Once upon a time, the pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste (real name James Weidmann) actually provided his readers advice — terrible, backwards, and thoroughly misogynistic advice, but advice nonetheless — on how to pick up the hot babes.
These days he seems to devote most of his attention to laments over the “demographic displacement of White heritage America” and to increasingly elaborate fantasies of revenge towards the “shitlibs” and other alleged traitors who have supported or encouraged these alleged crimes against Whitey.
Now these fantasies have expanded to involve the sitting president, who Weidmann thinks should be literally hung for his “treason.”
In post on his blog yesterday, Weidmann reported with some alacrity that the
lame duck White House squatter Gay Mulatto [has] admitted to committing treason against the United States of America.
Oh, did I forget to mention that Weidmann has a strange habit of referring to Obama as “Gay Mulatto?” Well, he does. Because he thinks “mulatto” is a terrible insult and also because he’s convinced for some reason that Obama is gay.
So what exactly does Obama’s alleged “treason” consist of? Did he call upon a hostile foreign government to hack the email servers of his political enemies?
No, nothing so trivial. It seems that Obama acknowledged, in a recent interview on NPR, the incontrovertible demographic fact that America is getting less white.
“If you stopped all immigration today,” Obama told an NPR interviwer, “just by virtue of birth rates, this is going to be a browner country.”
To Weidmann, this is a SMOKING GUN.
A browner country is exactly what Gay Mulatto wanted. It’s why he refuses to close the border, why he won’t enforce immigration laws, why he wanted to fast-track unconditional amnesty and give illegals the vote, and why he has spent years and political capital bum rushing Somalis into heartland America.
Well, not so much. For what it’s worth, we’re hardly being flooded with foreigners. Illegal immigration hit a peak in 2007, and has been down ever since. In recent years, more Mexicans have left the US than have entered it. And while the actual numbers are murky, there’s no doubt that Obama has deported a substantial number of undocumented immigrants.
That said, Obama is right: people of color are having more babies than whites, and the country is getting “browner.” In thirty years or so, demographers expect, whites will no longer be the majority in the US.
As Weidmann sees it, this is all Obama’s fault:
Make no mistake, this was Gay Mulatto’s treasonous plan all along: the dispossession and demographic displacement of White heritage America. Open borders to the brown world was his biggest middle finger yet to the White lineage that he so despises in his own family tree.
Well, aside from the fact that the borders aren’t open.
HE IS OPENLY BRAGGING ABOUT THE INEVITABILITY OF IT NOW, because he thinks, not unjustifiably based on past experience, that White America won’t hold him accountable. That instead Whites will line up behind Gay Mulatto and cheer their till now bloodless annihilation from the nation their ancestors built and their White posterity will inherit.
But NO MORE! With Trump in power, Weidmann declares, evil “traitors” like Obama will get the retribution they deserve.
In clown world, he gets away with it. Luckily for him, he’s leaving right at the moment clown world is about to cede to a resurgent sane world, in which the gallows for traitors to the nation are returned to service. We have these treasonous vermin on record and every legal justification at hand. All we need now is the will to make our enemies pay for their crimes against the People of the United States.
Cue the Mitchell/Web “Are We the Baddies?” sketch.
And what they got was a dictator (and his warts) with a background of civil war. Only this time, it was the Catholics who were persecuted.
Forgive me, I forgot to cheer.
Thanks, Alan, the old noggin’s not as addled as I’d feared.
True, but then the puritanical* Cromwell wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs.
His name is still anathema in Ireland.
*Puritan; a person consumed by the fear that somebody somewhere might be having fun.
Edited to say that Falconer ninja’d me there.
@ nobody special
There’s a great bit on ‘Horrible Histories’ where Cromwell’s neighbours pop round on Christmas day to drop off some presents. It doesn’t end well.
@A. Noyd
IANAL, but I’m going to say… Yes. Definitely.
RE: James Hewitt as Prince Harry’s biodad, I think Harry looks too much like a Mountbatten for his paternity to be in doubt. He’s got his grandfather’s and father’s nose, in my opinion.
@Alan Robertshaw, after the Restoration, was Cromwell not disinterred and gibbeted?
Late to the party, but re: gender discrepancy in executions in Sweden:
People poop when they die.
Take that into consideration here.
Re: Cromwell
For those who are anime fans, years ago we were watching Hellsing and when the main character goes to full power/releases his power limiters he says “The Cromwell Approval is now in effect.” To which my good friend immediately blurted out “What, he’s canceling Christmas?”
@ asabovesobelow
Yup. He was ‘convicted’ of regicide (along with three others), dug up and drawn and quartered. Interestingly that was done by Act of Attainder rather than court trial. I guess he couldn’t really complain about that. Again though there was some legal/constitutional controversy. The Attainder was backdated and, whilst we have an uncodified constitution, one of the few things everyone agrees on is that parliament can’t legislate retrospectively.
@ troubelle
Warning for icky stuff.
In the UK women were issued with special underwear for hangings. That was introduced as a result of an execution where it was rumoured that a woman had miscarried (it was actually a prolapse).
But the normal biological effects were reflected in the criminal euphemism for being hanged; “pissing whilst you can’t whistle”.
@Alan Robertshaw
Now I know. Yay.
I’m fairly sure that Obama isn’t giving comfort to our enemies in any of those quotes.
Then again, it would be just like the nazis to consider non-whites to be a foreign enemy.
And knowing is half the battle.
Well, once Charles II came back, the courts sure acted like it was regicide. See Samuel Pepys’ famous diary entry for 13 October 1660 on seeing one of the regicides executed.
As for Obama and treason, RTFM, folks. The constitution says: “
The only politician I recall seeing driving a tank was Mike Dukakis in 1988. And that didn’t help his career any. So you may hate Obama’s policies but by no stretch are they treasonous.
I’d point out that he’s implying brown people are enemies of the United States, but I’m pretty sure Nazi Fuckface actually believes that.
Gay Mullato, the spin off of Grim Fandango
Or Frisky Dingo
Either works
Even after the POC birthrate stabilises to be the same as the white birthrate, you’re still going to get an increase in the proportion of POCs in the population, since the children from mixed relationships will be POCs themselves (except for those few who can pass as white). Because the popular thinking on race works by the “one drop” rule: if you have one POC parent, you’re POC.
Just look at Obama: he is black, despite having a white mother. Why isn’t he white, then? Or at least as white as he is black?
I remember a particularly desperate gambit late in Obama’s first election consisted of Rs complaining he wasn’t black enough to be progressive?!
Vis-a-vis reproduction, wasn’t that the goal for the Rs in promoting white reproduction through Christian patriarchy dominionism, Quiverfull, anti-abortion, and guaranteed-to-maximize-teenage-pregnancy abstinence-only sex education?
Then there’s the absolutely perfect WTFOMG?! argument that Obama’s not black at all. Do it well enough and you could get a job in Trumpelthinkskin’s administration.