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Some dumb things that are #WhiteGenocide, according to idiots

Gloria Jones, Marc Bolan and Rolan Bolan: Making White Genocide glam!

By David Futrelle

It’s been a while since we checked in on the BIGGEST JEWSPIRACY OF OUR AGE, that being WHITE GENOCIDE, the evil plot to rid the world of white people through devious tricks like running ads for sweatpants featuring interracial couples.

So I thought Id take another peek at the #WhiteGenocide hashtag on Twitter to see what else the white-haters have up their Jew-sleeves in their ongoing quest to destroy the white race. Here are a few of the things that I discovered are actually WHITE GENOCIDE.

Diaper boxes featuring babies that aren’t white

A black Miss Helsinki

Black people shoplifting, which is apparently legal now?

People who think Donald Trump sort of acted like a creepy uncle with a female reporter from Ireland recently, calling her over to his desk apropos of nothing at a photo op to tell her she has a “nice smile.”

The lack of a purely white continent

The lack of government issued hazmat suits to protect white Europeans from refugee cooties

The centuries-old practice of identifying children with one black parent as black


People who are insufficiently enthusiastic about Hitler

Stay alert, fellow white people! You can never tell what might be genociding you next!

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ opposablethumbs

As the old Post Office ads used to go “I saw this and thought of you”…

7 years ago

@Alan :-s
all too close to the truth …

7 years ago

@PaganReader: As a White People, I’m not sure it’s okay for me to go “White People!” but I’m sure feeling it.

What are you thinking, my fellow parents? Just take a normal awkward family photo like the rest of us.

7 years ago

I can confirm though, that by the time my babies got to the ಠ_ಠ stage, it was basically too late.

7 years ago

The satisfied smile on the baby’s face really makes that picture.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago



@Falconer, my family and I decided to stop taking kitchy cutie photos when we got the proofs and we *all* looked like we’re vying for a spot in The Addams Family, unironically.

7 years ago


Like this one?

Yeah! Notice the sly grin on the “sleeping” kidlet’s face? (Also, great catch of spurting goo and dismayed dad-face on the part of the photographer, although I’m sure they didn’t have so much fun mopping up after…)

7 years ago

The only safe cola for the alt-right: Pepsi Clear.

7 years ago

Long time lurker and second time poster here.

Whenever I see white supremacists shout, “THE WHITE RACE IS DYING!!!11,” my usual response is Kenshiro’s infamous quote : “You’re already dead!” Nobody can really be considered white since whiteness is based on purity and a pure heritage is non-existent. That and white isn’t a race.

The ironic thing about this is that white supremacists are multi-cultural themselves and are just as guilty of white genocide or destroying “human biodiversity.” If they actually understood the European cultures they claim to love so much, they’d realize just how diverse the cultures are. Though some are saying “Greeks and the Irish should not breed.”

If you actually talk to most of these people, you find out that none of them are really connected to a culture in any way. It’s based 99% on skin colour.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

Could…could someone please explain that chocolate bar one to me? Pretty please with a cherry on it?

The rest of the pics, I can figure out (most of) the reasons for. That candy bar one…I only understand one piece of it, the Shopping While Black part. The rest, I can’t figure out how those pieces fit with each other. What does SWB, Flaherty’s, the phrase Don’t Make the Black Kids’ Angry (do they hulk out or turn into werewolves?) and shoplifting have to do with each other, 1963, and a Hershey’s bar?

Any ideas?

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


Aside to all that have been pretty well expressed by all of you, i note that :

The Italian Navy picks up African migrants – in bio-chemical suits – in case of infectious diseases. Do you Europeans get bio suits too?

Well, unless there has been a recent change in geography, Italy is an european country too.

Miss Helsink 2017

If you are not even able to make a copypaste or a spell check of the name of a city you are thinking you are defending by spilling your racist gall all over the place, i suggest you review your priorities and begin to educate yourself.

Helsink, hellsink… Maybe the hellsink of the hellkitchen, i do not know…

Have a nice day.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago


I’m sure they’ll find some reason Pepsi Clear is unsafe too, maybe it’s made of transparent foetuses or something vile? I’m surprised how many people still believe that Pepsi is flavoured with extract of aborted foetus, and that dastardly Planned Parenthood is behind it, them or superhuman Bond villain George Soros.

I found this cartoon by Seuss, and thought that even tho it was drown in the thirties, it suits Trumpster very well indeed. What do you guys think?

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