalist project here? Inquiring minds want to know.