anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings evil SJWs gullibility literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V shocked to discover that white supremacist movement is full of white supremacists

Roosh V: Stunned to discover that racists are racist
Roosh V: Stunned that racists are racist

Roosh Valizadeh has been having a bit of a tough time this year, to put it mildly.

He’s been condemned in dozens of publications around the world as a “rape advocate.” An Icelandic woman has come forward to accuse him of rape, according to feminist blogger S. Jane Gari. Members of Parliament have joked about his penis in the House of Commons, and now a member of the European Parliament is trying to get him and his followers banned from traveling to Europe. Jemaine Clement of Flight of the Conchords mocked the Return of Kings publisher asย “King of Your Mum’s Basement” afterย The Daily Mail found him, well, living in his mum’s basement.

And on top of all this, Roosh has now made a horrifying discovery: the white supremacist movement he’s been trying to cozy up to for some time now is full of … white supremacists.

And theyย don’t much like seeing a guy that many of them consider a “sand n****r rape apologist,” as one unkind alt-righter put it in a recent tweet, messing around with “their” white women.

For a time last year, as unlikely as this may sound, it looked as though Roosh and the alt-right were on their way to becoming a cute couple. Roosh seemed to be nudging himselfย alt-rightward, evidently hoping to lure some of the internet’s Hitler-loving, meme-posting scallywags to Return of Kings; he even wrote a long post on the alleged evils of The Jews.

And while there were always quite a few in the alt-right camp who saw Roosh, ofย Iranian and Armenian descent, as the enemy — a “self hating Arab,” a “greasy Iranian,” a “degenerate muzzie” (Muslim), orย worse — there were others, like Counter-Currents publisher Greg Johnson, who saw Roosh as “anย ally … someone with whom we share delimited common interests and with whom we can fight common enemies.”

But no longer. Johnson, after looking at Roosh’s own writings about his past sexual experiences. has concluded that either Roosh’s stories are fiction presented as fact, or he’s aย rapist, just as many feminists have been saying for months or even years.

And now Roosh is lashing back with a Return of Kings post titled, no joke, “The Alt Right Is Worse Than Feminism In Attempting To Control Male Sexual Behavior.”

Roosh is apparently stunned to discover that white supremacistsย don’tย like men they deem insufficiently white sleeping with, much less raping, white women. This, to Roosh, is a sign that “a large section” of the otherwise unobjectionable alt-right movement

has degenerated into a collection of fearful beta males who are obsessed with controlling the sexual choices of all men and who theyโ€™re allowed to associate with.

Indeed, Roosh reports incredulously,ย alt-rightists believe that

[i]f youโ€™re a white male, youโ€™re forbidden to sleep with a non-white girl, because that is โ€œrace mixingโ€ and goes against their race platform … .

You don’t say. Meanwhile,

[i]f youโ€™re a non-white male, youโ€™re not allowed to sleep with a white girl, because youโ€™re a n****r/kebab/gook, and you must be deported from the country you happen to be a citizen of or outright killed.

What a shock! I mean, it’s not as if these guys go around the internet declaring that interracial relationships are a form of “white genocide” or anything like tha … oh wait, they do.

Roosh, who up until this point seems to have somehow missed the white supremacist elements of white supremacism,ย thinks the alt-right’s aversion to “race mixing” is something they only came up with in the last couple of months.

The alt right started as a nationalist movement, and thatโ€™s what many people believe it to currently be, but weโ€™re only three months away from it being a movement primarily concerned with minimizing the sexual choices of everyone. …ย 

If the bulk of alt right practitioners have their way, white men will not be allowed to date non-white women and non-white men will not be allowed to date white women or even flirt with them. …

Some ideas of the alt right were sound, since they offered a path for us to move forward against the leftist establishment, but that has now been lost with the added dimension of controlling who men can enter relationships with, sexual or not. …

I can no longer support the alt right, since theyโ€™re now mostly under the control of the mob.

Adding yet another level of irony to the already heaping mountain of irony here, Roosh complains that the evil alt-right has been seducing vulnerable men with pretty lies:

They will seduce discontented men with white identity and white pride, allowing them entry into the club based primarily on skin color, and then pull the switcheroo and grossly limit their behavior in a way that is worse than feminism.

