
#ResistTrump: Jeff Sessions, delete your account!

Delete Your Account

Russia is the issue that won’t go away for the Trumpers. Today Attorney General/Racist Keebler Elf Jeff Sessions is in the hot seat for lying to Congress under oath about his contacts with a Russian official.

Many Dems are already calling for Sessions to resign, or at the very least to recuse himself from investigations of the Trump regime’s Russia ties. Some Republicans are also calling for Sessions to recuse himself.

So contact your elected officials today and demand that they call for Sessions to resign. has a bit more information, and a script.

See my posts here and here for information and advice on how to make your calls and emails effective. If making these sorts of calls is tough for you, here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety.

Afterwards, celebrate with some disco dancing.

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7 years ago

I reached all of my Congresscritters at their DC numbers on the first try.

I’d be worried about that, except this is a marathon and not a sprint, and I should expect the phones to stop blowing up.

Anyway, I told them all that I must insist they “call upon Attorney General Jefferson (Beauregard) Sessions to resign immediately following the revelation that he perjured himself during his confirmation hearings.”

7 years ago

“Afterwards, celebrate with some disco dancing.”

I love that song. Turisas has a cover version with a fantastic finish to it, but I can’t pick between ’em ‘cuz they’re both so groovy.

7 years ago

There was, like, a Russian folk-rock version going around Tumblr a while back.

7 years ago

Oh boy, was it Boiled in Lead’s version?

7 years ago

My parents had that song on vinyl ages ago. Still need to finish my “He Was A Steppenwolf” Zistopia fancomic…

7 years ago
7 years ago

That’s an awesome live version! But the one I’m thinking of wasn’t live. No big.

7 years ago

It’s things like this that make me realize “oh hey I am totally in the right to fucking these people.”

On Wednesday, CNN’s Sara Murray reported that President Trump manipulated a team of CNN anchors into providing him with hours of positive coverage ahead of his first speech to Congress on Tuesday night.

During the “Sara’s Notebook” segment, Murray characterized what Trump told the anchors at the White House on Tuesday as “the bait and switch that the president pulled when it came to immigration yesterday.”

“They’ll put the screws on him” they said. “They’ll mock him as much as they did Obama” they said.

7 years ago

On a scale of one to ten on the treasonous scale, I give it “24.” I can’t decide what will happen first Trump and the GOP reenacting the entirety of nazi germany, or the entire GOP collapsing under the weight of their own crimes and coverups.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
7 years ago

Today is my birthday. Please please please let my Birthday Present be the resignation of Sessions.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

And it seems his defenders have been given their marching orders: He was asked if he’d communicated with the Russians, not if he’d met with them, so he technically told the truth, you see!

So apparently he’s fucking Obi Wan Kenobi now.

(As for how it’s possible to meet with someone without communicating with them, or how this’d cover for the fact that he’s still denying the meetings even if it wasn’t a logic bomb, you’ll have to ask them.)

7 years ago

@Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Happy birthday! It was my birthday yesterday but I also would like Sessions to be put in a private prison as my gift. Preferably in the wing where all the people he locked away for the crime of smoking weed.

7 years ago

Happy returns round the sun, Schnookums!
re Sessions, that would kind of be a birthday present to all of us, including those whose birthdays fall any which when and live any which where.

Some Guy
Some Guy
7 years ago

Honestly. They could at least make it a LITTLE difficult to find evidence that they’re blatantly screwing the country (and, really, the entire world) for their own personal benefit. Like, the level of sheer arrogance (or, at best, ignorance) on display is astounding.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

For all the GOP hardliners talk about “country first” and “America first,” they sure seem to be good at taking money to put someone else first.

I’m disgusted, but not surprised.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago
7 years ago

Sorry you didn’t get what you really wanted. . . .

But this might cheer you up:
This French bulldog has a unique way of saying, Happy Birthday!

7 years ago

The Russia scandal just keeps. getting. worse the more it goes. It’s like some cheesy 80s action/spy flick made real.

I don’t know how it ends – you’ve got a guy who’s a neo-Nazi in all but name as the chief strategist and policy maker, a guy who until Trump’s crew came to power was considered one of the most fringe extremists of the Republican party and now looks the calm and measured moderate by comparison set to take power if Trump dies in office or is impeached (who, frankly, is way more dangerous to the marginalized than Trump is left to his own devices because while Trump is an opportunist, Pence is malice incarnate as far as religious minorities, LGBT people, and pregnant people in particular go, and given he was part of the Tea Party, he probably doesn’t have much in way of warm fuzzies for PoC, either), animatronic lie fountain Kellyanne Conway as the Counselor to the President, most major appointed department heads want to destroy the departments they lead (Scott Pruitt, anyone?) and so on and so forth. Even if Trump is impeached – and I don’t think he will be before midterms because like it or lump it, the Republicans hitched their political fortunes to his and they both go down together – there’s going to be decades worth of damage to un-do – and that’s if the Russians don’t manage to manipulate another walking nuclear meltdown into office.

Good luck, America. You’re gonna need it. :\