Memeday has returned! Today’s installment consists of a one-question POP QUIZ.
Question: Where did I find the meme at the top of this post?
- The MGTOW subreddit
- A Voice for Men
- The Daily Stormer
I’ll give you the answer after this weirdly filtered picture of my cat Sweetie Pie Jonus:

And the answer is: The Daily Stormer.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, the Alt-Right movement — or at least the publicly visible portion of it — is made up almost entirely of dudes. They don’t talk about women much, but when they do, they talk about women almost exactly the same way that MGTOWs and MRAs talk about women.
Oh, sure, the Nazi types are more into chivalry and paternalism and all that “Kinder, Küche, Kirche” (children, kitchen, church) stuff than MRAs and MGTOWs are, seeing (white) women as little more than pretty baby incubators. But the neo-Nazis spend at least as much time complaining about white women as they do pedestalizing them.
And, like so many white MRAs, complaining that straight white dudes are the most oppressed creatures on planet earth.
“We are the only ones without privilege,” the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin wrote after posting that meme. “Every other group – women, faggots and all non-whites – is being promoted above us.”
Sounds rough.
So how exactly can you tell misogynistic Nazi memes about evil allegedly privileged white ladies from MRA memes about evil allegedly privileged white ladies?
Well, the MRAs tend to go with a different evil blonde lady in their memes. Namely, this gal:
I did a whole post about her once upon a time. The original stock photo didn’t include the gun. MRAs added it because they evidently felt she wasn’t EEEEEEEVIL enough.
“Every other group – women, faggots and all non-whites – is being promoted above us.”
Jesus, like straight from the mouth from an underprivileged white hetero cis dude who complained about eeeeevil feminazis in a vegan group (?!) a couple days ago. Well actually there were several like him but others were just salty at feminists, he was a victim supreme. (Well, there went my fantasy about vegan peeps being somehow more socially awake. 😀 )
Sorry, had to vent
I wish there were some way to reeeeeach these guys. To make them realise how blinkered they are in their little isolated echo chamber. Or if the first can’t be achieved, at least annoy them.
That pic of your cat makes it look like the cat has one eye, and a jewelers loupe in place of the other.
I missed meme day!
There has always been an overlap between male and white supremacist movements.
A couple of the earliest trolls here posted on Stormfront (Meller) and posted links to Holocaust denial sites as a citation (NWO).
Well, I at least knew it couldn’t be AVfM because it didn’t have their gods-awful logo in the corner.
Straight RGB Red Chiller font, Elam? Really?

EDIT: Looking it over, it also couldn’t be /r/MGTOW because you can actually read it.
It still looks like shit, but it can be read.
It’s Catou!
Well, yes, women who are conventionally attractive are, at times, given things by men, but those things aren’t free. Even a cheap happy hour beer comes with expectations.
“Manipulate and control others with vagina”. Yeah, I keep my TV remote in there. If I wanna change the channel, I just kegel. Works great with men, too!
Reminds me of this gem (NSFW!), which has been floating around my facebook feed.
The shittiness of this arglyblargh misogyny makes it look like her nose is never wrong, which in turn makes me want her to star in a reality show about detecting wine and olive oil fraud. Or just solving crime with her infalliable nose. I’d watch either.
Oh myyyy. Ain’t gonna lie, though, that kinda looks like fun.
@hottotrotsky: Nosy McGee
At first I thought it was gonna be something gross but actually it’s something cool.
I was expecting it to be this: http://www.toymakerproject.com/hammer/
But I guess that’s the sort of thing that facebook’s censors get funny about.
(probably NSFW)
In the same way that attractive twenty something women get special favors, so too does attractive twenty something men. This is not about gender, but about how our society values beauty or six pack abs.
However, since they are posting it about a white woman, it is clear that the white supremacy movement must be only about white men. Their token white females must be so proud to be given everything by them and the world, because that is not the case in the real world.
Oh hey, I guessed correctly.
… to be fair, I saw it on the DS earlier, that’s why.
I’m glad I clicked that link, just because I got to read that sentence, and it is glorious.
On the DS? Like on the Nintendo DS? That would be surprising, considering how conservative they are.
Steampunk cat. Definitely.
My guess was the migtows, well played. “manipulate and control others with my vagina” sounded like the zombie goo theory.
On that note, can any vagina owners spare me some goo? I feel like the brainwashing effects are almost over.
Well, first you need white males to be denied employment, paid less for the same amount of work, relegated to stereotypical roles, sold as property, hunted and murdered, denied positions of leadership for being white and male and then we can talk about white males not being privileged.
Until then, you will remain an embarrassment to the human race.
I’m getting some weird markup error on the left side of the side, right under the books that you’re promoting but above the Random WHTM posts:
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘width’ in /home/wp_x3j7yj/wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.photon.php on line 466
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘height’ in /home/wp_x3j7yj/wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.photon.php on line 466
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Sorry, I meant the Daily Stormer.
I don’t trudge through that swamp often these days, because I really can’t find it in me. David, I dunno how you do it. When I took a quick glance earlier, I swear I could hear my braincells screaming and begging for mercy.
@Sinkable John, re: DS
I thought of Don’t Starve, and while there’s definitely an issue with representation of peeps who aren’t paper-white in the human cast (exempting WX-78, Webber (we can’t see), and Wilbur) in that game, they’re sure as hell not even touching the Daily Stormer. (Shipwrecked made it somewhat better, but it’s still quite a skew.)
Yeah, now I remember why I usually spell the whole thing out when mentioning that rag. “DS” means way too many different things.
I wasn’t even aware of Shipwreck before you mentioned it and I googled it. Thank you. I need to get back to Don’t Starve, right after I’m done getting back to Borderlands.
So many games, so little time and monies ;_;
Dammit, I just snorted hot tea out my nose!
That kegel dildo is a thing of brilliance! 🙂
@chesselwitt, that’s a common risk when reading Bina’s posts 😀
@Pearl Clutcher, I know what you mean. Illusions destroyed!