advocacy of violence alt-right entitled babies literal nazis racism vox day

Vox Day: I won’t feel bad if leftists are killed

The future of civilization?

Terrible fantasy author and worse human being Theodore “Vox Day” Beale expects leftist “blood to be shed” at the hands of his alt-right pals at some point in the near future. And he’s ok with that. Hell, he seems positively giddy at the prospect.

In a blog post today inspired by the recent fracas in Berkeley, Beale writes

[S]omeone asked me, in my capacity as a known Alt-Right figure, if I would feel bad, or guilty, if blood were to be shed as a consequence of the Alt-Right’s refusal to submit to the threat of violence from Black Bloc, antifa, and the post-American Left.

The answer, quite simply, is no. Not even a little bit. The course is set. The consequences are inevitable. The socionomic verdict is clear and the time of positive social mood, economic expansion, and peace is over. What we’re seeing now are merely the first little steps towards the large-scale uncivil war that will be a significant part of the inevitable decline and collapse of the United States.

Alt-right shitbags sure do love fantasizing about Armageddon, huh?

Men have a responsibility to defend their families, their people, their nation, and their civilization, and I am very glad to see that there are still Americans, and Russians, and English, and nationalists of every civilized nation, who are willing to stand up and do so before it is too late.

“Civilization” apparently involves a lot of Pepe-posting, Hitler-saluting lunkheads “defending their families” by hitting leftists with sticks. And worse.

I think uncivil war and partition coming on the heels of economic collapse is the most likely outcome. Warlords, corporate armies, and 4GW forces will arise. Some polities will be ethnically cleansed, others will be mixed, either by choice or by defeat. Remember, homogeneous societies tend to arise from larger heterogeneous forebears.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone refer to “ethnic cleansing” quite so blithely.

This really is the darkest timeline.

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Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

All WASPs are Nazis? It’s only by virtue of my French/Irish Catholic family that I’ve avoided total Naziism? Phew. Glad I dodged that bullet.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

@Arctic Ape:

And that explains why English is so popular as communication language between people who speak it equally poorly. Made for the purpose from beginning ?

*laughs* Well, pretty much. While the primary cause of English being the modern trade tongue probably derives from the fact that Britain and the U.S. have dominated international politics for the last few centuries, the other part of it is that English is a very flexible and ‘robust’ language. (By ‘robust’ I mean that you can get tenses, vowels, word order, and conjugation wrong, and still usually be understood as long as you aren’t trying to be too fancy.) That makes English (or at least a particular subset of it) one of the better languages for communication between two people that only have it as a second language.

I’ve been at international scientific conferences before. Sometimes the native English speakers are the ones that have the most trouble being understood unless they know to limit themselves to the ‘International English’ subset.

Space Oddity
Space Oddity
7 years ago

I assume something by Wagner…

Knowing Beale, it’s probably some really terrible electronic music. Like he used to make with his band.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
7 years ago

Wait, THAT Psykosonik was VD’s band? I actually kinda liked them.

Huh, so that’s what throwing up a little in my mouth feels like.

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
7 years ago

He was only in the band for 2 years, and left shortly after their first album. Now granted they only released one more album before they split, but still. 50/50 chance

7 years ago

[…] you in some way accept that diversity+proximity=war.

There are, broadly, two groups in the US. The White Protestant Anglo-Saxon identity group, and the multiracial, diversity supporting […] group.

(emphasis mine)

Ooh, nice own goal!

If one entire side of the argument is pro-diversity, then they’ve somehow figured out how to have diversity without leading to war, eh? Which knocks out the entire “too much diversity is a demonstrably bad thing” peg from your argument. Diversity isn’t inherently bad, you just don’t like it, and are grasping at straws trying to frame your feelings as objective fact.

The full text of your equation should read: “your diversity + proximity to us = us starting a war”. You, in your own words, have singled out yourself as the problem.

7 years ago

Vox Day: I won’t feel bad if leftists are killed

We won’t feel bad if he doesn’t get published.

(And we’ll feel positively vindicated when he doesn’t win awards.)

tim gueguen
7 years ago

I won’t feel bad if Vox Day gets pooped on, repeatedly, by large numbers of birds. May the avian ones make it so.

I find Emil’s claim the alt-right leadership wants to achieve their goals peacefully amusing. How are they going to prove how manly they are if they don’t get to murder “cucks” and “mud people?”

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Most of the alt right leaders, deeply wish for a peaceful transition into separate states for instance

“I think you’re confusing ‘peace’ with ‘quiet'” -Ultron

7 years ago


As far as I can tell, anyone who thinks “white” is an important part of their identity is just looking for an excuse to be racist

Nit-picking: Where I am now, my whiteness is an important part of my identity.

My whiteness means the local Inuit have a well-founded predisposition to be very skeptical of any claims I might make that I want to help them. It means I’m at high risk of not sticking around for long — a year or two. It means I might want to buy some artwork (seriously, any time I’m in a public place frequented by white people, Inuit people are wandering around, proposing beautiful artwork and mitts and hats to all the white people… and half-jokingly to the Inuit too).

This is important, but it’s not something that I value and want to perpetuate — much the contrary. When I toured Thailand, I struck out for the parts that weren’t western tourist traps (though they may be Thai tourist traps). There, I was a fellow human being who needed a bit extra help because I was illiterate, barely could speak, and didn’t know how anything worked. Similarly in Greece, in the inland northwest, near Albania and Macedonia — it’s a very different feel than on the islands.

7 years ago


Is the fact that you’re white of central importance to you, though? It will directly impact how you interact with others, but is it something that you consider to be a defining characteristic that must be recognized? I’d say there’s a pretty significant difference between “I happen to be white in an area where that comes with several stereotypes which directly affect me” and “I’m proud because I’m white”.

7 years ago

It’s of central importance to me, in a very different way than generally meant by white supremacists.

I guess my point is that this is something like the Time Person of the Year — important and good are orthogonal things.

7 years ago

I’ll just say this: it’s Vox Day. His entire shtick is to be as execrable as possible in order to bamboozle dumb people who think “being a giant asshole” is a form of counterculture.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

My thoughts on Vox Day:

The Real Cie
7 years ago

I think I got into a brief exchange with one of this chucklewit’s followers on the Brigade forum, which I now tend to avoid because it got pretty toxic pretty quickly. This was before Lord Dampnut was given the green light to take over the White House by the Electoral College. Said assclown was fapping over how there would be blood in the streets if Clinton won, it would be Teh Civle War!!!111!!11