$MONEY$ dozens of upvotes evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men pussy pass reddit

Redditor: Do Your Bit for Gender Equality by Telling Women They’re Terrible

Hey fellas, do you ever find yourself wondering: why are women so terrible? Well, over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella named osaap has a partial answer: because dudes don’t criticize them enough!

So, fellas, the next time you see a woman, tell her she’s a mean, thoughtless, selfish, lazy little bitch, and that you won’t be giving her a “pussy pass” any longer. You’ll be doing your part for real gender equality. Pay it forward, by putting her down.

Judging from the dozens of upvotes osaap’s post got, and the almost-100% positive response it received from commenters there, it sounds like a lot of Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers are on board with this ingenious new form of activism.

This post is mostly

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12 years ago

Yes I will be so happy when they actually start designing clothing for women and not pixies.
That gap at the back of the jeans happens to me too. I take a two inch long piece of elastic, stretch it on the back of the waist band and sew it on. It gathers the waistband in a bit. Otherwise, you have to take the waistband off and sew in a dart and reattach the waistband.

12 years ago

Yes I will be so happy when they actually start designing clothing for women and not pixies.
That gap at the back of the jeans happens to me too. I take a two inch long piece of elastic, stretch it on the back of the waist band and sew it on. It gathers the waistband in a bit. Otherwise, you have to take the waistband off and sew in a dart and reattach the waistband.

Clever! My pathetic sewing skills might even be up to that, so I’ll have to try that sometime. 🙂

(Also, honestly, I think even pixies would generally be screwed over by most clothing design, because the way the fashion industry interprets “person-shaped” is often completely bizarre. I have joked before that I believe women’s clothing must be manufactured in Plato’s cave.)

12 years ago


To be fair, I don’t think he’s really aware that men possess individuality either.


I shall have to try that waistband trick!

12 years ago


I wear high heels because RooshV and Roussy told me to. Now you say I shouldn’t wear them? Which misogynist am I supposed to obey?

12 years ago


*pillowinhell stes off for Platos cave to draw better patterns for womens clothing on the cave walls*

Hey with luck, it will be as beautiful as the ancient bull paintings!!

12 years ago

I wear high heels because RooshV and Roussy told me to. Now you say I shouldn’t wear them? Which misogynist am I supposed to obey?

A few weeks ago, NWO told us that women should wear whatever it is that men tell them to. Of course he never provides a solution to the problem of exactly which men those women should listen to (I`m guessing it`s NWO though)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago


What a slut!

I bet she gets a Pussy Pass on all sorts of bad behavior—scratching people, pooping in places that aren’t the toilet, throwing up on other people’s carpets and just walking away as if it’s no big deal!

I bet she can even get high off of “completely legal” “marijuana related product” and not even go to jail like all MEN would.

12 years ago

Ooh… I got a callout at Anti-manboobz. I am a religious fundamentalist (along with Ruttee, we, according to M. Varpole, see eye to eye on everything).

12 years ago

@ katz – that kitty is looking for a tom kitty wearing tight pants!

12 years ago

Dude, where do you live that all women dress like this all the time?

NWO basically lives in the awesomest place on earth.

12 years ago

Am I the only who found himself suddenly humming Tom Jones after seeing Katz’ picture?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I feel like tackling NWO’s fractal wrongness, I’m picking the bit addressed to Pecunium as NWO’s almost got a bit of prose going with it, thus making the “as opposed to…” easy to fix.

“never have sex with anyone but, “The Right Man”
As oppossed to fuck lotsa men and leave them?

No, as in have sex as you like, regardless whether it’s a serious thing, or whether he leaves you; which may include leaving lots of men, or women, or being left by lots of men, or women, or some combination thereof.
“don’t tease men by being hot in public”
As oppossed to being loyal and hot for one man?

No, as in never going out in public because you might be seen as teasing men; which may apply to women “loyal and hot for one man” or women with many men, or no men!
“take care of the kids, the house”
As oppossed to not doing either?

No, as in doing one, or both, with help from the father of the kids; which is not when the MRM wants.
“be self-supporting”
As oppossed to using sex/gender to skate thru life?

No, as in admitting that “no man is an island”; which is the opposite of “self-supporting” and has nothing to do with gender.
“be able to maintain a decent conversation”
As oppossed to yesterdays thread of saying fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck?

No, as in discussing things that may or may not be being discussed just to please a man; which may fucking involve liberal fucking use of the fucking word fuck, got a fucking problem?
“never divorce”
As oppossed to getting divorced if you’re bored? Women #1 excuse.

No, as in being able to divorce abusive partners, partners who’ve deserted the marriage; which both apply to men and women (and others!) and do actually happen.
“never complain”
As oppossed to always bitching and being a drama queen?

No, as in complain instead of festering in hatred; which is really much healthier and something we all wish you’d learn how to do NWO.

What are men thinking?
As opposed to what are people thinking about you?

Pecunium, my apologizes if I missed your original points, but I really want to tear that entire post apart and am restraining myself to the prose form (that was kind of harder than I expected actually, he’s so wrong). And apologizes to everyone for bending “which” (and the rest of English) to make that work.

