a voice for men doxing entitled babies gross incompetence incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats post contains jokes

A Voice for Men's Attila Vinczer is trying to "dox" me. It's not going well for him so far.

Not Attila Vinczer
Not Attila Vinczer

This morning I found a strange message in my notifications on Twitter:

Mr. Vinczer followed up this perplexing tweet with a bunch more insinuating that I’m a “hack,” a “pathological liar,” a “criminal,” and so on — as well as some links to what he apparently sees as “dirt” about me. (More on the latter in a moment.)

Apparently Vinczer — the “Activia Director” for men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men and the son of the genius who designed that AVFM commemorative coin — was stung by my gentle criticism of his father’s coin-designing skills.

So he has decided to dox me, apparently going as far as hiring a private detective to look into my allegedly sordid life.

So far his doxing of me is not going very well, in that the “dirt” he has dug up about me is either wildly inaccurate, not particularly “infamous”– or not information about me, specifically, at all.

His most serious not-quite accusation: That I’m a criminal. His proof? He’s dug up a 2008 arrest record for some other guy named David Futrelle, roughly a decade older than me, with a different middle initial, and living nearly 900 miles away from me. This man — frankly, he seems like an embarrassment to all of us David Futrelles — was charged with the crime of “possessing stolen goods.”

In case anyone is wondering, I’ve never been arrested. Except once, by campus police, for participating in a sit-in protesting apartheid. (The charges were later dropped.)

The other, er, “information” Attila has dug up is, while actually related to me and not to some other guy, is just a teensy bit inaccurate.


Attila L. Vinczer ‏@Alvhun 9h  Who is @DavidFutrelle ? …      Reply     Retweet     2 Favorited  David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 2h  @Alvhun Yes, you got me. "David Futrelle is a U.S. company located in 147broadst, AMFOHARE, Illinois." My phone # is indeed 773 555-4444      Reply     Retweet     Favorite     Delete  Attila L. Vinczer ‏@Alvhun 2h  @DavidFutrelle Bullseye. 3:18 PM - 15 Jul 2014 · Details Hide conversation      Reply     Retweet     Favorite  Tweet text Reply to @Alvhun   David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 1h  @Alvhun Feel free to give me a call. That number again is 773 555-4444. I'll just hanging out in my home in AMFOHARE, Illinois.

NOTE: There is no city named AMFOHARE, Illinois, nor do any real telephone numbers in the US start with 555.

He has also managed to figure out that I have (gasp!) practiced journalism.

And he’s suggested that I might be, er, the Antichrist:

But two can play at this game. So I have begun digging up information about this Attila guy. And what I have discovered so far is shocking.


David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle  @Alvhun Attila Viczer, is this you?  Were you the ruler of the Huns from 434 until your death in 453?

David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle  @Alvhun Attila, were you responsible for "so many murders and blood-lettings that the dead could not be numbered?"

He’s been pretty cagey so far about his career as Number One Hun.


David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 2h  @Alvhun Attila Viczer, did you plunder the Balkans, and attempt to conquer Roman Gaul and Rome itself, devestating northern Italy?      Reply     Retweet     Favorite     Delete  Attila L. Vinczer ‏@Alvhun 1h  @DavidFutrelle Can you be more specific professor of lies. 3:16 PM - 15 Jul 2014 · Details Hide conversation      Reply     Retweet     Favorite  Tweet text Reply to @Alvhun   David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 1h  @Alvhun You know what you did, Attila! The Roman Gauls will not forget!

And neither will I.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Attila Vinczer is not actually the “Activia Director” of AVFM. He is the “Activism Director.” Activia is yogurt that makes you poop, allegedly. He is also not Attila the Hun, as far as I know.



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kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I’ve been wondering what the hell Activia was.

What tossers these guys are.

10 years ago

Watching Vinczer try to dox you is kind of like watching a train crash into a sunset or something. It’s terrible, but you can’t look away.

10 years ago

My actual real PIs have taken an actual real photo of this “David Futrelle”s neighbourhood

10 years ago

On another note, the worst thing about it is that he probably views himself as some kind of mastermind genius or something.

10 years ago

Wow. That’s just s little bit desperate on their part.

Faint Praise
Faint Praise
10 years ago

Has Vinczer ever said anything good about you? Anything?

10 years ago

just a little*

Curse you, typos!

10 years ago

Viscaria, I thought David lived here.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

serrana, I’m hearing those cats:

I’m David!

No, I am David!

10 years ago

I can’t help myself

10 years ago

Of course, Atilla left out the most important piece of information: David is not only a criminal from Illinois, he’s also several hundred people in the comment section!

10 years ago

He’d probably have a way easier time digging up all the places articles you’ve written, and who you wrote them for, if he looked at the part of your personal website that lists them.

10 years ago

No one has yet been able to officially confirm that this “David Futrelle” is not actually the real alien basis for the Alf TV show. Coincidence??

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

David Futrelle once dressed up as a woman to cross teh Atlantic more cheaply. The boat sank. Coincidence?

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

How the hell did the PI not find out that David is a whole bunch of ferrets and cats? O_o

10 years ago

My Gaul Janissaries were very interested in this mans personal information…

Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
10 years ago

“This man — frankly, he seems like an embarrassment to all of us David Futrelles…”

Long time listener, first time caller – I did a little spit-take upon reading that line. It gave me a bit of a chuckle, which tends to happen when I read your blog. Thank you.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
10 years ago

Is it just me, or does that guy look like the villain from a 1980s action movie?

He’s about as inept as one, anyway

10 years ago

He’s set a PI to ‘dig up the dirt’ on you? Hahahahaha!

10 years ago

Darnit, all my Antichrist jokes are in-jokes from Slacktivist. Poo.

At least Mr. Vinczer is canny and knows better than to come over here and beg us to get in touch with David, he might be in trouble, I’m not saying he did anything, but wow is he in trouble.

10 years ago

I love the “as far as I know” disclaimer on the Attila the Hun claim. That’s just a perfect ending punctuation for this foolishness.

I had figured Dave Futrelle was from CATmandu. It seems obvious when you think about it.

10 years ago

What the hell is a “non living fact”? David, do you have those? I don’t have those.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Attila: “Bullseye”

I love that you’re playing the AVFM game of making “accusations” in the form of a question and then not biting when he tries to prompt you to say something defamatory. GOOD STRATEGY. Because did I ever mention that Attila claims to have 25 personal lawsuits in progress? I kid you not.

10 years ago

I’m confused about living versus non living facts. If he’s trying to find out facts about David’s life, what would non living facts even be? Also, facts aren’t living things in the first place.

10 years ago

Man, I’d hate to be a PI. I imagine most of the jobs you get are shit like this.

RE: serrana

What the hell is a “non living fact”?

Ask Hades. Dude’s gotta ton of ’em!

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