Yep, that’s’ right. Roosh is so regretful that he ever lay down with the alt-right in the first place that he’s starting to wonder if feminism might serve horny men better than the movement he until recently supported:

The alt right is becoming so authoritarian that a man may actually be happier as a male feminist and sleeping with blue haired freaks with Skrillex haircuts than having all his sexual and friendship choice subject to approval by the alt right mob.

But don’t worry! Roosh is not giving up any of his old bigotries. While complaining about the alt-right’s racism, at least so far as it might interfere with his choice of who toย put his penis in, Roosh complains that his new enemies aren’t bigoted enough against gays. After denouncing Johnson of Counter-Currents as an anal-sex having homosexual (I have no idea if that’s true or not), he complains that alt-righters will

go on and on about the Jewish questionโ€”and attack you if you donโ€™tโ€”but ignore discussion of the โ€œhomosexual questionโ€ and its role in wrecking societies.

Roosh’s most surreal accusation? After noticing that Johnson had apparentlyย found some of the most damning quotes from Roosh in a post of mine (!), he asked in a Tweet if Johnson and I were “working together,” an accusation so ridiculous that Roosh might as well have accused me of boiling and eating kittens. (For the record:ย I’m not working with Johnson or any others of his ilk; indeed, I only learned of Johnson’s denunciation of Roosh from Roosh’s own post on the subject. Also, I have never boiled or eaten even a single kitten.)

But I can’t say I don’t enjoy the spectacle of Roosh and the alt-right trading insults and attacking one another for blindingly obvious things they somehow managed to overlook about one another until now.

In a response to Roosh’s angry post, Johnson has put up another post of his own mocking “cuckold porn-monger Roosh ‘the Doosh’ Valizadeh” for ย not realizing that a racist movement was full of racists. And then he declared war:

As Andrew Anglin astutely observed, Roosh sells interracial cuckold porn โ€” and tweets about cuckolding white men โ€” to legions of adoring White Nationalist followers. I donโ€™t know whatโ€™s worse: the obscenity of this situation or the absurdity. But it needs to end. Now that Roosh has declared โ€œI can no longer support the alt right,โ€ it is time for the Alt Right to return the favor.

I’ll just be sitting here eating popcorn.

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Dark Statistic
Dark Statistic
9 years ago

Poll: Which ridiculous feud between awful parties is funniest?

A. Roosh vs the Alt-Right
C. AVFM vs the half of their staff they fired

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

When you’re too douche-y for Roosh, you know you’ve jumped the shark.

Pony's Labia
Pony's Labia
9 years ago

But have you boiled a bunny? The Alt Right seems like a bunch of bunny boilers.

9 years ago


There are none so blind….

Ooooor the "Shocked! Shocked!" line from Casablanca. Either works.


test code (strong) here; otherwise ignore this.

ETA: Okay, that was a bolding code that suddenly appeared on me. Good to know for the future.

9 years ago

I love how hateful groups will try to band together, assuring each other that they are totally not racist/misogynistic.

Then a fight breaks out and suddenly they call each other what everyone else has been calling them from the get-go.

9 years ago

Roosh complains that the evil alt-right has been seducing vulnerable men with pretty lies […]. Roosh is so regretful that he ever lay down with the alt-right

Nice, David, very nice.

9 years ago

Roosh caught lying again:

his previous victims on which he did death threats
did report him to Police

And I feel sick reading why everyone knows for a fact that Roosh
is a proven self admitted serial rapist:

Snork Maiden
9 years ago

I read Doosh’s recent update about S. Jane Gari, apparently her lawyer is seeking mediation, while Randazza (Doosh’s lawyer) is requesting the mediation take place in Miami, not North Carolina where Gari resides.

Does anyone know if a kickstarter or anything like that has been set up to help Gari with legal fees? While I think Gari is in the right, she may lose just because Roosh’s team will make it too expensive for her to defend herself.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
9 years ago

Having pissed off every decent person in the world, Roosh goes on to piss off every indecent person.

