Things may be about to get very messy for pickup artist and most-hated-man-in-the-world candidate Roosh Valizadeh.
S. Jane Gari, the author of Losing the Dollhouse, a memoir dealing with emotional abuse, writes in a recent blog post that an Icelandic woman has come to her to tell her story of being raped by Roosh.
Up until this point, as Gari notes, Roosh has responded to accusations that he is a rapist — a conclusion many have come to by simply reading his own deeply creepy and unsettling accounts of his past sexual exploits — by proudly declaring that not a single woman has come forward to accuse him of rape.
“You would think that one girl would have come forward by now and say, ‘Roosh did it. He raped me,'” Gari reports Roosh as saying during his bizarre recent press coference. “Not one has come forward. Not one.’”
“Now she has,” Gari declares.
One of Roosh’s victims read my blog back in November and reached out to me, asking for my help in exposing him. She finally agreed to be interviewed after seeing how he continues to spout his poisonous, misogynist rhetoric with sickening bravado. I hope her courage will inspire other possible Roosh victims to come forward as well.
Here’s the story of the woman Gari calls “Susan” to protect her anonymity. (You can find more details on her blog.)
When Susan left a nightclub with her friends, Roosh, approached her on the street and insisted on walking her home. She asked him to leave her alone. Later, when she became separated from her friends, she noticed he was following her.
“You have a beautiful but sad walk. I know a great place to have a drink. You can join me. It will be fun,” he said.
Susan, Gari writes, told him several more times she didn’t want his supposed help, but he continued following her anyway.
When they reached Susan’s house, Gari continues, Roosh
asked politely if he could just use the toilet. Sleepy and still drunk from her night out, she acquiesced and let him in to use the bathroom.
Up until this point, Susan’s story matches one of the stories in Roosh’s book Bang Iceland almost exactly. The disappearance of Susan’s friends, which Roosh saw as an incredible bit of luck for him; Roosh following her home despite her clear and repeated protests; his insistence on coming in to use the bathroom — all of this is in Roosh’s own account.
It’s at this point that Roosh’s and Susan’s stories diverge wildly.
In Roosh’s version of events, she thanks him for walking him home, and after heating up some soup on the stove, joins Roosh on the couch
putting her legs over mine. Her wet feet were tiny and I compared them to my hands, which were a few inches larger. I went into horny creep mode and started rubbing her legs while talking.
Yes, even in Roosh’s own account, he comes across as a creepy predator.
After a brief conversation, they start kissing; she gets up, pours herself a bowl of soup, then heads into her bedroom.
“I followed her,” Roosh writes.
It went so fast in her bedroom that even I felt weird. Clothes ripped off. “Do you have a condom?” Jam the dick inside. Barely any kissing. I was too drunk to feel anything and she was too drunk to produce much in the way of lubrication, so after five minutes we stopped having sex, if that’s what you want to call it, and lay on our backs. She fell asleep and started snoring.
The next morning, Roosh says, he got up and left while she lay there sleeping.
As Roosh tells the story, in other words, he had brief, bad sex with a woman who was so not into it she was bone dry, and so drunk she passed out shortly after he gave up. It’s not clear even from his own account whether she was lucid enough to give meaningful consent. (This, by the way, is NOT the Icelandic woman Roosh has said he had sex with even though “in America” she would have been considered too drunk to give consent; that story comes later in Roosh’s book.)
Susan’s account of what happened after Roosh emerged from her bathroom is even more troubling. As Gari tells the story, Roosh asked her if she was home alone. When she said yes,
he asked her to touch his penis. When she refused, Roosh grabbed her.
Susan started crying and said, “Why are you doing this? You’re crazy.”
He laughed and overpowered her with force, saying, “All girls like this. It’s every woman’s fantasy. You don’t even know what you’re saying. You’re drunk, but I like drunk girls.” And then, according to Susan, he raped her.
So which account is more plausible — Roosh’s story of drunken but consensual sex or Susan’s story of forcible rape? If the latter, is Roosh’s version of events a lie, or is it his attempt to convince not only his readers but himself that what happened was just bad sex, not rape?
It’s worth noting, as I did in a previous post, that Roosh has admitted elsewhere to using force to get his way during sex. In Bang Ukraine, for example, Roosh describes using “muscle” to hold a woman down after she told him she wanted to change positions when the two were having sex. “I refused and we argued,” he wrote.
She tried to squirm away while I was laying down my strokes so I had to use some muscle to prevent her from escaping. I was able to finish, but my orgasm was weak.
Afterwards I told her she was selfish and that she couldn’t call an audible so late in the game.
This, too, Roosh presents as perfectly consensual sex.
Even if Susan’s account of Roosh raping her is 100% true, it’s unlikely Roosh will ever be prosecuted for this alleged crime. “He’s an American and she lives in Iceland.,” Gari notes. “She feels she has no recourse.”
Gari ends her post by urging any woman who may have been victimized by Roosh to step forward as Susan has done.
As Gari is careful to point out, Susan’s allegations against Roosh “have not been brought formally, nor has he been found guilty of a crime in court.” And I should note as well that I have not spoken to Susan myself; I am simply relaying what Gari has written. You can draw your own conclusions from the story she tells. I know I have.
I’m about 100% certain this is the same person again. Exact same vocabulary as the others. Exact same form of spam, and putting a link to the spam in their screen name just like the others. Getting immediately snippy just like the others. Yeah, same spambot.
Yeah, I got the same vibe, especially after that post from Zer celebrating that Anonymous allegedly hacked Roosh.
There was another one and few days ago talking about him like he was a threat to world peace. Sure, he and his followers are a threat to individual women unfortunate enough to cross paths with them. But on a world domination path, no. Only a Roosh fan could think he’s that important.
Of course they’re all the same person. There aren’t like four different people who all woke up the same morning and decided to flood the same blog with Roosh screen grabs. And frankly to me it’s no different than if they were posting Cialis ads.
Putting this under a Roosh V post. Feel free to put it elsewhere. To do a review and share!!!! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/feminists-leave-scathing-reviews-on-pro-rape-book-to-push-it-down-amazon-rankings-a6954611.html
The definition of “rape” given by this de jure State of Nature reflects its pre-JudeoChristian northern European treatment: Death to the any man a woman accused of rape if she had not given her prior formal deliberated consent and the “act of procreation” had actually occurred.
Men like Daryush Valizadeh would have had a very short lifespan in pre-JudeoChristian northern Europe. However, they would never have made it even to the Ukraine as they would have encountered, as they travelled from the Mideast into foreign lands, any number of men who would have challenged them to natural duel, long before reaching northern Europe.
This, by the way, is why MGTOW dreams of the apocalypse are mistaken, for those of northern European heritage. In a genuine state of nature eusocial organization, in which one sex allies against the other, are exceedingly rare — being limited to insects and the naked mole rat. Northern Europeans, in particular prior to JudeoChristianity, emphasized the natural right of any man to “go to the island” with another man they challenged — with one, at most, returning alive. This was outlawed in Iceland at the same time that the Althing adopted JudeoChristianity theocracy.
In _that_ “state of nature” men of such an individualistic culture will defect from each other and fight over women just as they do in other sexual species.
On the other hand, a woman who has given her prior deliberated consent to a man must also give formal deliberated withdrawal of that consent before she can, again, accuse him of “rape”.
Honoring deliberation is honoring the full, adult moral agency of humans. Reducing such vital decisions as those regarding giving birth _and_ dealing death to any but individual deliberation is to give over life, itself, to group entities and regress to a pre-sexual existence.