It was a busy day on the Incels subreddit yesterday. While some subreddit regulars celebrated the third anniversary of “incel killer” Elliot Rodger’s murderous rampage — they call it “Saint Elliot’s Day” — others lashed out at the victims of a fresh tragedy: the terrorist bombing of the Ariana Grande concert that left nearly two dozen dead, many of them teenage girls.
In a thread ironically titled “A moment of silence for the victims in the UK,” dozens of Reddit’s self-described “Involuntary Celibates” mocked those who died in the explosion, dismissing most of them as “Stacies” or “future Stacies,” using the standard Incel slang for hot “normie” girls who only date alphas.
Some lashed out at Ariana Grande as well.
Those who bothered to try to justify their hatred did so on the grounds that “Stacies” — and women in general — hate incels and would be happy to see them suffer or die.
Yes, that’s right. His first response to this horrific tragedy was to feel sorry … for himself. And he wasn’t the only one.
A purer example of projection can scarcely be imagined.
Indeed, elsewhere in the same thread, a fellow incel echoed Nazi language in an attempt to explain why the victims in Manchester had it coming to them.
Some of the regulars took out their anger on the Redditor who started the thread in the first place, taking aim at his highly controversial opinion that no one deserves to be blown up in a terrorist act, “not even stacies. We need more love in this world not less.”
As the regulars saw it, this was a pathetic bit of “virtue signaling” from a man hoping that expressing bare sympathy for female victims of terrorism would “get his dick wet.”
(You can click on that last one to see a larger version.)
I can only repeat what I said in my post yesterday about “Saint Elliot’s Day,” that the Incels subreddit may be the scariest place on Reddit. It’s astonishing to me that the people who run Reddit feel it is in their own, or anyone else’s, best interest to provide a forum for such twisted hate speech — a forum that glorifies suicide and self-hatred and encourages the same misogynistic obsessions that led Elliot Rodger to commit his murderous rampage.
It’s not healthy to think that murder is funny, and any ideology that promotes such thinking is deeply destructive to everyone it touches.
Get help, guys, for your sake and the sake of everyone around you.
“involuntary celibate” ??? That’s what it means?
So let’s get this clear, the solution to “no woman wants to touch me” is …
“I’ll be the rudest, rankest, my disgusting creature there is. I’ll abuse women. Demand their rights be taken away and generally make them think I’m a deplorable person …”.
Did someone shi* in their skulls?
I haven’t been around much (thank you for noticing XD).
Two main reasons: (1) ridiculous workload that has had me working 7 days a week since February and (2) the return of my old friend Depression, along with its sibling Anxiety; one of the worst I’ve had in years. I’m sure many people here know that particular drill.
I love my anime, but Steins;Gate and one or two others are in their own stratosphere of incredible. I get goosebumps just replaying certain scenes in my mind.
Tell me, how was Steins;Gate 0 on PS4? I must confess I haven’t played any of the games but would love to hear about them 🙂
@Violet the Vile,
Oh no, I wasn’t saying you were wrong – apologies if it read that way. I meant that my own experience was different from yours, is all. I completely get where you’re coming from.
And I have now realised that I’ve never eaten a macaron. Giant abyss of loss opened up. Help!
Oof, sorry to hear that. I know that feel, it’s been the same for me.
They’re both v. good, and they’re also both available on the Vita if you happen to have one (I know, I’m one of twelve people in the world who does). I didn’t like 0 quite as much as the original, but that’s largely because it had far less Okabe x Kurisu stuff, and the interactions between those two are my lifeblood. The actual plot of it is still very compelling, and its structure is a bit more interesting than the first one because it has a branching narrative that actually has two different narrative paths you can take.
As games they come with the usual visual novel caveat of needing to go in expecting, well, reading rather than “gameplay”, but other than that I’d say that as long as what you dug about the anime was the plot and character interactions, the game does it even better than the anime did. For the first one, you kinda need a guide to get the True Ending, though, because a lot of the choices you need to make are random and none of the ones required for the True Ending are telegraphed so going through without one makes it an exercise in trial and error. 0 thankfully fixed that by making the choices mostly just correspond to the different story paths, and you just have to unlock the True Ending in that one by finding a specific one of the other endings first (which in-context actually kinda makes sense; yay, D-Mails!).
Oh, edit window ran out, so addendum:
Just in case you’re not aware as I wasn’t, the entire premise of 0 is to explain the very end of Steins;Gate. Even though it technically takes place after the events of the original, it’s effectively sandwiched right into the five minute section after Okabe comes back to his present in the time machine.
