Embattled presidential candidate/sexual predator Donald Trump told the Wall Street Journal this morning that there is “zero chance” that he’ll be dropping out of the race, because “the support I’m getting is unbelievable.”
Some of the most unbelievable support is coming from a longtime fan of his known on the Internet as Heartiste — an extravagantly hateful pickup artist very familiar to readers of this blog.
In one blog post (archived here), Heartiste defends the creepily predatory comments Trump made before making a cameo appearance on a soap opera a decade ago as “fratty sex talk ” that expressed a deep truth about the nature of female desire. “Trump is right,” Heartiste asserts.
Fame Game is the most powerful aphrodisiac a man can unleash in the world of women. I’ve no doubt actresses on that soap opera eagerly welcomed Trump’s inquisitive probings.
As thoroughly icky as this is, it’s just the warmup.
In a second and even more over-the-top blog post (archived here), Heartiste again defends Trump’s hot-mic comments about grabbing women “by the p***y” as “normal healthy heterosexual male banter,” then launches a bizarrely homophobic rant against Paul Ryan, whom Heartiste denounces as the “world’s most craven, gutless, cuck f***ot piece of quisling shit” for daring to criticize Heartiste’s idol.
Heartiste’s prose is generally pretty overheated, but he’s really outdone himself with this post. It’s probably the most over-the-top political rant you’ll read all year.
Here’s a sample paragraph, which I have lightly censored out of respect for all that is good and true in this world:
There is no end to the ways in which this phoneyf*ck indignation reveals the full rainbow-facialed glory hole degeneracy of Cuck Ryan’s flaccid testosterone deficient soul. It’s the schoolmarmish finger wagging equivalent of a ravished sphincter bleeding torrents of AIDS. You’re a weak sack of shit Ryan. I could carve a better man out of Jeb. Carl the Cuck laughs at you. Amanjaw marc*ntte has bigger balls, you mincing bugeyed c**lapping pink dumbbell lifting nutless retard buttplug convention kiosk operator.
Heartiste could really use a refresher course on the correct use of hyphens.
Elsewhere in the post, Heartiste invites Ryan to kill himself, suggests that he has been searching the internet for “anal fissure cream,” and informs him that
[b]eing born with a vagina doesn’t automatically qualify one for championing, but I can see why in your stunted betaf*g mind the glorious golden gash is a mystical religious symbol up there with the Shroud of Turin.
Heartiste also dismisses Ryan’s home state as “Wiscucksin,” and ends his post with a picture of a hangman’s noose — which is either a reference to his earlier comments about suicide, or a death threat directed at a sitting politician.
So, yeah, that happened.
The part that this glob of smegma PUA talks about so offensively is the same part he supposedly is trying to teach others how to get close to.
Well what Trump is saying is kind of true, it is unbelievable that people are still supporting him after this fiasco.
What isn’t shocking is that this is how men frequently talk about women when they don’t think they’re being recorded.
Anal fissure cream is generally nitroglycerin, which is… pretty bad-ass, actually. *rimshot*
I’m glad Paul Ryan had the wherewithal to speak out against Trump. That probably took a lot of political guts.
But his defense was “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified.”
It’s still the same problem. No, women don’t need to be revered. The don’t need to be championed. Not any more men do too, at any rate. That’s still objectification.
Just treat women like freaking people, for crying out loud. It’s NOT A DIFFICULT CONCEPT. They aren’t passive objects for men to abuse, and they aren’t mythical beings that need to be put on a pedestal by men, either.
Wow, it’s so hard to put up with Heartiste when he gets so emotional like this. I guess the little bubble he’s built wherein the rise of Trump indicated that his beliefs were mainstream has just *popped*. Now he sees that, in fact, the vast majority of people think he and his ilk are repugnant little bottom dwellers.
Honest question, do these people actually think anyone finds the word ‘cuck’ insulting? The only people who are going to be insulted by this are the ones who are throwing it around. I really doubt any normal human being is going to clutch their pearls and cry out at the universe because some strange person on the internet thinks they’re a cuck.
No political guts are on display here. He’s in the middle of a tide of
Republicans distancing themselves from Trump. He’s going with the flow, and no guts are required for that. Others have gone farther and actually withdrawn their endorsements, but not Ryan! He still endorses Trump!
That also took no political guts to say because that is a common belief amongst the GOP. Ryan is displaying no courage in any of this. I think he has none. He wants to be known as a wonk, but he doesn’t have the courage to come out against his party’s standard platform in any way, which leads to ridiculous policy positions particularly in regards to the budget. I’ve never seen him display an ounce of courage.
“Inquisitive probings” suggested, to my warped mind, Cartman’s misadventures with the space aliens in an early episode of South Park.
“…and Scott Baio gave me pink-eye!”
If Paul Ryan is lifting pink dumbbells, they must be much heftier than any I’ve ever seen. I met him at a community event a few years ago, and the dude is ripped.
Salad. Now i want salad for noon meal.
Maybe he was trying to imitate the insulting french soldier in Monty Python’s Holy Grail ? He fails by large.
Have a nice day.
I am so glad that you are here to read ( and redact) this kind of stuff so I don’t have to deal with it. Good God that prose, it’s beyond purple, it’s black and blue. Someone do an intervention and switch that man to decaf and throw away all his energy drinks.
@ Bill Stickers: You win Punderdome until further notice! Also, love the name and I believe you’re innocent
When I informed Heartiste that his pick up artist tips have almost certainly been used by men across the spectrum- meaning black men have gotten help from it to date white women – he instantly banned me. Just a heads up, he is “sensitive” about this – so it’s good to bring it up over and over again.