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MGTOWs completely lose their sh*t over a gif of a toddler on a cell phone

The face of female entitlement, or just a toddler pretending to talk on a cell phone?

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To the regulars on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, she’s a bitch. She’s “disgusting.” She’s a “future cat lady in training.” She’s the inevitable result of a world in which women don’t face “any consequences for having a vagina.” We may need “another Hitler” to rid the world of people like her.

To the rest of the world, she is … a toddler playing with a cell phone.

Not long ago, a Redditor posted the gif above to the MGTOW subreddit, headlining his post with a question: “Where the f**k do women learn this bitchy, ugly behaviour?”

Yep, he accused a toddler of being a bitch.

As it turns out, he wasn’t the only one roused to white-hot fury by a toddler in a gif.

Random-Reddit-Lurker 8 points 7 days ago Future cat lady in training.

Some saw the talkative toddler as evidence that women need to be, er, beaten up more regularly.

lonewolf-chicago 30 points 7 days ago No consequences. Men get punched in the face for acting up. Women don't.

omegapro95 1 point 7 days ago yes, i agree, i have been saying for years. until women start getting beaten up for bad behavior like men, physically, they will stay as bitchy as ever cuz they know there isnt any consequences for having a vagina.

Dude, there are plenty of consequences that come with having a vagina, as there are for having a penis. I’m not quite sure why you think “getting beaten up” should be one of them.

One commenter seemed to suggest that the only real, er, solution to girl toddlers talking on cell phones would involve .. the mass extermination of all “feminazis,” possibly even those still wearing diapers.

Yes, that’s right: he compared feminists to Nazis. And in the next sentence he suggested that they needed to be killed by “another Hitler.”

Irony is dead.

And if FalloutFan2 got his way, I guess, a lot of women would be too.

Even those who put the “blame” for the toddler’s hilarious unforgivable behavior on her mother couldn’t resist taking a dig at the toddler herself. For her unoriginality.

RationalistFaith1 10 points 7 days ago She has observed her mother or another close clam. Mimicking is what women do best, as much as an ounce of innovation? Never.

Seriously, girl toddler in a gif, did you invent the cell phone? I think not. Hang up, and hang your head in shame!

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8 years ago


For crying out loud, they (toddlers) all put anything they find in their mouth, boy or girl. They (still toddlers) will even put small round objects up their nose, draw on themselves and their surroundings with makeup or pens they find lying around, pull the cat’s tail, or the dog’s tail – THEY ARE TODDLERS. WHAT IS WITH THE CALL FOR A TODDLER GENOCIDE!?

Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

At one time this sort of buffoonery would have been amusing.

Then they elected the Buffoon-in-Chief.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago
8 years ago

There must really be a dearth of things to be angry about, if this is hitting their radar (only kidding, I know they’re angry about EVERYTHING).

I have a question. Unless the originator of the gif specified, how do they know this toddler is female? Is it the pink “yoga pants”, or the act of talking on the phone with gestures and facial expressions itself? And how is gesturing “bitchy”?

Ok, I guess I have more than one question. Mainly I just have a reaction: yuck. To the redditors, not the toddler. Obviously.

8 years ago

Oh bother. It never enters their mind that maybe the toddler might be imitating a male figure in her life.

Where is your life headed when a cute toddler stirs this much ire. All I have to say is sometimes a toddler is just a toddler, skeezy migtoes.

8 years ago


She’s a toddler. That’s just her hair.

MGTOWs come here and try to convince us that they’re happy, but happy people are not filled with rage by the sight of an adorable little tyke playing.

And women are incapable of innovation? Dude, women invented beer.

8 years ago

Methinks these man-toddlers have never been around a baby.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Uh…like…phone toys are a thing…for years…and decades…ever since phones because a thing even…I’m pretty sure at least some of these assholes did the same as toddlers, so…I mean…it’s a baby on a phone what the fuck is their problem? That baby probably has, you know, other toys, they’re just playing with a phone at the second.

And they wonder why they, specifically these men, wonder why they never get custody of their own kids when they fucking call a toddler a bitch for playing with a phone.

Calm the fuck down.

Also, that baby is adorable.

Weird (bite me, Bitefart!!) Eddie
Weird (bite me, Bitefart!!) Eddie
8 years ago

Note uptick in anger levels… I guess the election of Cheeto Mussolini didn’t satisfy… or has worn off. Back to screaming rage-tantrums over, well, everything that catches their attention. To everyone else this is cute. To them, “cute” is non-alpha-male and therefore must be destroyed.

8 years ago

How does talking on a phone make women bitches, and, moreover, how can a toddler be a bitch? They cannot claim that they are rational when they get this angry at something so meaningless. This goes way beyond overreacting. This is just nuts.

There’s just so many things about this that make me go “seriously, WTF?”.

8 years ago

Oh what the hell. Two articles in three days that prove these guys should never be allowed anywhere near children.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Yeah, wow guys. If you were aiming for the “ridiculous, overblown manchild” look, wow, 100%, nailed it.

8 years ago

My dad has always been faaar more of a gossip on the phone than my mom, and was far more of a social butterfly as well. I guess he also cries at movies, and irons his own shirts, but he’s still a T****p voting casual misogynist.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

future cat lady in training

But you’re supposed to be going your own way. Why does it matter if she prefers a kitten’s affections to yours*? Presumably, you wouldn’t want her anyway. Unless migging is just a way misogynist assholes solve the dissonance between their complete lack of relationship skills and a belief in their inherent superiority… Nah!


This is just nuts

Comments policy. Thanks

8 years ago

Ugh. Really? Ugh. Go Away.

Cute .gif

8 years ago

The ‘yoga pants’ thing is pretty weird. They’re not yoga pants, they’re standard diaper-accommodating knit toddler pants with ankle cuffs. Boys wear them, too.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

They think a toddler imitating her mom is bad. But I bet they would be enraged by one of my favorite toddler pictures too. In it I’m imitating my dad. We’re wearing the same outfit (jeans and no shirt) and standing side by side with similar body language. It’s a cute picture. An MGTOW would probably think it’s a typical future feminist trying to be a man. And a womb turd sucking up my dad’s time and money. Plus, it’s slutty to go topless even if you don’t have boobs yet.

You just can’t win if you’re a female toddler.

8 years ago

“there isnt any consequences for having a vagina”

Said by a guy currently proving that there isn’t really any consequence for being a dick.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

Where the hell does all this hate come from?

8 years ago

Y’know, there’s a man I know who keeps surprising me with his ignorance of child development and behavior. For example, he recently asked me if babies were ticklish. (The answer is yes, yes they are.)

But he has nothing on these MGTOWs.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

@Scented – why, that’s hideous! I am OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I tell you! At his age he should be killing mammoths for us.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Axe, and everyoue

migging is just a way misogynist assholes solve the dissonance between their complete lack of relationship skills and a belief in their inherent superiority


Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

@Weird Eddie

Should I start a song up?

The Adjunct
The Adjunct
8 years ago

There is such a disgusting rampant unceasing worldwide epidemic of violence against women that these assholes are willfully ignorant of yet they fucking dare claim no woman has ever been beaten for ‘misbehaving’. This actually makes me sick, physically ill. How dare they. How fucking dare they.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Troubelle;

It’s ALWAYS time for a song!!

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