aggrieved entitlement creepy cuck cuckolding empathy deficit incel misogyny rape rape culture reddit

Incel Redditor unapologetically admits to raping an unconscious woman

Knajjd11: “Men are predators by nature and it’s, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out”

By David Futrelle

This is appalling, but unfortunately not even slightly surprising: An “involuntarily celibate” Redditor has openly admitted to raping an unconscious woman.

Naturally, he is completely unapologetic about it, declaring that “[r]eproduction is objectively the point of living. You can’t expect someone to let such an opportunity to slide.”

Knajjd11, a regular poster in the Incels subreddit, made the comments in a discussion in r/Drama, a subreddit devoted to, well, Reddit drama. He has since removed the comments in question but not before someone archived them here.

Here’s a screenshot of the relevant portion of the discussion. It starts with Knajjd11 declaring that, contrary to the insinuations of others in the thread, he has in fact “touched a woman.” And then it gets very ugly, very fast:

knajjd11 -8 points 13 days ago I have touched one, funnily enough. I'm incel because I've never had someone want to have sex with me, but I have stuck my penis into a vagina. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11IsARapist 34 points 13 days ago I have stuck my penis into a vagina I think you mean rape, fuckface. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago I have already replied to these allegations in a previous comment. "I haven't overpowered anyone and it wasn't rape, either, unless you're the "omg i drank so much by my own volution but it was rape!!!" SJW types. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11IsARapist 37 points 13 days ago Also, there's a huge difference between stupid drunk sex and I-put-my-dick-inside-an-unconscious-broad sex. You are a rapist. An unpunished rapist. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago Have I forced someone to drink? Have I spiked someone's drink? No. Men are predators by nature and it's, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out. permalinkparent [–]bigblackkittie 38 points 13 days ago Men are predators by nature and it's, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out. what the fuck permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago Reproduction is objectively the point of living. You can't expect someone to let such an opportunity to slide.

In a later comment (screenshotted here), he further excused his alleged actions on the grounds that the victim wasn’t a virgin, so it didn’t count.

A look at knajjd11’s user profile on Reddit reveals that he’s replaced most of his past comments with spam urging people to go to the Pizzagate forum on would-be Reddit replacement Voat. But his previous posts (which remain up at the moment) suggest that (if the pictures he’s posted are indeed of him) he’s a young man with a perfectly pleasant face (that he thinks is repulsive) and some thoroughly unpleasant opinions that he thinks are perfectly fine.

In one post he declares that incels “lose” when and if they ever end up having mutually pleasurable sex.

Having Mutually Pleasurable Sex as an Incel: Losing, In a Way? (self.Incels) submitted 4 months ago * by knajjd1114, 2/10 PSL - 5'2", ugliest incel, got lucky with alcohol Think about it: the females persecuted me, shunned me, doomed me to a lifetime of suffering and I'm to work hard, "self improve" as much as I can and all that stuff for years only to end up validating and pleasing a female, the thing that made me suffer for all my life and mocked me. Going up and down as that useless worm lays there like the sack of shit it is, making me work for her pleasure. I wouldn't, and cannot ever afford to turn down sex as an incel, of course, but I sure as Hell won't try to please a female if I get thrown into an alternate universe and finally do have sex. I have been thinking of this for quite a bit now and thoughts on this matter would be appreciated.

In another equally unpleasant post, he suggests that “having a ‘modern’ daughter” is essentially the equivalent of being cuckolded. In the post, he imagines, in sexually explicit detail, a young woman becoming “a worthless slag being pumped and dumped by Chads.” He ends with a series of questions:

[H]ow can so many of you normies be happy having a “western”, a “modern” daughter after so many years of raising and caring for her selflessly? How can you not get sick seeing her turn into a slut for public use? How can you sit still and say “this is fine” while she’s nothing more than a object for Chads to use and throw away like a ***rag? How can you accept her serial “monogamy”, watching her jump from cock to cock? It makes me sick to my stomach. Answers are welcomed.

While we don’t know for sure that knajjd11’s apparent confession of rape is for real and not just internet braggadocio, it’s not exactly hard to see how someone with beliefs like these — a volatile mix of misogyny, aggrieved sexual entitlement and bitter self-loathing — could rape a woman and think of it merely as his due, an “opportunity” to reproduce that he shouldn’t “let … slide.”

If the last few years have taught us anything about the internet it’s that we cannot separate online behavior from the real world. We can’t dismiss the vile opinions we so often see online as mere trolling, or somehow unimportant or unreal because they are posted online. Trolls more often than not end up believing the nonsense they post. And they often act upon these beliefs in the real world.

