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Reddit MRA upvote brigade to the rescue! Or, the Battle of the Urban Dictionary Atheism+ Definition

Reddit MRAs, heeding the call to service, once again prove what dedicated activists they are. Check out the upvotes on this baby!

Today Urban Dictionary, tomorrow the world! (Also, check out those tags!)

Oh, and in case you were wondering, Reddit MRAs also wield a mean downvote; see definition numero dos.

Of course, Man Boobzers reign supreme where it really counts: the Rationalization Hamster meme!

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Tony Sidaway (@TonySidaway)

That’s pretty self-defeating. What they’re saying, though they don’t seem to realise it, is “Atheism+ is something that really gets women-hating atheists very angry.”

12 years ago

If the MRAs were smart, they’d spam a whole bunch of definitions to push the actual one further down. No one with three brain cells is going to question which one is a definition and which one is bald-faced propaganda.

Also, it’s very polite of them to prove the necessity of Atheism+ so definitively.

Course all of this would be more worrying if anybody actually went to Urbandictionary to learn what a movement is rather than, say, to find out what those kids mean when they say ‘twerkin.’

12 years ago

Cannot stop laughing at the rationalization hamster meme. Sums it up pretty good!

12 years ago

Still amazed that people are whining about people “redefining atheism”. These people really need to look into the definition of “plus”.

12 years ago

OMG, the first hamster made me snorfle at my desk, and then promptly forward the image to several people who wanted to know why I was laughing. Aces plus.

12 years ago

So is this the r/atheism equivalent of the Great Schism?

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Gah, and I found this one: although it only has a small number of votes and has been there for almost a year.

Who is Redwolf_JM?

An lnconvenient Truth
An lnconvenient Truth
12 years ago

American Girlyban? Yep, sounds about right.

Citizen Justin
12 years ago

Hmmm, I thought Men’s Movement was something different. I thought it was all those guys banging drums about 20 years ago.

12 years ago

I did my part for the gynocracy today by downvoting the MRM definition and upvoting the correct definition.
Being a traitor to my gender never felt so good.

12 years ago

What in the world does Sipp E. Cupp have to do with anything that she’s in the tags on that definition? I don’t pay much attention to her, admittedly. Did she write the quote given after the definition?

12 years ago

if a man committed the same crime–say, sawing off his wife’s boobies–he is suddenly called a criminal.

I shouldn’t be surprised that, if they’re still on about Valerie Solanas, they’d still be on about Lorena Bobbitt. And yet, strangely enough, I am. Go figure.

12 years ago

Turns out that chopping off body parts IS actually against the law. Lorena Bobbitt was charged with a crime, and ultimately found not guilty by reason of insanity by the jury.

Interesting sidepoint — 1993 is the same year that all 50 states finally got around to making marital rape a crime. Chopping off body parts = illegal. Raping your wife, on the other hand, was NOT illegal for many years in this country.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Crap. Didn’t embed.

12 years ago

I am not an atheist, so I guess I don’t have a dog in this fight, but it seems like anyone who believes that there is no God, is an atheist. So on those grounds alone, Atheism Plus seems to be an atheistic movement (duh).
I don’t see what the issue is here. Plenty of religions also delve into social issues, so why shouldn’t atheism get involved, too? Atheists aren’t just “atheists” in a vacuum, they’re also women, racial/ethnic minorities, LGBTQ, and/or disabled.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hmmm, I thought Men’s Movement was something different. I thought it was all those guys banging drums about 20 years ago.

Yeah, I vaguely remember that. I imagine it would be dismissed by these morons as feminising men or some such thing. This “movement” is the sort that should have “bowel” in front of it, though it’s considerably less useful.

12 years ago

Choofums, did you actually have anything to say or did you just want to make sure we knew that you were firmly allied with atheist misogynist scumbags as well as theistic ones?

12 years ago

@An lnconvenient Truth
Girlyban, really?
I had to read the actual article to know what the fuck it meant, because it sounds like something about banning girls, but then I realize it’s actually meant to evoke “Taliban”, which is just as absurd.

Skyborn Rocket
Skyborn Rocket
12 years ago


Kinda sorta. There’s backlash starting to develop in the online atheist community against the MRAs that are in their midst. It wasn’t their main beef so they ignored it, but lately there’s been a couple notable large outbursts of asshattery from those who are MRAs that were fairly public, making them consider it seriously. So… there is a bit of a split developing, yeah.

12 years ago

I have to note that I find it interesting that they like to throw around the term “bully” so much. It demonstrates that a lot of nerds do have a persecution complex. Admittedly, a lot of nerds who do have one got it for very good reasons, but it’s gotten to the point where they see anyone telling them they’re wrong as a bully. In other words, this may not just be a sexism issue. This is outright paranoia, and they’re especially hard on women because so many of them are angry Nice Guys(tm) and therefore think all women who don’t tell them what unique and special snowflakes they are are just as bad as the guys who wedgied them in high school.

I don’t know what you say to such people. I’m like them in a lot of ways (without some of the more productive twists and turns in my educational history, i very well might have grown up to be a libertarian) but I wasn’t bullied nearly as much as a lot of them were, and most of my close friends were female in high school, so although I had a few unrequited crushes (one of whom is one of my very best friends in the world), it’s hard for me to put myself in the paranoid, hateful mindset they seem to thrive in. Shaming them is necessary but probably counterproductive in the short run.

12 years ago


Well, TheAmazingAtheist is well on his way to being a pariah, but he’s just a drop in the bucket.

12 years ago


The Taliban recently shot a 14-year-old girl for daring to encourage girls to get an education in Pakistan. They have said if she survives, they’ll try again.

And you’re comparing a bunch of atheist feminists to that?

You seriously need to re-examine your fucking life.

Skyborn Rocket
Skyborn Rocket
12 years ago

I’m aware, but I was of the impression that there were other incidents, at conferences and the like in addition to online, that got some of the others who are more notable in the community to start to speak up about various bullshit going on. Notably there was a shitfit thrown over criticism that conferences held by the secular/atheist community should have clear anti-sexual harassment policies while the currently are only covered under “may eject if disruptive” ones.

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