12 years ago

How amazing that these men don’t find it insulting AT ALL that they expect all women everywhere to CONTROL ALL MEN’S BEHAVIOR by acting in ways specifically laid out by said men through, I dunno, magical ESP!

I mean, because obviously it’s TOTALLY NOT SEXIST for MRAs to go on about how all men are controlled by their cocks and can’t seem to spend one second making a rational or intelligent decision without letting “Mr. Hyde” out of his pants because an attractive woman walked by. *rolls eyes sarcastically*

Except that this is BULLSHIT. Men, women, everyone- all of us must take responsibility for OUR OWN BEHAVIOR. When you were 5 and you put glue in Cindy Butkis’s pigtails, you tried to blame the closet monster, but no one believed your shit and you had to fess up. You’re not 5 years old anymore- you’re a FUCKING ADULT. Therefore, take responsibility for your actions- don’t go around raping people, don’t go around assaulting people or stalking/harassing them and if you DO engage in these heinous and terrible crimes, for Pete’s sake, STOP making half-assed “well I wasn’t in control of myself” excuses for your behavior.

Seriously. Her skirt didn’t make you do it. YOU made you do it.

I find it kind of horrifying that most of us feminists think far better of men and expect much more human and intelligent behavior than the bulk of the MRAs who go on about how they support men’s rights. Yeah. They only support [certain, white, heterosexual, monotheistic, upper-middle class] men’s rights to do whatever the fuck they want without repercussions.

12 years ago

Additionally, “rights” does not mean “rights to do whatever the fuck you want while everyone else has to abide by the rules and/or be victimized by you without any recourse.”

12 years ago

I find it kind of horrifying that most of us feminists think far better of men and expect much more human and intelligent behavior than the bulk of the MRAs who go on about how they support men’s rights.

Yeah, I get a kick out of that too.

They complain about stereotypes of men as thuggish and violent, and then say that they`ll prove people wrong by…by making thuggish and violent threats.

12 years ago

One of the best (worst) examples came from the ever-awful Girlwriteswhat, who compared dressing sluttily to covering yourself in honey and taunting hungry bears. Thanks for reducing men to ravenous animals, GWW.

12 years ago

NWO: That litany of yours, of course, ignored the context. You hold women to impossible standards, while holding men to none.

No men, ever, walk around in tight sleeveless shirts? Right… to the park in the summer. Tight muscle shirts, and guys playing B-ball with no shirts.

No guy ever says fuck, or cunt, or whore: they are all paragons of clean language.

Women are supposed to be 1: self-supporting, and 2: Stay at home moms. If they are divorced (for whatever reason) they are to rear the kids; without help, and let the father have a full say in every aspect of their lives.

And so on.

12 years ago

Polliwog: (Also, honestly, I think even pixies would generally be screwed over by most clothing design, because the way the fashion industry interprets “person-shaped” is often completely bizarre. I have joked before that I believe women’s clothing must be manufactured in Plato’s cave.)

I have the same problem. I am not shaped like the “average” man. I am small waisted, average height, and possessed of just a bit less than average arms; while being long in the torso.

Nothing quite fits. The worst of it is the jeans. I wear 501s, because they shrink, and I can buy the smallest size they make. I recently discovered Blackhawk tactical pants, which have both an elasticised waistband AND a silicone strip, which keeps my shirts in.

They aren’t cheap, but they wear well and LA Police Gear had them on sale, so I could afford to buy several pair.

12 years ago

Argenti: Pecunium, my apologizes if I missed your original points, but I really want to tear that entire post apart and am restraining myself to the prose form (that was kind of harder than I expected actually, he’s so wrong).

No worries, you seem to get my meaning pretty well.

12 years ago

I have a pretty androgynous body shape. I can easily find jeans that fit (no, really!), so apparently my lower body approaches some kind of ideal female shape. My upper body however, does not. I have pretty wide shoulders, pretty muscular arms, and no boobs to speak of. Therefore I usually combine jeans with men’s shirts, which fit me well. Do I get a medal for not wearing slutty female upper body clothing?

12 years ago

For Dvärghundspossen 🙂

12 years ago

>Wouldn’t the solution be to teach women/girls not to act like animals in heat.

You heard it, girls, stop maiming the men who fail to sexually please you (like cats), stop biting the men whom you don’t want to have sex with (like dogs) and stop eating the men who just had sex with you (like some insects).

Seriously, every woman complaining that she does not get enough love should simply stop biting off men’s heads in mid-coitus.

I am one hundred percent serious.

12 years ago

The tight “skinny jeans” were quite the thing with the hipsters fairly recently, or so I had observed. Hipster slut boys.

12 years ago

I’m wondering where NWO lives that he’s managed not to see any men in tight pants, or anything sleeveless.

(In terms of the idea that women never wear anything that isn’t short, sleeveless, and cleavage-baring, all at the same time, I assume that’s just his feverish imagination at work as usual.)