Incel ideology is horrendous enough to read online; it’s even more sickening to realize that some men are acting out these beliefs in real life. If Knajjd11’s confession is true, his incel beliefs have provided him with what  he sees as a legitimate justification for real-world rape.

EDIT: Added an additional comment from Knajjd11 justifying his alleged rape.

H/T – Thanks to tracertong322 on Reddit who brought this to my attention as well as to sys34 on Reddit, who posted the screenshot that enabled me to find Knajjd11’s comments.

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7 years ago

Everyone already said what i would say…i hope if this kid really just 14 then he generate this story from his brain. But it frightful that maybe it can be true. I have not read all the screenshot because of my very slow internet doesnt like to load it…but if he 20 then fuck maybe this is true…

He truly thought Obama was getting a “pass” from the press for all the nasty things Trump thought Obama had done, and so, of course, he’d get the same consideration as President. Obama’s “press pass” was basically “not being an ass about things”, not attacking the press at every opportunity, and well, not being Trump.

I feel obama had little bit of a pass. He never close Guantanamo. He continue drone strikes. He ignore poison water in flint. Not that i think he is like trump- but all over he is worship and seems like people forget this things…i more read about jeremy Corbyn – now here is someone who deserve to be worship instead of obama ?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I don’t believe 20 any more than I believe our seagull-eating engineer is the 29 he attempted to claim.

7 years ago

For me, a horrifying thing about these incels are that they remind me of how it was to be a teenager. Back then, basically everyone obsessed about who had sex and who hadn’t. I guess usually it wasn’t even about the sex as such. It was about social status.

For girls, it was important that the boys liked you, but they shouldn’t like you too much, because that would make you a whore, which wasn’t a good thing either. Both the “uggos” and the “whores” got bullied immensely, with help of the upcoming new technology THE INTERNET.

For boys the more girls the better, and literal cock measuring. Since we’re having story time, I offer the following contribution:

One time at school when I was about 14 years old, I was reading in a room, sitting behind a screen with paintings on it. Some boys from my class entered the room and sat down at a table to study. They couldn’t see me behind the screen. Naturally, they started discussing the length of their penises.
“Mine is 15 cm… with no erection”, started the first boy.
“Mine is 18 cm”, the next said, having to be slightly bigger/better than the first boy.
“20 cm… when it is starting to get hard”, said boy number three.
And so on. They worked their way up to almost half a meter, and I, sitting behind the screen, and not knowing much about penises, thought it didn’t sound nice to have a half a meter penis inside of you.

The boys competed with themselves about status. All the bragging was to make the other boys approve of you. Girls actually didn’t have much to do with it. Normally you mature and realize that sex is only a part of life (and hardly a mandatory part at that), and you get less dependent on other peoples opinions of you (although adults hunt for status as well, of course). But in these dudes it all gets so twisted. Sex becomes the only thing that matters, and it isn’t really about sex, at least not if we think of sex as something nice you can do together with someone(s). It is not about lust and pleasure. It is about approval and confirmation, status, which they think they are “denied”. This is why they feel “oppressed” and why they think it is their right to “strike back at their oppressors”.

The incels seem to live in a twisted high-school Revenge of the Nerds world, forever. It seems like a very dark place.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I feel obama had little bit of a pass. He never close Guantanamo. He continue drone strikes. He ignore poison water in flint.

You’re not wrong, but this is because the press was harsh on Obama for other, more domestic and more racist things than his drone strikes. Especially Fox would go on and on about the birther conspiracy theory and the story that he was both a radical black Christian and a Muslim at the same time, rather than focusing on Obama’s actual policies. Other networks did the same thing but to a lesser degree. He got pretty rough treatment from the press, it’s just that they didn’t do it over his foreign policy.

7 years ago

Re the story: Hrrrrrrllllpp…?

@Gatecrasher: damn right.

7 years ago

He got pretty rough treatment from the press, it’s just that they didn’t do it over his foreign policy.

Well people who will harrass him and be racist and xenophobic also dont care about drone strikes, torcher or poor people getting poison with lead…they probably like him for this things.

But i have two thoughts. Obama should be criticise for this things – but racists all over US media mean good people must to always defend him and have no time for talking about his real mistakes. Also this morons will see that if people criticise Obama for real reason and think that they have support…

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Pagan Reader,

As always, thanks for the brain bleach <3

Moar brain bleach: Aust. feminist Clem Ford has just announced another book. A small independent bookstore in Brisbane, Avid Reader, has been targeted by MRAs because Avid stocks and promotes Ford's books.
It … hasn’t gone so well for the MRAs

*H/T to @TakeDownMRAs (as usual!)
Apologies for the OT – I has no words on the actual post 🙁

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

… waaayyyy off topic, but you gots to see this….

BBC piece on the flap over John McEnroe claiming Serena Williams would rank #700 in men’s tennis

Dmitry Tursunov, ranked #701, thinks McEnroe’s estimate is high, as he believes he could beat Serena…. (full disclosure, I don’t know if this is a satire piece, as Tursunov also said “She is pregnant, and I’m not.”)

Funny part is, Tursunov also said:

“I’ve never heard John say anything absolutely stupid – he knows his stuff. What he said about her being an incredible player is correct – explosive, powerful and she puts in a lot of work. But I would hope that I would win.”

Now, really, Dmitry, if you’ve NEVER heard John McEnroe say anything absolutely stupid… you don’t follow tennis!!!!!!!!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ weird eddie

I’ve never heard John say anything absolutely stupid

You cannot be serious! 🙂


Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

Truly repulsive how he refers to his victim as ‘it’.
Not even human. I hate this dehumanisation tactic they use.

7 years ago

@Alan, I’m 39 and McEnroe is probably the first public figure I ever associated with stupid outbursts (and the catchphrase you cite). This has been going on for a long time….

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

Just looked at his picture. He’s only about 13. What a sad way to fuck up your life. He reminds me of the lad in Portsmouth who went out stabbing random women because no one would fuck him.

Here’s a monkey which looks like Donald Trump.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ weird eddie & jimbtho

Yup, he was pretty much the poster boy for unselfaware bratty entitlement back in my yoof.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

comment image


Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

“They’re just trolling! It’s just words on a computer! Stop being so sensitive!”, say folks who feel genuinely threatened by other people simply existing.

Seriously, eff this. Words matter and if this young man is openly admitting to sexual assault, he needs to be investigated.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

It’s highly ironic that this guy complains bitterly about the unjust burdens of “involuntary” celibacy, thrust upon him by an uncaring universe that never asked him for his opinion…yet he’s perfectly A-OK with pushing involuntary sex onto women incapable of giving consent. Because “involuntary” is only unfair when it happens to men.

The term “incel” is ridiculous and nonsensical to begin with. Entitlement is baked right into it. Hey, I’m “inpoor”, but I don’t go around whining about the money that the world owes me, and plotting to steal it from unconscious people. If I want more money, I’m going to have to go out and work for it.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

*sigh* I typed out a joke about how we can’t be certain it’s rape because for all we know he broke into a morgue and violated a corpse… but I erased it about five times. Can’t do it. Gallows humour can help ease the darkness sometimes, but this is… this is just freakin’ heinous stuff. Just heinous.

What I will do is repeat my call for there to be a massive Spotlight-level investigative series on the underbelly of the internet. Gatecrasher’s comment above had me thinking about what I was like at 14 and how I handled my way around the internet of 1999-2000. And it really was a totally different time. When I was in high school, the edgiest things about the internet (at least that I knew about) were Newgrounds, Somethingawful, Ebaumsworld, Maddox and this delightfully weird site called, which was basically flash cartoons and games where stickmen were killed in overly exaggerated fashions. Forums were pretty rudimentary; social media was just a gleam in people’s eyes. I dunno… I like to think I was savvy enough not to be drawn in to that world to the point I was constructing an identity for it, but a part of me wonders whether but for the grace of God went I.

Looking back as a now 32-year-old Jives, Maddox almost seems like a charming throwback to a more innocent edgelording time, when a pretend pirate making fun of children’s drawings was the height of trolling.

Now we have 14-year-olds admitting to this from the comfort of anonymity. Frankly, I don’t know what can be done. Everything I can think of: impressing upon parents the importance of monitoring their children’s internet activity, de-incentivizing this kind of juvenile oneupsmanship, they all seem like Herculean tasks in light of the way the internet has changed. All I can do is do my best to combat this disgusting culture rhetorically. Cuz I’m no journalist.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

Even if someone is trolling, who knows? These far right types live in a bubble of confirmation bias and will take anything which props up their world view as fact. For instance, Britain First retweeted a satirical piece condemning Jeremy Corbyn for speaking at Glastonbury and not Armed Forces Day. Even if they knew the piece was satire, it fitted in with their groupthink so they shared it as ‘truth’, I think the MRA / Incel types do pretty much the same thing.
FWIW, that kiddy shouldn’t even be thinking about sex at his age. He needs to get his head out of Reddit and go outside and kick a ball around. He reminds me of the kids I mentioned the other day, who liked to ask other kids if they were virgins when they were 8 years old.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It might make people feel better to assume that people who say these kinds of things are “just” trolling, but I don’t think it’s a useful assumption to make. Unconscious people are raped all the time. Most of the rapists who do these things must have various accounts online. We already know that men will readily admit to rape as long as it’s not called rape. Even if it is a lie, who cares? It still contributes to the normalization of rape.

I also don’t think that the culture is worse than it used to be. There’s a reason that the phrases “locker room talk” or “boys will be boys” exist and predate the internet. Men/boys have always talked about women/girls in objectifying, hateful and rapey ways. Just because it’s online now instead of confined to private groups, doesn’t make it worse. Ask any woman born before 1990. They can tell you that virulent misogyny existed before social media was a thing. Manosphere sites are a symptom, not the problem. There’s misogyny on the internet because our culture as a whole is misogynistic. Not the other way around.

I think blaming it on the internet being bad these days veers dangerously into “poor troubled guys are sad and they stumble onto these sites and are corrupted” territory. Even teenagers should be plenty old enough to know that bigotry, violence and wishing violence upon others for simply existing are wrong.

The reason that large websites should crack down on this shit isn’t because it’s explicitly causing hate. The hate was already there. But cracking down on it would send the message that hate is not socially acceptable. It would also stop the targets of hate from having to be targeted quite so much.

7 years ago

Whether real or not this is sickening stuff, with any luck one day this man is going to look back at this post and be totally ashamed. We can hope.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

Is there any hope that the police might actually investigate this, if it is brought to their attention? Assuming he isn’t just making up a story, he just admitted to a crime. I wonder if the girl he raped ever figured out what happened to her?

Someone so willing to take advantage of an unconscious person is a terrible human being who is a danger to society. Even if he is “just trolling” it is still really awful, because someone else may decide it is okay to rape because of this asshole’s “reasoning” and “justifications” in his gross story.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

@ gussie;

they all seem like Herculean tasks in light of the way the internet has changed

that much is certain. We could maybe organize a parents’ activist group to raise awareness of the Internet’s effect on their kids… it would take us half a year to get up to speed… Jebus and the Seven Dwarves could do it by magic and get up to speed in, what, a week? The average social media application has had three new releases in that time, all of which really seem to undercut any attempt at parental monitoring.

I wonder sometimes if we haven’t created our own Cylon uprising with internet/social media…

7 years ago

I’d like you to move your attention to another admitted rapist and pedophile, DennisRader (/u/DennisRader), where he admits that he raped a 14 year old girl. You can find his comment on /r/Drama subreddit which he made last week I think.

After I read that comment, I was literally shaking from anger. How could such a person exist, let alone admit it on the internet?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

5’2 is not an impossible height for a grown dude to be. Rape is not an impossible act for a child to commit. 14, 20, or 329, I’m not in the least surprised

For those not in the know, when he says he’s ‘2/10 PSL’, that’s an incel hb rating system. But somehow worse. Basically, they get together and wallow in each other’s insecurities by rating themselves and each other. There’s 2 systems, ‘IRL’ that ‘normies’ use and ‘PSL’ (Puahate Sluthate Lookism) that, by design, deliberately gives lower numbers. Cos men can’t actually be 9s or 10s (apparently above a 6 is rare). It’s outta 10, but 10 is impossible. Never said it made sense. So, when graded on this reverse curve, even rather pretty dudes make themselves feel just OK, the just OK ugly, and the ugly hideous slimebeasts. So this dude came in probably thinking he didn’t look all that bad, and was convinced (and convinced himself) he did. So, that’s a thing

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Feminists were saying Maddox was misogynistic in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Back then, at least, he was relatively tame compared to what’s going on nowadays. He criticized identity politics and helped popularize “gender egalitarianism” among millennials to some degree (basically, that we do the most good for both men and women if we pretend they have the same problems). Of course, gender egalitarianism has absolutely no empirical research supporting it and “treat everyone the same” policies have never led to measurably better outcomes (unless, ya’ know, you’re comparing “treat everyone the same” to The Handmaid’s Tale).

@Virgin Mary

If he’s 13-14, his parents need to get him into therapy with someone who specializes in Dark Triad traits and (possibly) adolescent sex offender treatment as soon as possible. I’m not saying he meets clinical diagnostic criteria for a mental disorder, but there’s much more hope that therapy will have an impact on his personality and behavior while he’s young. It’s less likely to work in his late teens, and there’s pretty much no hope once he’s over 25.