Time travel!
You’re not the only one. Care for a nice, consoling macaroon?
And I hear you re: depression/anxiety. My last major case of it was over 20 years ago, but whenever I get walloped with a sense of being overwhelmed, I find myself wondering if the Beast is back. Luckily, the two biggest telltale signs — suicidal ideation and a burning feeling in my veins — aren’t there. But I ain’t gonna lie, sometimes the dread of the Beast is damn near as bad as the Beast Itself. Hope it lets go of you soon.
Re:I hear you on the depression/anxiety. It’s kind of scary for me since it only takes one day for me to fall down hard if I don’t keep taking my medicine. Hopefully yours passes soon.
Vicky also wishes you well.

Macaroons are excellent. Hmmm man just bought home coconut flakes maybe I should bake some…
Macarons is the original French spelling, right? Either way, I’ve never had one and I am sad about this. Apparently there’s a wee bakery in the neighbourhood that makes good ones so I will visit them 🙂
Thanks for the run down. It sounds brilliant. One of the (million) things I liked about the anime was how they didn’t go down the “love triangle between Okabe/Kirisu/Mayuri” line. I don’t know about the manga?
@dslucia (again)
Wow, thanks for your comments. You’re amazing. This particular time really caught me by surprise. New meds are helping, as is exercise and meditation (and cats, of course).
Oogly, where have you been hiding Vicky? She’s gorgeous <3
Darling Mish, I’m so glad you’re doing better! <3
It’s great that you’re doing better Mish! Vicky doesn’t like to sit still and she’s very energetic. Getting her to sit still long enough for a photo op is like asking her to stop shaking her body after getting washed, it takes a while but in the end it’s worth it : )
@PeeVee, @Oogly,
@PaganReader – Misandrist Spinster
Oh. My. God.
The visual novel has a bunch of “what-if” ‘bad’ endings that feel like they’re approaching tearing down the wallpaper of how so many VNs effectively have harems for the protagonist, but I’m not sure they go far enough so it mostly just ends up being very, uh, unhealthy for everyone involved. Suzuha’s ending, arguably the darkest one, is the only one that I’d argue actually finishes on a positive note. But technically none of those endings are canon anyway, and otherwise the anime followed the True Ending route so the game treats the characters largely the same way.
I’m so glad you’re okay. Please take care of yourself. It sounds like your spoons have been low in number.
I offer you exactly one hug and have been struggling under the weight of a crippling depression that has been wrecking my spoon balance horridly.
@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major,
I has us covered, don’t you worry. And you take care, yourself <3

Hey! A friend of mine turned me onto this site, and I’m slowly making my way through back blog posts… usually I lurk and read, but the Incel thing I have to comment on.
WAAAAAY back when, I was a semi-active member of GAFF (God Awful Fan Fiction) and later WGW (Why, God, Why) both of which were forums mostly for discussing WTFtastic and just plain old bad fanfiction, but later spread to discussing other terrible ideas, whether they were funny or truly terrifying. Our whole forum got into it with another forum called Love-Shy, which is where I learned about what “Involuntary Celibacy” was… which really did make me scratch my head, cause, you know, everyone’s had their dry spells, right? What’s the big deal?
That forum was probably the biggest cesspool of hate I’ve ever seen in my life. It wasn’t just like strategies to get laid, which may or may not have been repulsive (trying straight up dating v. trying to bang drunk women), or tips to improve or a board to commiserate–which is what I initially thought. No, it was about how they are entitled to sex, how women don’t give it up, and if women don’t give it up then why should they live, and on and on and on… cesspool of hate.
For the person who said they are dangerous earlier in the comments… you are exactly right on that. They are dangerous. A couple of their members threatened bodily harm to our admin and others (granted, we were mostly a bunch of sarcastic fucks too, but even those of us who tried to open a discussion to understand were threatened), and reading the threads… it was horrifying. There wasn’t only advice on how to get women drunk or in compromising positions, but also how to stalk, and IIRC correctly, how to murder or kidnap and get away with it. Those were the most extreme examples, of course, but even the not-so-horrifying posts were laced with seething hatred. That was when I stepped away and was like, “Nope, screw that.” Even glancing at the old posts on the wayback machine makes me upset and angry.
While I believe we should treat people with kindness and decency on like even the most basic level, there are people who are dangerous threats, and generally they are extremists. These people are definitely in that category.
Exactly, It seems like a sterling example of this http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilCannotComprehendGood