On Friday, expat woman-hating woman-chaser Roosh Valizadeh put up a post on his Return of Kings blog with the sensationalized headline “Did Anita Sarkeesian Commit Felony Wire Fraud?”
Roosh breathlessly “reported” that
Two independent journalists have confirmed with the San Francisco Police Department that Anita Sarkeesian, a video game social justice warrior, may have used false pretenses to raise money for her non-profit entity. The police have said that she has not contacted them as she claimed after receiving a Twitter death threat in August. Under Federal law, this may put her on the hook for felony wire fraud.
The two “independent journalists” in question are tech journalist and self-described “fan of 4chan” Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart, and Davis Aurini, the cigarette-smoking, scotch-drinking, Anton LaVey-looking blogger who’s trying to raise money to make a “documentary” about the evils of Anita Sarkeesian and “social justice warriors.”
Both journalists – well, the one dude who writes for a sleazeball right-wing site and the other dude who’s not actually a journalist at all – did indeed contact the San Francisco Police Department and were told by a media spokesman that he couldn’t find a record of Sarkeesian contacting them about the threats she received in August.
This bit of “news” sent #GamerGaters and other Sarkeesian-haters around the internet into a bit of a frenzy.
But it turns out they got worked up over nothing. The police spokesman just hadn’t looked hard enough. A day after Tweeting a number of accusatory questions to Sarkeesian, Yiannopoulos had to backtrack, noting in a series of Tweets that he’d had another conversation with the SFPD, who told him that Sarkeesian had in fact reported the harassment to the FBI.
Another writer posted emails he’d gotten from the police spokesman that seemed to confirm Yiannopoulos’ updated information. In the emails, SFPD Public Information Officer Albie Esparza said that Sarkeesian had indeed contacted the SFPD in August but that the case had been handed off to the FBI. (I’ve confirmed this with Esparza .)
Given that the main “proof” that Sarkeesian was lying about the threats she said she received had just vanished into thin air, you might expect that Roosh and Aurini might, you know, correct their now-clearly incorrect posts on the subject and retract their accusations. Well, not so much.
Roosh’s post remains up, with only a brief “update” at the end, noting that “the police have changed their story and now state that they were contacted.” Aurini’s post remains unchanged, and as I write this he’s posted nothing more on the subject.
Even considering the people we’re dealing with here, the hypocrisy is breathtaking.
Roosh ends his post by declaring that
these new revelations concerning Sarkeesian show that no form of media is safe from the SJW and feminist agenda, and that we must do all the fact checking ourselves. The entire media establishment in the United States is potentially corrupt. Proceed accordingly.
Yet he refuses to frankly acknowledge that the “new revelations concerning Sarkeesian” were based on faulty information, offering instead a weasel-worded “update.”
Aurini, for his part, claims in his post to be “fight[ing] for openness and integrity within Tech and Video Game circles.” But he hasn’t bothered to update his post.
When ethical journalists discover that they were wrong about something, they acknowledge their errors and post straightforward corrections. When they get something spectacularly wrong, they apologize.
Somehow I don’t think we’ll be getting apologies from either of these guys.
And thus we get to the whole wire fraud thing. In his post, Roosh repeated a claim made by Mike Cernovich of the “game” blog Danger and Play, who tweeted:
As it turns out, there’s zero proof that Sarkeesian lied about anything here. And she made no direct connection between the threats and her Tweet asking for donations.
Indeed, by Cernovich’s logic it’s Davis Aurini, not Anita Sarkeesian, who’s guilty of felony wire fraud. Why?
Because in his post, he made a direct connection between his accusations against Sarkeesian and his own fundraising efforts. Here’s how he ended his piece:
Personally, I’d like to see a lot MORE documentation on Sarkeesian, because this isn’t the only claim she’s made which I suspect is fraudulent – and not just her, but all of the individuals hiding behind the shield of Social Justice, and the journalists who have been aiding and abetting them, culminating in outrage known as #GamerGate. That’s why Jordan Owen and myself have started a Patreon page, so that we can create a feature-length documentary about these people and their methods, and how they bully and victimize the very people they claim to support.
So please help us get this documentary made, so that we can fight for openness and integrity within Tech and Video Game circles, and expose the professional victims for the con artists that they are. Please support our documentary, The Sarkeesian Effect: Inside the World of Social Justice Warriors.
Given that Aurini now knows that his post was based on faulty information, and given that he hasn’t corrected his post or retracted his insinuations, could he now be guilty of felony wire fraud?
For what it’s worth, I don’t think so. While admittedly I’m no lawyer, Cernovich’s logic seems to me like a bit of a stretch.
I do feel safe in saying, however, that neither Roosh V. nor Davis Aurini should be lecturing anyone about ethics.
UPDATE: I confirmed with the SFPD that Sarkeesian had indeed called the SFPD and that the case was handed off to the FBI; the post has been updated to reflect that.
Sounds like my kind of coffee, actually. I add my own sweeteners, too! 😛
I definitely recognize this feeling. 😀
Most of the Scandinavians I know have been Finns for some reason, and most of them consumed more vodka than any sort of caffeinated beverage (and yes, I realize this says more about me that these were my friends than it says about Finland), but now that you mention it none of them ever put milk in their coffee and nor did my Swedish coworker. I’m fine with milk-free Arabic coffee, but the idea of not putting milk in the Italian or French stuff sounds like an ulcer waiting to happen. No sugar? Fuck that, me and my sweet tooth will be over here surreptitiously adding an extra spoonful.
(I do like less sugar in iced coffee than in the hot stuff, though. Not quite sure why, similarly sugared iced coffee just tastes too sweet to me for some reason. I like less milk in the iced version too.)
BTW, Bay Area people who like really strong coffee, Blue Bottle does this iced coffee at the locations that have the special cold brew coffee making machine they imported from Japan (it’s only at the Mint Plaza and Oakland locations I think?) that is as thick as Arabic coffee, but bitter as hell. I grew up on Arab coffee and couldn’t drink the stuff even after sneakily adding milk and sugar. It’s served in a little shot glass and it will kick your ass.
Ditto. I drink my iced coffee/Americano black, and I’ve often tried (and failed) to remember why I started. I suspect it’s partly because granulated sugar doesn’t dissolve properly and I can never get the balance right with simple syrup. Also, I worked at a place that did cold brew and I’ve learned to make it at home, and that makes a huge difference in both flavor and acidity.
I’m learning to take my hot coffee black as well, but you’re right, it’s very rough on the stomach. I don’t even really like milk in it, but it helps take the edge off if it’s not particularly good coffee.
Re: tea as a product of colonialism. I read a historical reference of an 18th century Englishperson, who commented that a drink made from a plant grown on the other side of the world, sweetened with another plant grown across the Atlantic, cost less per serving than ale made twenty miles away. Mercantilism!
Tea is wonderful.
Alaskan, but slightly heretical because I think coffee is ew. All the ew. The general preference seems to be blacker than midnight (in December).
We do actually have one herbal tea species, too!
Labrador tea: make it weak, because bad things happen if it’s too strong or you drink too much. It kind of has narcotic properties, if made too strong… Well, and is a bit toxic in too strong brews.
It’s safe when weak.
Kind of a nice flavor, though.
I just saw it now Kitteh. Beautiful! Thank you. Oh, another meme picture for here…ok 2 others.
My great grandmother grew up in England. Yet, tea was never big in our family. I don’t recall ever seeing my grandmother drink it. My mom and I both only drink it occasionally. It never occurred to me until now that that is weird. I don’t know if my great grandmother was a big tea drinker but I’m guessing not if my grandmother didn’t care for it. We’re all coffee drinkers. Neither my mother or I put milk or cream in our coffee. I usually buy hazelnut flavored grounds and drink it black. If I get coffee out I do sometimes put sugar in it but never do at home. I guess with hot beverage tastes my Norwegian ancestry is beating out the English.
@Weirwoodtreehugger, I am holding back..oh heretic, heretic heretic 😛
I am a coffee addict. Look, I have both severe depression and asthma that will turn severe if it isn’t stomped with lots of chemicals, right? Coffee has antidepressant effects and works as a bronchodilator. My coffee addiction is totally justified.
*Thumps chest, horks up yellow glob, looks at yellow glob with mistrust.*
Yes, I just had my first cup and it opened things a bit, why do you ask?
For a very bracing taste and/or when you’re sick,spike your coffee with a few drops of peppermint essential oil. JUST a few drops.
As far as ” She must be lying!” I got death threats for standing up for a friend on a different site. I didn’t take them seriously because there was no reason to, the troll in this case was known to be living in Canada.
It seems ridiculous that people would threaten her life over video game critiques, but I totally believe it happened.
I’m stealing this, and you can’t stop me! (though I will credit you when I use it).
My justification for my coffee habit is the same as my justification for my sweet tooth: I’ve already quit drinking and smoking, so I’m all willpowered out for the time being, and anyway what’s a little caffeine and sugar compared to booze and tobacco? Right? Now gimme another cupcake.
Don’t you mean a cappuccino chocolate cupcake? (I’ll have two, please)
Erlach! I’ve never been much for sweets and I avoid caffeine. (Sneak is the big sugar bug in the system.) I’m always paranoid that I’ll get hooked on a bad habit, since I’ve already had the eating disorder and overexercise as problems.
My one exception is fancy dark chocolate. Sooo good.
Thanks so much. I love this site and just used this article to slap down a MRA douche on FB on a page I am on who tried to say the threats were fake. 🙂