In the wake of the horrific murder of YouTuber Heather “Ivy” Anable, apparently at the hands of Aleksandr Kolpakov, one of her fellow cohosts of the Skeptic Feminist Youtube channel, some of YouTube’s most noxious personalities got together for a nearly two-and-a-half hour livestream dealing with the tragedy.
The livestreamers in question included the noxious Sargon of Akkad — I’ve written about him several times before — alongside lesser-known YouTube shitheads called Vee and Kraut and Tea, among others.
Despite the ostensible subject, the livestream turned out to be a rather lighthearted affair, full of jokes at the expense of the murdered woman and lots of what the participants called “gallows humor.” (There were similar outbursts of inappropriate mirth from antifeminists on Twitter and elsewhere online, as I detailed in a post yesterday.)
YouTuber Michael Rowlands has done us all a service by clipping some of the worst moments from the livestream and putting them in a thankfully much, much shorter video of his own. It’s only 8 minutes long, and you can skip the first minute or so, but I think it manages to capture the odiousness of Sargon and pals quite effectively.
Just a note of explanation: Rowlands’ video is designed to highlight the blatant hypocrisy of YouTuber Kraut and Tea. The first half consists of a clip from a Kraut and Tea video patting anti-SJW YouTubers on the back for their alleged moral superiority over SJWs. The second half is a clip from the notorious livestream, which pretty clearly shows what complete bullshit his claims of moral superiority really are.
I set the start of the video a little ahead to bypass some of Kraut and Tea’s more tedious bloviating and get right to his main point.
Thanks to commenter IshinDenshin for letting me know about this video. If you want to watch the whole livestream (ugh) you can find it here.
This stuff:
(Quite fancy trying some now, sounds surprisingly nice)
Many strains of Christian theology share that one, and treat the line about ‘my followers will be persecuted in my name’ as being a universal absolute. Hence why theres preachers on tv banging on about how Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world today, and cries of ‘anti-Christan persecution’ anytime their privileges are questioned.
Not that nice. There’s no way in hell a spongeful of watered ration wine is going to have any appreciable analgesic effect, and nobody would know that better than a legionnaire.
Posca. Sour watered wine carried by legionnaires on the march. For the reasons I noted above, in fact.
Posted without refreshing, didn’t see you’d found it
Re: Horrible Histories
Ooh, I watched them on the Youtubes.
They’re quite good, although what I took away most from them was the white supremacists in the comment section abloobloobloo’ing about HH casting black women and men in various skits tackling Roman and European Medieval history.
I’ll check out your recommendation; I’ve been looking for new books to read.
So far I’m reading about the Boer wars and the Voortrekker – fiction and nonfiction.
Of course, being a staunch Empire girl, I want the Boers to fail.
I love that so much.
I am! Tangent timelines/alternate realities are a weakness of mine, especially in superhero comics.
(Sorry for the late reply.)
Oh hey there.
I grew up hearing about the War Against the English from my maternal grandparents. It’s an interesting topic to study from a gender point of view, because (for the Afrikaner side at least) the male experience of the war was so utterly different from the female experience. The Black experience of the war was again entirely different, and it’s something I know less about than I’d like to.
If you’re approaching it from a heroic-Boys-Own-war-stories angle, then I’d recommend reading Commando:
A Boer account of the Boer War by Deneys Reitz. In many ways it’s a smarter book than the author intended it to be, because it perfectly encapsulates the youthful war-is-great-fun narrative that a lot of late 19th century culture dwelt on. However, it should be emphasised that this is a primary source: there’s very little context for the events Reitz recounts. Unless you know what the Jameson Raid was, or what happened at Lyndenburg and Paardeberg, you might miss some of the implications.
If you’re into fiction, thenOp Soek Na Generaal Mannetjies Mentz is definitely worth reading, and also goes into the female experience of the war. I think you can get it in English.
For all the “normies” out there. Like me. Don’t click on the link to the full video. I haven’t even seen the short one, but I will later. You would give views and that is what those lowlifes are after. Thanks.
And “edit”: I couldn’t even follow that one. The discussion was way too dumb.
I know it is a bit stupid, but it’s nice to see that there are others like me (I’m talking about you, David) that like to see what these…unusual internet entities are saying just to see what the scourge of the internet is trying to push forward.
And thanks for letting my “normie” comments go through.
So if we’re still talking about bloodlines, I guess I’ll throw my 2 cents in. so i confirmed a while ago that I am 1/8th Cherokee, my dad is 1/4 and my grandpa was 1/2 (I do the math sometimes because for the longest time I just assumed they and I by extension were all white).
but I’m, in looks and experience a super super white person. I’m honestly really curious about this aspect of my ancestry and want to learn more about it, but I don’t really feel comfortable claiming it even though I know it’s true. Like I don’t know if it’d be right, ya know? I’ve never faced any of the issues that native people face. Heck, apparently when my dad was a kid some people used to think he was black, not native. And I don’t know anything about my grandpa’s experiences.
Unlike my dad I’m super pale. like not as pale as other white people can get but I’m up there in the pale o meter.
does anyone else have some complicated feelings on stuff like this? I’m caught between wanting to explore my history/family background and not wanting to intrude on the spaces of people who need it.
@ Victoria, I have no personal experience of this, but I found these 2 novels fascinating:
The first:
A debut novel in which a feisty young white woman unofficially adopts a Cherokee foundling baby. It’s a terrific book except for the assumptions it implied about abused ethnic babies having nobody who cares about them.
I like to imagine that at some point a member of the Cherokee Nation came to the author and said
“””Dude, that’s pretty insulting to our people, educate yourself”” and the result was her follow up novel:”
The character Annawake Fourkiller makes these points and many others pretty plainly.
It also has loads of detail on Cherokee Nation history and law, especially regarding eligibility for membership, and has a woman who had always considered herself solely white re-connecting with her Cherokee family.
The character Cash Stillwater particularly resonates with me because I’ve known many members of the Stolen Generation here in Australia with that same sadness at their heart, trying to form the families they never had themselves, seeing a different kind of lostness descend on their kids, and carrying on as best they could.