9 years ago

I’m somewhat apprehensive about asking what “the homosexual question” is. I think my headcanon where it’s actually just “Hey dude, are you into guys?” is vastly preferable to whatever horror Roosh actually means…

9 years ago

Mary Honeyball MEP has the best initiative of this year,
launches a call to ban serial rapist Roosh from defiling european countries and raping women:

9 years ago

a man may actually be happier as a male feminist and sleeping with blue haired freaks with Skrillex haircuts

I fail to see the downside.

@Dark Statistic

Probably A. Simply due to how completely clueless Roosh is making himself seem. “Racists? In my white nationalism??”

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

The alt-right have discovered that Valizadeh’s name is now publicly tainted, and are dropping him? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
9 years ago

Oh, the irony. Doosh himself has described himself as a big hairy beast raping pure white girls. He is 6’5″ and seems to get off on being able to prey on very small, young, pale-skinned women.
Doosh doesn’t have an ideology. He isn’t a neo-masculinist or an antifeminist. He’s a Rooshist, struggling to find followers who agree with him and who’ll fund his lifestyle of unemployment. Why doesn’t he just get a fuckin job?

9 years ago

A short history career of the disturbing serial rapist RooshV:

One of the very many instances in which he straight out recommends his followers to rape if a girl is refusing to has sex with them:

His private forum, where the most vile rapists learn from him
how to destroy the lives of women, even disabled girls:

His rape guides “bang” which show exactly how to rape and get away without legal repercussions, taught with examples of rapes committed by Roosh:

Roosh is as always proud to be remembered as a rapist:

Roosh asks his mob of extremists fanatics to hack accounts
of his opponents
and to take away the children of a mother:

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago


He’s unemployable, like all MRAs.

9 years ago

Because the same like Roosh erased his tweets in which he declared himself proud to be a rapist and
several stories in which he was raping unwilling girls
or girls who were begging “No, Roosh, no!” for hours,
this is a small archive to remember why everyone calls Roosh
a serial rapist (almost to the same level of bill cosby):

(Trigger Warnings! Content Warning!)

(Trigger Warnings! Content Warning!)

J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
9 years ago

Come on… Everybody knows kittens are better broiled.

9 years ago


White supremacists aren’t trying to control male sexuality. They’re trying to control female sexuality. You see, they look at white women as their property. They don’t you to tarnish their property. We don’t get to decide who we fuck. They get to decide who we fuck.

You know what the solution to that kind of fuckery is? That’s right. It’s the intersectional feminism you loathe so much. Our side believes that as long as everyone is CONSENTING, people can fuck whoever they want.

You could have chosen to be one of us. I don’t see your charisma, but you must have some to build the following you have. You could’ve used it for good. Instead you chose to be a misogynistic rape advocate. A homophobe and a racist. You chose to be all around miserable person with dingleberries entrusting your unwiped ass.

You done fucked up your life.

Did you really expect other bigoted asswaffles wouldn’t turn on you eventually?

Unfortunately, it’s possibly to late for a clean slate. Nevertheless, I hope you reflect and learn from this.

I’m not holding my breath though.

9 years ago

โ€œThe Alt Right Is Worse Than Feminism

a man may actually be happier as a male feminist

If you could start/stop, right at those places, that’d be just great

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Jenny: We’ve covered the whole thing about Roosh trying to take a mother’s children away because she was doing activism against him, as well as several of the other images you’ve posted. We’re well aware of what an awful person Roosh is, so please stop spamming the images.

They’re good references to have, but we all already know.

Pony's Labia
Pony's Labia
9 years ago

Roosh has a private forum. Forum for money, do what you want him to do

9 years ago

@ Ashara Payne

I’m afraid that he’s royally screwed on getting a job. The internet is great for becoming famous….. and airing your dirty laundry to possible employers.

(By the by. Left two other comments and forgot to say Hi and am I still eligible for the WHTM package?)

Oh and before I forget.

Shut ya gob, Woody!!! (Hopefully I’ll be remembered for that exciting new spin.)

Nady ๐Ÿ˜€

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
9 years ago

I was wondering when that particular shoe was going to drop. *shakes head*

9 years ago

The awkward moment you realise White supremacists are still better people that PUAs. :S

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